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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper novel Chapter 145

Chapter 0145 

I don’t know what to say to him. He has been so patient with me. So willing to wait and to take me as a chosen mate. But there can be no one for me but Rik

He turns to me. I move out of Rik’s arms, closing the distance between us. I’m sor” 

He cuts me off. Don’t. You were always honest with me. I knew you wanted to find your mate and see if it would work. It was a risk I was willing to take.” 

He looks at Rik over my shoulder before looking back at me. You always wanted to find your fated mate. Rik is a good man. He’ll be a good Alpha and a good mate to you. And if he isn’t,he looks back at Rik, You know where to find me.” 

He wipes the tears that I couldn’t contain off my cheeks. Then he pulls a box out of his pocket and hands it to me. Happy birthday.” 

I unwrap the present and open the box, my hands trembling. It’s a stunning silver locket overlaid with silver intertwined vines and in the center is an 

emerald. It’s beautiful.

Open it.He says

When I do, I see on the left side he has somehow found a picture of my parents. It must have been taken before I was born. They look like they are my age. They are looking at each other with so much love in their eyes. On the right side is a picture of my mom holding me as a baby in her arms, my father’s arms wrapped around both of us

I have no idea how he could have found these pictures. I’m beside myself and the tears start to fall again. Liam” 

He kisses my forehead. I have to go away for a while. Take care of yourself.” 

He steps back as Rik steps up wrapping his arms around her waist, looking at the locket over my shoulder

Thank you.” He says to Liam. I know this means a lot to her. To both of us.” 

He nods before getting into his car and driving away. Rik and I stand and watch until his taillights are no longer visible

Are you okay?Rik asks turning me in his arms

Yes.I say softly. As hard as that was, there was no other choice.I look into his beautiful glacial blue eyes. There is only you.” 

+15 BONOS 

He smiles tenderly at me before reaching into his pocket. Would you like to open your gift from me?He says, handing me a box

I tuck the locket back in its box. Rik takes it and puts it into his pocket to hold for me. I take the giftwrapped box and open it. It’s a large heartshaped sapphire pendant with a diamond at the top on a silver chain

I look up at him. Kai and I wanted you and Artemis to know that you have our heart. I know my eyes turn that color when Kai is present, so it represents both of us and the heart is, well, obvious.” 

Artemis pushes forward again. We love you.We say, my voice overlaid with hers


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