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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 SoYou Were Using Me 

Marion had not had a chance to explain before receiving a barrage of messages from Cassie

[Your relationship has progressed so quickly!

[Has Lucas been secretly in love with all these years? And you’re married now, aren’t you?

[Haha, being at Lucas’s place at this hour, is going to drive that scum outside crazy!

[Are you planning to spend the night at Lucas’s place? Oh, sorry, I should say at your home. You’re married now. Your marriage home!

[You’re amazing! I’m impressed! Lucas is worth it, but don’t go too far. Remember to use protection. I won’t disturb you anymore!

Marion’s hands trembled as she read Cassie’s messages. Her phone slipped from her grasp and 

landed on the bed with a thud

At the same time, the bathroom door opened. Lucas, who was wearing a bathrobe, emerged. A refreshing scent followed him. His short, wet hair hung casually over his head, and water droplets traced down his sharp features, dripping onto his chest, following the contours of his muscular 


Lucas’s skin gleamed, radiating a captivating glow beneath the black bathrobe. Marion was captivated by the sight of the water droplets and momentarily lost her composure. She quickly averted her gaze

After drying his has, Lucas casually tossed the towel into the laundry bin in the bathroom. He glanced at Marion, walked into the living area, and picked up two highball glasses, then grabbed a bottle of 

red wine

Care for a drink? It helps with sleep.” 

Marion was flustered. I’d like to talk to you.” 

Thank you,she added as she accepted the glass

When her fingertips accidentally brushed against his, the cool touch made her finger twitch

Marion quickly lowered her head and took a sip of the red wine

Courage,she told herself

Lucas placed the red wine on the small coffee table nearby, dragged a single chair to her side, sat down with his legs stretched forward, and fixed his dark gaze on her

What do you want to talk about?” 

After just having showered, a refreshing aura emanated from him. Even though it was cool in the room, Marion felt her face warming up. The red wine she had just tasted was rich and aromatic,

Chapter 44 So You Were Using Me 

truly fine bottle


Marion bit her lip and sat up straighter. Regarding our marriage, I believe you should know why I married you.” 

Lucas swirled the red wine in his glass. I see. Why did you marry me?” 


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