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The CEO Alpha King novel Chapter 2

  Serena's POV

  As I sat on the floor, frightened, my lungs welled up with fear, my veins burned with nervousness as I started to shake, my eyes leaving the alpha as they fixed on the ground in submission.

  I forced my mouth to open but my fear was too great and I couldn't force my voice out, instead I looked from the corner of my eyes, noticing a crowd of people forming a small circle around us.

  Another man came to stand beside the Alpha, Mr Zed and I heard hushed whisperings before Mr Zed started to move towards me.

  His aura had me shuffling backwards, still not looking up, I tried to move away from him, but with each step he took closer to me, my heart thumped loudly in my chest, threatening to jump out.

  Then the weirdest thing happened, he passed me!

  I looked up to see his coffee stained back to me, as he continued walking down the hallway, the other workers' mouths opened in awe before bowing in respect.

  He paid them no mind as he spoke over the phone to someone and when he disappeared from sight I finally remembered to breathe.

  I gasped rapidly for air to fill my lungs as thoughts came crashing into me at once.

  Oh moon goodness!

  What the hell did I do?!

  I'm so fucked! And scared!

  I couldn't even apologise! I was too frozen to even speak. What do I do now?!

  I took my fingers to my lips, chewing down my nails nervously, a habit I had gotten used to the past few years. And while I sat there lost in my own thoughts, I began to hear audible whispers.

  "That little bïtch. How can she be so stupid?" One of the workers said from behind me.

  "Haha, she's really lucky he got distracted by that call but I don't think she'll work here anymore." This time a man spoke, his voice laced with amusement.

  "She looks so stupid, how did she even get in here?" A woman asked, and I could imagine her glaring hatefully at me.

  "Dirty fool."

  Without realizing, my eyes welled with tears as they started to run down my cheeks, leaving a bit trail behind. Of course. Hearing these words weren't foreign to me. I knew what I was.

  But hearing them come from strangers, people who didn't even know me, hurt me the most. I had made a fool of myself on the first day at work.

  Hell, I'm still sitting on the floor!

  With the coffee sprayed around me, I started to get up slowly, but my teary eyes didn't allow me to see properly as I started to stumble when a pair of arms grabbed me gently, pulling me up.

  I started to mutter a thank you when I was faced with a familiar blonde hair and green eyes. The other intern -whose name I still didn't know- that had told me my phone had been ringing.

  Standing on both my feet again, he gently led me to what I discovered was the storage room. I sighed feeling relieved that I didn't have any pair of judgemental eyes on me anymore.

  I started to cry softly.

  "Moon goddess! Serena or what's your name! How can you be so-?" He paused, sighing deeply and touching my shoulders reassuringly.

  "He could have just fired you when you haven't even fully resumed. You are a werewolf. I have never seen a werewolf so weak and clumsy." He uttered softly as if trying to mince the hurtfulness of his words.

  "I. I-" I tried to say something but I couldn't trust my voice and couldn't risk bursting into tears.

  "You should stay here for the main time. Well, at least until the tension outside is gone. The CEO has given us the permission to resume work but you weren't there with us. So much trouble on your first day." He clicked his tongue at the end, smiling a little to try and soften the mood before leaving. He patted my shoulder as he walked out.


  When I got home, my eyes were red and puffy from having cried too much. I walked quietly to my small room at the end of the hallway, ignoring any noise I could have heard from the kitchen.

  Throwing my bag on my desk, I flopped on my bed, grabbing my pillow and holding it close to me.

  I felt worn out, tired and worried.

  Does this mean I'll never have to work there again?

  Was I fired already even without him saying anything?

  Technically, I wasn't given permission yet to work by the CEO and after what I had done to him today. I wondered if I ever would get a chance to work there anymore.

  I clinged my pillow tighter, shitting my eyes and tried to get some sleep. I was emotionally drained after everything that had happened today and I needed to rest.

  I heard the sound of a car pulling up outside and could only guess Kate was back from work. I could hear the slamming of the front door.

  Yeah. She was pissed.

  I couldn't bear the thought of her nagging and complaining tonight, not when I was totally feeling like shit.

  "Serena! Serena!!" I heard her shriek my name, her footsteps coming down the hallway angrily before she slammed open my door and dragged me out of bed by the hair so quickly that I didn't have the time to blink.

  "You fool! You disgraced me at the company today. Why on earth did you spill coffee on our CEO'S suit? Are you nuts? Have you really gone nut you silly thing?" She started to shout and I tried to wrench away from her grip but she held me tighter as she continued.

  "Why did mom give birth to a silly thing like you as my sister? Why? I hate the fact that you are my sister a lot. You disgust me. You disgust me a lot." She spat.

  "I was only trying to help you work but you always end up disgracing me. From today onwards, if you see me at the company, act like you don't know me. Don't ever call me by my name. I don't wanna get mixed with your misery or I fear I might become miserable like you. Do you hear me?" She shook me by the hair and I mumbled a small yes.

  I fell to the floor the moment she stepped out, resting my back against the bed and pulling my knees closer to my chest, and started to cry once more.

  It wasn't more than a minute when my door opened again to reveal my step dad. He was tall, with brown curly hair around his forehead.

  "Hey clumsy girl, what did you do again today? Why is your sister so mad at you?" My step father asked, looking around my room.

  "It's nothing," I mumbled in reply to him and he said nothing before he turned back and left. I shut my door, climbed into my bed and clung to my pillow once more.

  My thoughts wandered to my mother and I cried more.

  Why did you die giving birth to me? I murmured. It was rare for werewolves to die at childbirth, but my mother had been human, my sister was also human. But my father was a werewolf and I had inherited his genes.

  For a second, I imagined my mother here with me. What would she have thought of me? Would she be proud I was different from the rest? Or disappointed in me?

  Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks and I snuggled closer in my blankets


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