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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Why Are You Still So Naive

The news of Jameson and Sally booking a hotel room spread online the entire day. The Royces tried various means to remove the trending topic, but the opposition insisted it could not be taken down. Joseph’s blood pressure skyrocketed, and Bernadette was brought to tears out of frustration

Ever since Jameson’s runaway groom incident, the Roycesreputation deteriorated day by day. They became the subject of mockery in Lumina City’s upper circles. When Marion returned home, she found Richard reading in the living room

The buzz about Jameson’s escapade was rampant today, and Richard, the former fatherinlaw,felt like he had grown calluses on his ears from the gossip

He hesitated as he looked at Marion. There were many things he wanted to say, but in the end, it condensed into a sigh. It’s fortunate that you didn’t marry Jameson.” 

It seemed that Jameson’s abandonment at the altar was not necessarily a bad thing

Marion no longer had the heart to indulge in the gossip surrounding Jameson and Sally’s affair

She agreed wholeheartedly with Richard’s comment. Indeed, that’s exactly how I feel!” 

Richard, who had been worried about his daughter’s distress, was relieved to hear her words. He decided not to bring up the unpleasant topic of Jameson again.Who did Lucas introduce you to today?he asked

In the afternoon, Marion had informed him about Lucas inviting her to a dinner engagement, which surprised Richard

Marion thought about the gathering and hesitated before answering. It’s Kirk, the male celebrity who trended with me on Twitter. He’s Radiant Group’s spokesperson for next year, and I signed a contract with him.” 

Richard was surprised. Was there no one else?” 

Marion felt that it would be awkward to explain it further. No one else.” 

Richard looked at Marion thoughtfully for a moment. It made Marion feel self- conscious. Dad, is there something on my face?she asked

Richard snapped out of his thoughts. No, nothing.He shook his head with a smile and added, Lucas seems to be treating you well.” 

Chapter 72 Why Are You Still So Naive


She was approaching thirty, and yet, why did she feel like she was still so naive? To not concern him, she let her feelings pass

Marion could not quite grasp the situation. She felt like she had been played on the way back

However, she could not refute Richard’s comment, especially since he did not know the details of her marriage to Lucas. Marion quickly changed the subject,Oh, by the way, Dad, Lucas asked me to move in the day after tomorrow” 

So soon?Richard raised his glasses. He seemed to be considering something. Well, it’s better to move in sooner. It’ll prevent the Royces from lingering around. If they see you living separately, they might not let you go.” 

Marion had initially thought she would have to negotiate with her father but was surprised that he thought it was a good idea. She had to swallow her words, Oh, Lucas said the same thing.” 

Richard chuckled. If you’re not happy, you can always move back. There’s no rush for the wedding. If it doesn’t feel right later, you don’t have to worry about it. Just separate.” 

Marion did not expect Richard to be so openminded. She was surprised and touched by his trust. Got it, Dad.” 

Alright, you’ve had a busy day. Take a shower and get some rest. Let the past stay in the past.” 


After Marion finished her shower, she chatted with Cassie for a while. As Marion lay in bed and responded to the messages, she dozed off halfway through

The next morning, Marion woke up to dozens of unread messages

[No way? Then did the socalled dinner engagement with Mr. Craig turn out to be the endorsement contract signing with Radiant Group and Kirk

You and Kirk just trended, and then Mr. Craig takes you to sign a contract with Kirk. Isn’t that a bit too coincidental? Is he not just marking his territory with you


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