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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Please Stop Swaying 

Marion was not happy that he had caught her hand. The alcohol had emboldened her. Mr. Craig, can you stop swaying?” 

She frowned and looked at the constantly swaying Lucas in front of her. She felt as if her head was being spun around by him

Lucas knew Marion was drunk when he heard her speak

He let go of her hand. Sit properly.” 

Marion withdrew her hand and adjusted her posture. She placed both hands on her knees like a kindergarten child sitting up straight. Then, she looked up at him with sparkling eyes, clearly expecting praise. I’m sitting properly now.” 

In her bright eyes, there was an unspoken plea for approval. Praise me! Praise me!it said

Lucas watched her, his Adam’s apple bobbed slightly, and in his deep eyes, there was a hint of amusement. Hmm, very obedient.” 

He reached out and gently touched Marion’s head. His usually cold and firm voice softened. There was a subtle tenderness that was not easily noticeable

Unfortunately, Marion was too drunk to pick up on it

She could not tell the difference, and not only that, she was still fixated on the fact that Lucas was swaying

After sitting for just a few seconds, she bit her lip, raised both hands and covered Lucas’s face

Mr. Craig, please stop swaying, if you keep doing that, I’ll vomit!” 

Due to the height difference, Marion tiptoed to reach Lucas’s face

A drunken person can never gauge their own strength, and Lucas was caught off guard

Marion’s hands covered his face and compressed his cheeks, nose, and lips

Why are you still swaying, Mr. Craig? Can’t you stay still?” 

Marion was almost crying. How was it that even when she held Lucas’s face with her hands, his face was still swaying? Moreover, his face not only swayed but also transformed

Lucas was on the verge of bursting into laughter. He reached out and unclasped Marion’s hands then used his hands to hold her wrists. Close your eyes and go to 


The light outside the car window refracted inside, creating a dazzling play of lights that swept across Marion’s eyes. She turned her head to avoid it. It’s so bright, and it’s flashing!” 

She was captivated by the lights outside the car window and temporarily forgot about Lucas

After watching it for a while, Marion furrowed her brow. It’s swaying. Did we enter a bar? Why are the lights so shaky?” 

She kept mentioning the swaying

Lucas directly pressed her into his arms. You’re drunk. You won’t feel shaky after you sleep.” 

With the back of her head pressed against his chest, Marion could smell the familiar woody fragrance that Lucas always wore. The refreshing scent seemed stronger than usual when they were separated by some distance


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