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The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) novel Chapter 97

I guess the feeling is mutual, he looks devilish in a sexy way still.

And we are back to that little pet name of his that I dislike so much. I stare at him for a long moment, wondering what he has up his sleeve with such a generous offer, and tap my nails on the bar impatiently; Brain in overdrive and not afraid to be shameless.

‘Triple what you paid me before. Seeing as I am no longer hostess and I will make this club better than it ever was. New York!’ I throw my new pet name at him. If it’s good enough for the goose, then it’s good enough for the gander.

I have the upper hand; if he really wants me here then he won’t argue. Triple is probably a little greedy but I think I deserve it after all the shit he put me through. It also means if I save and end up back on the dump then I have instant funding to get far away from here. Backup plan in motion. I’m going to tuck away enough cash to make sure I never end up back in the meat packing district or end up working for another Joe.

He narrows that gaze on me and then breaks into a sly smile and taps his own palm on the bar, mimicking me.

‘Just triple? I was expecting you to ask for a hell of a lot more. Deal! I’ll get it sent over first thing. Now come on. I have something upstairs for you.’ He jumps to his feet, done with this now he thinks it’s settled and starts to head off, but I am not going anywhere just yet, instantly annoyed.

‘Wow, wait! … Who said I was done here? If more money is on the table then I am not just agreeing to that,’ I retort childishly, metaphorically stamping my foot, simmering severe annoyance. I should have asked for more.

‘Already did! Should have aimed higher, baby. Triple until a profit comes rolling in. End of conversation.’ It’s that husky, no more chatter and ‘I am boss’ tone that I bloody hate—I grit my teeth as burning anger circles in my stomach.

Conversation is futile when he has his mind set, and I am in no mood for a fight after a good afternoon and a great mood. I have to stop myself breaking into full-on ‘NOT A CHANCE’ mode and instead try and simmer.

‘FINE! Well, in that case, you better keep your credit card topped up because I have expenses that I need taking care of while I reinvent myself and revive the redhead.’ I sulk haughtily, hating how he managed to manoeuvre me so quickly back under control and took over our negotiation. I am supposed to be wearing the trousers in this, not him. The control freak needs to learn a thing or two about backing down and staying there.

‘Looks red to me.’ Another flash of smug smiles and I can’t do anything except follow him out of the bar because he is still walking off, regardless of my not moving. He isn’t waiting and if I sit here to prove a point he will just go to his dinner and I won’t know what it is he has to give me. He is obviously setting limits on what hold I have over him … and I guess he also just retracted his credit card.

Total Tosser! That didn’t last long.

I should have known I would still have to battle him on some level, he’s incapable of ever just letting go and behaving himself.

My curiosity is getting the better of me and I slide down to totter after him on overly high heels without making it obvious I am hurrying to catch up. It’s been months since I was constantly on shoes like this and walking is something I have to learn all over again when perched on five-inch heels.

I do love sexy shoes though and I like the fact I am not such a tiny next to Giant Kingpin when I have a few inches to bring my nose nearer his. He’s annoyingly tall.

Alexi is standing holding the lift door open when I catch up and slink past him with my head held high. Avoiding his eyes as they run up and down my body for the umpteenth time in my very tight little number, and come back to rest on my face as he lets the door go to slide shut. He punches in the 3rd floor button for the office and then leans back against the opposite wall, eyes eating into me brashly and I cross my arms across my chest to stare at the chrome doors and our slightly distorted reflection—doing my best to appear unaffected by the eye raping.

‘You do look good. I meant that and I like this.’ He motions to my outfit and I just glance his way with a disinterested smile. Not caring if he did or didn’t, he doesn’t get to choose how I dress this time around. I never chose it for his benefit and I have no shits to give either way.

‘It’s because I have class and taste. You’re not used to it after spending months with Hoe-anne.’ It’s heavily toned with sarcasm. I just can’t stop taking bites at Joanne, like an itch I have to scratch because even though I’m here, I still haven’t forgiven him for anything that went on before I left here. I still harbour so many resentments about everything, and it’s what I will use to continue to keep my distance when it comes to him.

Alexi laughs under his breath, extremely amused at my jibe and says nothing about it. We resort to silence as we climb up two floors in the very small enclosure. I can smell him from here, more so than sitting in the bleach-fumed bar—Aftershave, body wash and his own personal scent. He likes citrus and subtle spice and all together it makes for an alluring combination.

When the doors open on the third floor Mico greets us with a smile. He’s leaning against the doorframe to the office and there are another couple of security guards perched on the desk with the bank of monitors to the right. I am happy to see the two uniformed men sitting behind that are distinctively Carrero and I guess he only trusts blood to watch his club from here on in. I wonder whatever happened to the guard from before, the one who let that arsehole try to take me, and shiver with the obvious answer.

Alexi would have extracted whatever information he needed and then literally cut him loose. Not breathing and weighed down with concrete boots in the bottom of the river probably. I wonder if he ever sorted the Santagato issue out and if I am still in danger by coming back here.

Although, knowing Alexi, he is a lot more inventive with ways to get rid of baggage. I presume with his sadistic mind he probably has more fun than just disposing of them.


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