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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 144

After all, without him in the previous incarnation, Harriet's life wouldn't have ended up into a tragedy. This time, he was reincarnated to avenge Harriet!

"Nora, is this the so-called truth? You trapped me!" Vernon grabbed Nora's wrist fiercely.

He was truly embarrassed today.

"It's not like that. Vernon, please let me explain..."

Nora panicked and tried to hold onto Vernon.


Vernon, however, would no longer be deceived by her lies and directly slapped her hard.

The loud slap was clearly captured by the group of reporters below.

At the wedding scene, the groom and bride suddenly started fighting?

This topic was definitely enough for tomorrow's headlines.

Brad couldn't stand it anymore. He gave Vernon a fierce look, then left the wedding venue in a huff. As the head of the Morton family, he couldn't afford to lose face.

These two idiots were unable to accomplish anything!

Seeing Brad leave and the approaching reporters, Clifton was ashamed too, so he quickly left as well.

As for the trouble caused by Bessie and Nora, they would settle it at home!

"Mr. Vernon, is it all staged by you and Miss Nora?"

"Mr. Vernon, is it because Miss Harriet has made a fool of Miss Nora so that you deliberately targeted her to avenge Miss Nora?"

"Aren't you afraid of Mr. Delbert retaliating against you for doing this?"

All kinds of sharp and incisive questions mercilessly bombarded Vernon and Nora, with reporters almost shoving their microphones in their faces.

"This wedding is such a failure!"


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