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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 He Had Not Cherished What He Had 

The night was exceptionally quiet. The car outside the villa had yet to leave. Jameson watched as the last light in the villa went out

His hand, holding a cigarette, trembled slightly, and a bitter taste surged in his mouth

He knew that for the night, Marion would not come out of that villa again. She had legally and reasonably moved in with Lucas, having married him

As for him, waiting outside the villa, he could not find any solution to the situation. Perhaps by tomorrow morning, he would witness them leaving the villa together

Jameson did not know how he drove back. Along the way, he felt like a puppet without thoughts, driven only by instinct, returning to the Roycesresidence. The Royceshouse should have been quiet and dark, ready for a peaceful sleep. However, tonight, the Royceshouse was brightly lit. 

Jameson parked the car in the garage, and as he ascended to the second floor, he saw Joseph sitting on the sofa with a cold expression.. 

Where did you go?” 

Bernadette, fearing a confrontation between father and son, walked over and patted Jameson. You came back so late. Is the company very busy?” 

I went to the Cartiers.” 

Upon hearing his words, Joseph snorted coldly. To the Cartiers? Why would you go there? To make a fool of yourself?” 

Thinking about the mocking words from the ladies that day, Bernadette’s expression turned unpleasant

She was never quite satisfied with Marion as her future daughterinlaw. Despite Marion’s influential family, Richard wasn’t cut out for business

Over the years, instead of progressing, their fortune had declined annually

If it were not for Joseph and Richard’s friendship of more than forty years, as well as Marion’s influential family, Bernadette would never have agreed to this match

In the past month, so much had happened, and Marion had publicly humiliated the Royces online. The more Bernadette thought about it, the angrier she became

Jameson, don’t go looking for Marion again. She’s married to Lucas now, and she handled things so decisively. We don’t need to rush to seek her forgiveness!Bernadette said in frustration

Listen to your mother. She’ll introduce you to a better candidate from a wealthy family!” 

Jameson remained silent. He neither agreed nor refused. I’m tired.With that, he turned and went 

upstairs to his room

Chapter 47 He Had Not Cherished What He Had 

Joseph was furious and slammed his tea cup onto the table with a loud crash, startling Bernadette

She glared at Joseph. Do you have the right to be angry? Marion wasn’t your choice for a daughterin -law. Now, thanks to her actions, the Roycesreputation is ruined!” 

Bernadette’s words only fueled Joseph’s anger, and he trembled with rage. How can you still say that? Is this how you teach your son? He ruined his own wedding!” 


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