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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 315

“What do you expect me to say to that?” He focused his gaze across the room, uncomfortable with this topic of conversation and already wishing he had never confided in Leila about any of this over the phone the night before. She was unpredictable sometimes, and he knew she rooted for Emma like no other. She had been one of the worst to give him a hard time about sending her away.

“I expect you to look happy at least, Jake, you need to tell her how you feel.” Jake held his hand up and hushed her, it was all new to Leila and nothing he had not heard before from Margo, his mother and hell, even Daniel.

“Look. Stop. Not the time or place, Leila, so get any dumb thoughts out of your head about interfering in this.” He threw her a warning eyebrow raise and hated that her stubborn jut of the chin became more prominent. He had no energy for a Leila maneuver tonight.

“Oh, for God’s sake! Look just stop being arsey as fuck and try to act like you’re happy to see her when she gets here. She did nothing wrong, Jake, and you need to man up and stop sulking when someone mentions her name.” Leila jutted her hip out and almost slammed her hand on it.

Jake glared at her, his own mood taking a nose dive, a skill Leila had since childhood.

“You can stop looking at me like that too or else I’ll poke you in the eye with my new nails. Do you like them by the way? Extra sharp in case your asshole best mate shows up to piss me off.” She swayed around her sparkling pink nails.

“Stunning,” Jake replied flatly and then dodged her pretend cat-like claw aimed at his face. Leila was one of those annoying friends that you let get away with murder because they were genuinely more family than friend. At times though he just wanted to strangle her, tonight was one of those nights after a full day of her constant texts, questions and lectures.

“I can see you watching for her you know.” Leila cut in, looking at him smugly and lifting one eyebrow as she edged in close. Not that it made a difference as she hadn’t bothered to lower her voice over the in-house orchestra blaring some Mozart.

“Jesus! Leila, for fuck’s sake.” He lowered his voice when he realized he had just snapped loudly, and people were looking his way. “I’m going to the bar, you can stay here and piss someone else off for a change.” He dropped her arm from his and moved away, striding aggressively in the direction of hordes of overly dressed up strangers in a bid to get some head space. He hated that she was right though, he had been scanning the crowd ever since he got here. On edge, nervous and tense and just watching for the one girl in the world that he couldn’t mentally escape from. He had been a fool to kiss her only days ago, to keep ending up with her no matter how hard he tried to stay away. He knew he was only torturing himself and dragging this out.

The inner floor was full of people milling around in various degrees of expensive formal wear. The music loud and invading from the full orchestra as he pushed through people that wanted to cling to him and bask in his presence.

Jake strode purposefully through a heavy crowd of glittering women in floor-length dresses, coming out into a clearing with a side step away from an overeager pair of hands and walked smack bang into the one face that made his heart stop beating.

Emma walked into the clearing at the exact moment he did, and they both just seemed to stop and stare at each another, his heart pounding erratically as it recovered, his breathing becoming shallow. She looked beautiful, beyond his wildest dreams. Wearing a fitted floor-length red dress that left little to his imagination and seemed to defy gravity while clinging to her bust and waist. He could barely swallow, taking in every perfect flawless curve up to the face of perfection and that wild hair he just wanted to tangle around his fingers at every opportunity. She looked like a Hollywood star from the fifties, perfection in every way and effortless grace. She stood out from everyone in this room, hell, to him she stood out from every single woman in the world. She always had.

Chapter 304 1

Chapter 304 2


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