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The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) novel Chapter 109

‘Well, what would you call us … if not friends?’ His gaze narrows on me, smile fading and something more serious in its place. Still not moving, like a tall stubborn mannequin and I relent with an exasperated sigh, knowing he has no intention of going again until he decides he’s moving. Talking is on his agenda for some stupid reason.

‘I don’t know … business acquaintances. People coexisting for a mutual benefit, but certainly not friends! Friends like one another, Alexi!’ I point out scathingly, using my bag to point at him and me as though to emphasise my statement, willing him mentally to just walk forward and get in the damn lift I can hear pinging away about twelve feet from us as they open.

‘I like you, so …?’ He shrugs boyishly, expression solemn now and I know he’s just trying to get to me.

I know that’s bullshit and now he is trying to just pull me into another little mind game.

‘Like a sore head, right? Or like a bullet to the kneecap?’ I ask sarcastically, turning and decide to go it alone. He can catch up or I will simply wait downstairs until pig-headed moves his arse. I am done with this weird chatter he has going on.

‘I was going to say you are more like an itch I can’t scratch. Sometimes though, it feels really good, because I am weird with stuff like that.’ He smirks as he comes level with me, finally keeping pace and this time I eyeroll. It’s hard to stay furious or act indifferent when he starts coming out with this nonsense. I wonder if he drank more while getting ready as he’s merrier than I expected and completely on one. If this is him trying to be funny or endearing then it’s not working.

‘There’s something wrong with you,’ I point out, looming closer to the doors and press the button to call one to our floor once more. We only just missed two of them because of his infuriating stalling and God knows how long before the next. It’s a massive hotel with twenty floors.

Alexi stands back a bit, eyes still eating me up shamelessly and I do my best to ignore it. I’m simmering between bad mood and not giving a shit, and if he could just stop antagonising me until we get there then I might actually loosen up a little.

‘You’re what’s wrong with me, London … You just haven’t figured that out yet.’ Alexi moves closer to wait beside me properly, body heat enveloping me like always and that hated tingly effect he has on my nerve endings. I am starting to get used to the fact that my internal horn trigger is sensitive to whatever he exudes and learning to dismiss it a little easier …


I turn to look at him but am interrupted when the lift opens before us. I go to move quickly, relieved I have the excuse to move us apart, but he catches hold of my hand from behind in a soft grip, halting me, and I turn instantly, shocked by the touch.

My heart jumps into my mouth and I lose all bravado when he’s practically nose to nose with me in one easy step forward. The urge to shove him away is stalled by the sudden impact of those haunting eyes so very close to mine. Alexi is practically within kissing distance and I breathe in a heady mix of his scent and the aftershave he reserves for nights out. Thrown by this manoeuvre. He smells divine and it just annoys me all the more.

My body does what I hate; goes limp and submissive when caught in his spell and every single sense hits high alert as a steady flow of goosebumps ripple across every surface of me.

‘I think you might be mentally unstable and that’s what’s actually wrong with you.’ It’s more of a whisper, body reacting to his close proximity and my fire burning out so rapidly it leaves me breathless.

‘Maybe you just make me crazy.’ He utters it so softly I feel the breath of his words against my lips and realise how close we have gotten … Heads angling closer, almost mesmerizingly so.

I clear my throat and move away from him, suddenly conscious of the lack of air between us, shaking his hand from mine and pulling it up to cradle on my chest out of his reach. Aware that he’s in predator mode and this is a seduction move that I almost just let myself be swept into. I should have known this would happen along the way, I just didn’t expect it so soon.

‘Feeling’s mutual, now back off before I knee you in the balls. I told you this was never happening, so fuck off. I mean it!’ I push him hard in the chest and get a smug smirk as he steps back unwillingly. Finally, space again. I brush myself off and inhale to remove the traces of his effects over me. Rattled and body on sexual high alert in the worst possible ways. Sensitive to everything around me now.

‘How do you do it?’ Alexi asks. A random thing to say and I blink at him in surprise, halting my visual shaking him off. Itching to just get in the damn lift but he’s driving me crazy with this.

‘Do what?’ I blink at him, infuriated and ready to drag his arse in there as he stands his ground, eyes on me again, boring intensely into mine. They are back to the almost colourless hue he has most of the time; Rimmed with the darkest grey border that sometimes gives them the look of a wolf or a husky. Weird for a human but it only ever added to his appeal. Alexi has eyes that look like they belong on a vampire or a soulless being.

‘You never give up!’

It’s not a sarcastic or condescending statement, but I know it has to be some sort of jab at me on some level, even if he sounds soft and strange. I would say in awe, but I know that’s wrong and it’s just Alexi being a mind-fuck.

‘Okaaay, you are clearly drunk and being odd. Alexi, sober up or I am going back to my room and you can go dance solo. You’re weirding me out with this shit and I’m over it already.’ I throw my hands on my hips and he sighs heavily.

‘I’m not drunk … I’m just … Never mind. Come on, they’re all waiting downstairs to meet up.’ He finally relents; obviously guessing this is getting him nowhere and starts moving.


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