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The CEO Alpha King novel Chapter 1

  Serena's POV

  As I stood in front of one of the biggest and tallest skyscrapers in the city, I couldn't help but feel in awe at it. With the bright 8am sun shining brightly and reflecting against the Apex, it looked like a magical castle except with glass as it's walls. It was tall, huge and spoke of Wealth.

  With the inscription 'WILLIAM ZEE FASHION INDUSTRY' just at the center of the building, a wave of pride flushed through me.

  I was going to be working here!

  The biggest fashion industry in the country, home to beautiful and recognized models. It was an empire on its own.

  I couldn't stop the rush of excitement that rushed through me as I thankful appreciated my sister in my mind. She works here and had secured a job for me at the last minute.

  "Hey!" A loud voice shouted from inside the building, and I recognized the older man from my interview a week ago.

  "Why are you standing there? Aren't you one of the new interns? Get your fucked up ass in!" He yelled And I hurriedly snapped out of my awe, rushing excitedly into the building.

  "Go straight. Follow that line and you'll see a door. Your fellow interns are there, the president wants to meet each and every one of you." He pointed towards a direction just opposite what I figured was a lounge area.

  I nodded my head in thanks, rushing through the corridors while admiring every office I passed through. The interior of the building was far more exquisite than the exterior.

  With glass doors, sparkling chandeliers hanging from very high ceilings, and beautiful artworks hanging off sterile white walls. The whole place was gorgeous.

  I found the door, took a deep breath and pulled it open. My gaze fell on four other guys in the room, they sat in single chairs as each of them eyes fixed solely on me.

  I recognized them immediately from the interview and I realised I had been the only girl who must have been picked.

  I had no doubt that my sister might have put in a good word for me so I got selected.

  I ignored their glances, but mostly because I was shy and hurriedly went in, shutting the door slightly and taking the seat closest to me.

  I hadn't sat down completely when the door opened again to reveal a young woman with bright red hair, a frown on her lips and blue eyes that glared daggers at everyone before stopping at me.

  I shifted uncomfortably at the attention before she spoke in a fierce voice. "Number One rule. Never be late." She said, walking in and slamming the door shut loudly, I jerked in my seat.

  "I'm sorry." I whispered, and I saw her nod before looking at the other guys. I almost sigh in relief.

  "Yes, as I was saying. The CEO of our company, Mr Zed Williams will come to personally see you guys. I'll advise you to act normal but brave at the same time. Don't make any silly mistake when speaking when you aren't spoken to." She said, folding her arms in all seriousness.

  "Mr Zed hates that." Her blue eyes turned to me once more.

  Why is she staring at me that way? Did I do something wrong again? I wondered, taking my eyes to the floor this time, not wanting to feel her penetrating gaze.

  "What is your name?" She pointed to me in question, unfolding her arms to watch me accusingly.

  "Me?" I asked, pointing towards myself acting foolishly like I always do.

  "Yes. You," she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

  "It's Serena ma'am." I answered, almost standing up in fear to respond to her.

  "Serena what?" She asked again, louder this time and I couldn't help but rise abruptly to my feet. I could feel the other four pairs of eyes burning holes into me as anxiety filled my veins.

  "Serena Williams."

  I watched as she took out a file that she had dropped on the table upon walking in. She furrowed her eyebrows as she scanned through it before sighing, dropping it and facing me, softly this time.

  "Okay Serena, I'll personally advise you to sit at the back and be firm. Don't behave the way you did earlier or you might get yourself thrown out." She advised, and I nodded vigorously before taking my seat, breathing loudly in relief.

  "Ok now. I'll leave you guys, stay here until the boss comes, you can't leave this place." Her stern voice boomed, and from the corner of my eyes I saw the guys nod.

  "I'll leave now." She added, snatching her file before exiting the room, slamming the door shut once more.

  I flipped my head on the table, feeling lighter as she left. I wiped my sweaty palms against my gown, before putting my hand above my chest to calm my beating heart.

  This was supposed to be the time my wolf in me would try to calm me, but all that was left was just my own mind constantly reminding how clumsy and weak I was. And how I was so undeserving of anything good.

  And not only did I think so. No. My sister was a constant reminder of everything I wasn't. She had the beauty, brains, perfect figure, dashing smile, smooth skin.

  And though I could accept she was far better than me, what I couldn't come to accept was the constant reminder that I was the one who killed my mother.

  While I hadn't taken a knife or gun at my mother, she had died giving birth to me. And my sister, joined by the same mother but not the same father, drilled that into my head every time she got.

  I remember I used to get mad at her when she accused me of it, but after some time, seeing how far she had gone in modelling and securing a bright future for herself, I came to realise that maybe I was the one with issues.

  The clumsy she-wolf, like everyone called me. The one who got rejected in every company I applied to. The one who didn't go to college. The ugly one.

  And after giving in to her, she finally announced to me that she had secured a job for me at the same company she worked at. While it wasn't my dream job, it was still something I was grateful to her for.

  "Serena." I heard a male voice call me. I lifted my head up to stare at the guy sitting in front of me. His blonde hair swept back from his face to reveal bright green eyes. He had a dimple in his cheeks as he smiled at me. He was handsome. I couldn't deny that.

  "Hey." I heard him snap his fingers at me to draw my attention back to him.

  "Yes." I shook my head, snapping out of my gaze. I hadn't realized I had been admiring his eyes as a blush tainted my cheeks.

  He chuckled as the other guys and I wanted to sink into the ground.


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