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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 What’s the Trouble

Kirk’s fans were relatively rational, but there were too many opportunistic individuals stirring up trouble

Marion was directly thrust into the third spot on the trending list, ironically overshadowing the controversy surrounding Sally and Jameson’s overnight stay

It was the first time Marion had witnessed such a massive uproar, and she could not help but feel overwhelmed

Given Kirk’s unique status, Marion did not dare to speak so carelessly. Just as she was about to call Kirk to inquire about how to handle the situation, she received a message from Lon WhatsApp. There were screenshots of the online messages. [Miss Marion, would you like to explain?

Oh no, even her husbandknew about it. Marion felt a momentary panic but quickly regained her composure. After all, she had not done anything wrong. She was merely helping a friend and earning some extra income. Marion organized her thoughts before responding

[Mr. Craig, it’s not what you think! Kirk and I are just friends. He asked me more than two months ago to help with his new album’s piano accompaniment, and I went to record it for him today. Please rest assured. Kirk will address this matter promptly so it should not affect your reputation.

[Regardless, this situation arose because of me, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Can you find it in your heart not to be upset?

[I can’t!

Well, there goes my attempt at lightening the mood,Marion thought to herself

Upon reading Lucas’s message, Marion’s hands trembled

[So, how can I earn your forgiveness?

Marion stared at the screen, but several seconds passed without a reply from Lucas. The top of her phone screen showed Typing‘ 

She pursed her lips, and patiently waited to see if Lucas had any specific requests

[Well, since this is related to me. Stop addressing me so formally.

[So, if I address you more casually, you won’t be angry anymore?


Marion sighed in relief. It was not such a big request after all

Chapter 58 What’s the Trouble


[I’ll have my secretary, Daniel, take down the trending topic.

[Kirk’s side will also remove it-

[What was that?

Even though they were communicating through the phone, Marion could almost imagine the skeptical look on Lucas’s face

[In that case, you go ahead and remove it.


[It’s not a bother for you then?

[Are you busy?

[Not really. I thought you were busy. I don’t have much going on


Marion initially intended to end the conversation, but it seemed like her husband was not quite ready for that

[Is there something on your mind?

[Are you close to Kirk?

[Well, we’ve collaborated a few times, but it’s strictly business.

Given the recent incident, it was normal for Lucas to ask a few more questions, and Marion did not think much of it

[Got it. Next time you have contact with him, inform me in advance. I’ll escort you to avoid misunderstandings.

Marion felt Lucas was trying to be considerate, though it seemed troublesome. [ Isn’t that too much trouble for you?

[Compared to removing the trending topic, this is no trouble at all.


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