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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 444

Chapter 444 I Want to Cuddle You to Sleep 

He looked at her with a smirk. I want to look at the moon for a little longer. After all, my dear Marion doesn’t allow me to gaze at her.” 

Marion felt a bit awkward and did not dare to ask further. She hurried back to her room and climbed onto the bed

Standing outside on the balcony had left her hair in a bit of a mess

Pulling the thin blanket over herself, Marion glanced at the balcony. Aren’t 

you tired?” 

She had to get up early tomorrow morning for training, and they would not see each other for the whole day. On this rare night together, Marion wanted to cuddle with him

She did not know why, but holding Lucas made her feel peaceful. A hint of indescribable joy would well up from the depths of her heart, making her feel content and happy

Lucas glanced at her and answered with action. He closed the balcony doors and sat on the edge of her bed. I haven’t showered yet.” 

Oh!Marion felt a bit disappointed. Well, then, should I go to sleep first?” 

He nodded and reached out to ruffle her hair

Marion yawned again, her eyes filling with sleepiness

Seeing that she was indeed tired, Lucas did not disturb her further. “Go to sleep.” 

He pulled the blanket over her and got up. However, as he stood, he felt his sleeve being tugged

Marion looked at him, feeling slightly embarrassed as she said, Can you shower quickly

She lowered her head, unable to meet his dark gaze. I want to cuddle you to sleep.” 

Realizing how shameless she sounded, Marion pulled the blanket higher, covering herself entirely. Through the blanket, she weakly muttered, I’m sleeping, I’m sleeping!” 

Lucas looked at the bulge of the blanket, his throat tightening slightly as his dark eyes 

darkened further

He watched for a couple of seconds before heading towards the wardrobe

Only after hearing the sound of the bathroom door close did Marion lower the blanket to 

Cuddle You to Sleep 


peck out with her eyes. She glanced around the room, making sure Lucas had indeed gone to shower, before finally mustering the courage to stick her head out

Thinking about what she had just said, Marion could not help but cover her face

What a shameless thing to say

How could she even say something like that?! 

After calming down for a moment, Marion regained her composure

The drowsiness was becoming more evident. She lay on her side, staring at the bathroom door, counting

Just count to 100

If he hasn’t come out by then, it’s time to sleep!‘ 

However, she only managed to count up to 18 before her fighting eyelids closed, and she drifted off to sleep

Lucas emerged from the shower to find Marion already fast asleep in bed

He raised an eyebrow slightly, amused


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