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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 The Lady Takes Her Leave 

Marion set her alarm for seven, as Lucas mentioned he would head over at eight in the morning

To be on the safe side, she got up early, washed, and changed into fresh clothes. The room, where she had slept for over twenty years, suddenly felt less inviting. However, her reluctance was quickly dispersed by the sound of a car turning into the villa compound

She hastily turned her wheelchair to the balcony of her room. From her vantage point, she had a clear view of the front gate

It was Lucas! Simultaneously, the second alarm on her phone went off

8:00 am

True to his word, Mr. CraigLucaswas punctual, not a minute too early or late

Richard, who was accustomed to early mornings, had already returned from his run at the time

Howard informed him that Lucas had arrived and was upstairs with Marion. Richard, surprised, set aside his newspaper. Well, go and make a pot of tea!” 

Marion had just come downstairs. Dad?” 

Richard thought she had not woken up yet. Up so early?” 

Yeah, moving today.” 

Amid the fatherdaughter conversation, Lucas had reached the bottom stair. Mr. Cartier.” 

Lucas’s gaze lingered on Richard for a second. Lucas nodded, then turned to Marion. Mar.” 

At the sight of Lucas, Marion reluctantly recalled the dream she had from the previous night

Lucas was dressed in a smooth black shirt that day, devoid of its usual sharp edges. It gave him a laidback and casual look. The shirt was tucked halfway into his pants, showing off his welldefined legs

Marion thought Lucas could easily match the body of a male model with his long, slender build. When their eyes met, her ears turned red instantly. Marion tilted her head, Good morning.” 

Have you had breakfast?Richard asked

Chapter 76 The Lady Takester Leave 


Lucas shifted his gaze to Richard, Not yet, Mar asked me to come early!” 

Marion was stunned by the blatant white lie. What did he mean by that

Richard, too, was surprised. He glanced at his daughter and chuckled. Girls are never to be underestimated.” 

Marion’s face turned crimson, but it was not an appropriate time to explain. She could only swallow the awkwardness and say, I’m so hungry.” 

Richard smiled as he watched his daughter. Let’s have some breakfast.With that, the three of them took their seats

As soon as Marion took her seat, Lucas sat down beside her. The crisp scent of mahogany lingered on her nose, and she subconsciously glanced at Lucas. He kept looking at her. It made her feel uneasy

What would you like to eat?she asked him hesitantly

Anything is fine,Lucas replied


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