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The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) novel Chapter 167

I’m bored out of my mind, amusing myself since Alexi left, by watching Netflix in the main sitting room and sprawling out in my new domain. All on my lonesome with the lights on low, the glowing fireplace creating a beautiful ambience in front of me and the sweeping lights of night-time New York to my right. It's semi-dark, peaceful in a cosy and homely sort of way and I’m utterly relaxed in my surroundings. The couches are deep, comfy and large so I’m laid out like Cleopatra and enjoying the size of his massive TV in full HD and an endless list of channels. This place was made for relaxing and I adore it.

For a guy who doesn’t do much of it, he certainly kitted this place out as though he intended to. I wonder if now we are a thing, he will make an effort to spend more time here and try to sit down occasionally and do ‘couple’ things, like watching a movie. He did it the night Feral died and it gives me hope that maybe he might acclimatise to being more domesticated with reason to be so. I personally feel like I could happily transition to cosy nights by the fire curled up beside him and slow lovemaking sessions upstairs afterwards. I could see myself here for a long time, settled, even if I want to yell at him for taking away my choice to do so.

I’m guessing Alexi has set Jackson up to watch the club in my absence tonight and I told him about Rebel before he left. He said he would relay the info to Jackson to have her help him on the floor and ask her to come to see me after we get back from Vegas to sort it out properly. Just another indication I’m under house arrest until further notice and not allowed near my own club. My job, my room, my club … banished. Of course, it riles me, but after my idiotic behaviours, I’m in no standing to argue with him on that front anytime soon.

He didn’t even seem fazed by my objections to being moved here permanently, just shut me down with a kiss and told me to shut up before we started arguing again.

I can’t argue over it while someone out there wants to hurt me, but still …

He’s a wanker sometimes.

Not that it will be a hardship, with this much space, luxurious surroundings and a maid on call who cooks like a dream. Alexi didn’t stay for food. Just showered, informed me that Mrs Capone, yes her actual name, which gave me a solid five-minute giggling fit that earned me an eyebrow-raised stare from him, would feed me whenever I wanted.

It was divine. A cheesy herb pasta of some sort and garlic bread, followed by creamy ice cream and apple pie that still has me stuffed and ready to pop. I also learned when a little old man came trenching down the stairs carrying his boots, she has a husband and they both live here full time.

He is a gardener and handyman and tends to all the plants in the house and whatever needs fixing or sorting out. No idea where he was all evening, but it added to my shame knowing this sweet, wrinkled old man was probably on the bedroom level when Alexi had me wailing like a banshee and screaming his name through one of my many orgasms.

That sex though … it’s left me feeling content and so very chilled with a warm glow at knowing I get a repeat anytime I want.


The perks of my psycho lover and his overly energetic and aggressive side.

Alexi’s dog settles himself on the couch beside me, pulling my attention away from my slushy film. It has been slowly moving closer all evening and getting braver as I sit here on my own and watch movie after movie. Either because it’s interested in me, or it wants some of my snacks the maid left sitting on the low coffee table when she retired for the evening. They only work until 6 p.m. and then anything we require after is on us to fetch or use the little room of security men to go fetch for me; so she made me a tray of fruit, crunchy snacks, popcorn and cakes to tide me over after she went upstairs. I can’t eat a bite, but they all look delicious.

Lync crawls up the couch from the far end and then stops, laying his head down to watch me at his safe distance and settles back once more. I turn back to watch Matthew McConaughey chasing down some blonde on a motorbike, satisfied he will stay put for a while longer and relax some more, not really intimidated by him all that much. It’s taken him a few hours to get this close, and he has less of a wild nature than Feral did. He seems cautious, more than rabid.

I took a second bath after Alexi left and washed my hair this time before blow drying it, pulling on some of my silky, sexy nightwear and a robe from the vast number of suitcases Mico’s men dumped upstairs. Getting myself ready for his return later just because I can, and maybe I want him to want me all over again when he gets home. Now I’m recovered from earlier. Libido back intact. That kind of sex is addictive, and my body recovers quickly.

The maid was up there organising all my things while I ate, despite my protests and now I’m trying to pass away the hours while trying not to be pissed at the fact the shithead has moved everything I own here, even down to BOB. The maid opened the first case and there he was in all his purple glory.

Nice Mico. Thanks for touching and packing my ten-inch sex toy. I can now never put it anywhere near my vagina knowing that his hands have been on it as it will be like cheating on Lexi. Weird too, considering it’s Mico. Ugh.

I still have no phone and forgot to ask Alexi what happened to it as I’m sure his men will have picked it up. Cut off from even knowing when he is coming back and left picking my nails and trying not to ponder over what intel his men pulled from that arsehole who tried to take me from him.

His security is in the little office by the door keeping out of the way, no good for information because I don’t really know them, they never came to the club but are definitely Carrero. Three inside and two men stationed outside as extra measures who every so often come in here. One of them will pass me and walk around the house to check the rooms. Not that anyone will break into a skyscraper penthouse by any means other than the door. We are practically in the clouds up here. They are also armed and not exactly hiding it as they walk around in shirts and holsters, giving me a nod as they go by but generally keeping out of my space.

It feels like Alexi has been gone forever, and I’m not used to just lazing around doing nothing but eat and wait. It’s getting late and I’m exhausted yet refusing to go to his massive bed without him. I want to know what’s happening and I really want to curl up with him the first night in a strange place.

I miss him. We’re only just beginning, and I feel clingy and needy after the events of the past day or so. I need him here to level me out and give me calm.

I want to wait for him, but I think it’s probably a better idea to get in bed and wait there instead. He has an equally huge tv up there positioned for optimal viewing from the bed and maybe if I head up then this huge furry beast will stop sitting four foot away and stabbing me with those eyeballs. The dog is creeping me out and he will eventually get right up beside me and then God knows what. Chew off my leg? Lie on me and crush me to death? He is hardly small.

He is literally silent and still, much like his master as he bores those hauntingly similar eyes right into your skull in the most intimidating way and doesn’t even blink. The dog is a master of making you uneasy.

I have still not decided if it is sizing me up as possible supper, or a chew toy. It’s not a dog you can get a read on. I mean he could be either the most nervous and sweet animal just sussing out if I mean him harm, or like Alexi, a crazed psycho who sits behind a calm demeanour as he works out the best way to torture you just for his own amusement. Just because he can.

It is still really odd to me that Alexi has a pet dog that he raised from a young age and obviously cares a lot about. It’s just another little titbit of showing me a completely different man. One capable of loving an animal and having the empathy to save him from destruction because of what he was. Kindness in that soul of his.

I saw what it gets fed, and it’s all good quality raw meat and hand prepared food. The dog is a freaking king in this house and very much Mr and Mrs Capone’s baby. The old man was covered in licks and slobbers upon appearance and gave the dog a treat from an inner pocket he must carry around all the time.


I give up on the film which is giving me way too many panty warming thoughts about Alexi in a tux and get up, grabbing my bottle of water and head to bed. Resigned to the fact that maybe sleeping away the hours is better than nervously awaiting his return and working myself into a horny mess, now BOB is eternally defiled.


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