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The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO) novel Chapter 317

Jake didn’t hesitate a moment longer, the look on her face said everything he needed to act. She was wide-eyed and distraught, heartbroken and almost begging him to come to her. Who was he to refuse when all he had ever wanted was for her to want him this way?

His feet had him marching her way, fast long strides to get to his end goal as soon as humanly possible. He didn’t stop when he got to her, just intent on his purpose, aching to do what he had planned when he found her.

His hands automatically cupping her face and pulling her to him, cupping her jaw, and meeting her mouth with unleashed force and passion that completely sent his head spiraling and heart soaring. Finally, complete. He kissed her as though his life depended on it, reveling in the way she sagged into him and kissed him back with matched fever. Jake was flying, his heart erratic, and he knew this was all he would ever need, just her and him and the ability to be this way with her. She was his soul.

She clung to him as much as he held her, matching his passion and movement and neither breaking away from the intensity of the meeting for long minutes.

They were breathing hard, oblivious to the room around them and only focused on each other. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her, but he knew he had to do more, he had to tell her how he felt. He had to let her talk and confirm that this was something more than sex or lust. He needed her to know that he was serious about her, that for him, she was his forever. He needed to say the words he had been holding back for months. Jake needed to tell her that he was hopelessly in love with her.

Breaking away finally, only enough to rest his forehead against hers and breathe her in, he just stared into the depths of those cool blue eyes that seemed to see right down into his very soul. Neither seemed to have words, just matched shallow breathing, oblivious to the room and people around them. He didn’t care if reporters were taking pictures, or if people were staring right now, all he cared about was her and what she was thinking.

“Come with me?” Jake finally managed a whisper, tearing himself physically away from being so close to her and aching to get her alone. Despite the noise of the orchestra and the hustle and bustle around them, she seemed to hear him loud and clear, never tearing her eyes from his and nodding. Jake couldn’t help the surge of happiness running through him, couldn’t resist brushing his mouth against hers once more. Emma always tasted sweet, like cakes and candy and her; a heady combination that was addictive to him, he didn’t even care if her lipstick was all over him right now.

He let go of her and slid her small dainty hand in his, interlocking fingers possessively and leading the way toward the main entrance fast. He couldn’t stop the dizzying euphoria coursing through him or the sense of urgency in getting her alone. He just felt like this was all surreal after what felt like a lifetime of not being able to have her. He was walking on the clouds.

Winding through the crowded room, Jake’s impatience was rising with every person who got in his way. Familiar faces stopped them and even though he tried to deflect the attention, he had to stop when flanked by a client who was a little more forceful in getting his attention. The stocky man seemed oblivious to the young, beautiful girl he was so obviously trying to usher out of the room with him. Jake could feel himself almost growling with frustration as he launched into a speech about some funding nonsense for a new venture. Jake glanced down at Emma to check she was okay, to check she was real and this wasn’t some weird hallucination. That face looking trustingly up at him only tore at him more and made him more determined to get her alone.

God, I love you so fucking much, bambino.

Jake’s attention was pulled back by the gray-haired suit extending a hand, some feeble attempt at agreeing to a lunch date for a business chat. Jake hadn’t even been listening, so overly aware of the warm, soft hand in his and the way Emma was curling gently around his side. He wanted to have more contact with her than this. He wanted to wrap himself up in her. Pulling her in closer, Jake tucked her slender arm under his and grasped her hand a little firmer, closer but still not close enough to be able to deal with these idiots holding them up. Right now, he would agree to pitch a million at any stupid idea as long as they shut the fuck up and got out of his way.

Finally, suit moved and Jake made a move to get them going once more, they didn’t get far before another one slid in front, blocking their passage. Jake almost yelled at him in sheer frustration.


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