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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4~ No match for me


Aaron didn’t see the smile on Serena’s face as he walked out of the company with her.


She had returned this time to get what always belonged to her. When she left two years ago, it was just an excuse to not get married. After all, she was still young and there were many fish in the sea. Why should she settle for Aaron when there could be someone so much better?


Quite alright, Aaron was one of the eligible bachelors in Ashford City. Not only was he stinking rich, but he was devilishly handsome and had achieved great things at a young age.


Who wouldn’t want him?


Serena knew he would always want her but she wanted to explore her options. What if she lost someone better if she settled for Aaron just because he had a silly crush on her?


Besides, at that time, it wasn’t known who would be the heir of the Wentworth group. It was a debate between Aaron’s elder sister and himself. How could Serena possibly know that Celia Wentworth would fall in love with a foreigner and leave the country, thereby leaving Aaron as the only heir?


Now he had accomplished many things and was incomparable to other bachelors in the City. Since there was no one who could match up to Aaron now, she decided to return and take her place by his side.


But she discovered he wasn’t the same. The way he looked at her… his eyes didn’t have the same tw*nkle they had two years ago when he bid her farewell.


She had expected a more lively welcome. By now, he would have taken her to his fellow bachelor friends to show her around but he didn’t. It seemed like there was something on his mind.


Aaron went to arrange for the arrival of his male assistant that had been away for two years so Serena was left alone in the car.


She wanted to go after him but his phone suddenly rang. Her eyes squinted when she saw that the person who was calling was saved as ‘T’ by Aaron.


Her gentle demeanour suddenly vanished and a look of menace flashed through her eyes. It dawned on her that Aaron was acting strange because there was a woman in his life.


Serena couldn’t have that.


At the moment, Aaron was the only man who matched up to her. There was no way she would let him slip out of her fingers when he had always been hers from the beginning. So she watched as the phone rang and rang again with a vicious look on her face.


When the calls stopped coming through, a message was received. She tried to open the phone but there was a password.


She tried to use her birthday but it was denied. Anger surged within her. ‘When did Aaron change his password? Am I still his world?’


Pursing her lips into a thin line, she took out her phone and made a call.


“Big brother, I’m back,” She said the moment the call went through.


“Hey, little sis. What’s up?” The man she had called responded knowing she wanted something.


“Can you help me cr*ck Aaron’s phone password?”


“What do you need it for? Aaron isn’t someone you can do tricks on-”


“I know. But you know how he’s supposed to marry me but there’s another woman texting him.”


The man on the other side kept quiet for a moment. After a minute, he called out a string of numbers that Serena used on Aaron’s phone and it suddenly unlocked.


“Do what you need to do but be careful. Don’t lose this chance. We need the Wentworth group on our side. I’ll look into this female to see if she’s of any threat to you.”


The man was none other than Harry Winston, Serena’s brother. He was a tech expert and their company usually dealt with software development. Cracking a password was as simple as a walk in the park for him.


Serena smiled from ear to ear. “Thanks, bro. I love you.”


She cut the call and read the message but a menacing look flashed through her eyes when she saw what the contact named ‘T’ had sent.


Serena was about to reply to the text but she saw Aaron approaching the car from the corner of her eyes so she quickly deleted the text and locked the screen before placing the phone back where it was.


She was annoyed that Aaron wasn’t fawning over her the way he used to. He was being polite but wasn’t acting like someone smitten with her.


She thought this was because of the female texting him and hatred brewed in her heart. ‘Just wait and see. I’ll get rid of you.’


When they arrived at the company, she was elated that Aaron showed her off to his employees. This gave her hope that he still loved her. It was obvious this T woman was the one who was seducing him.


He had gone to the bathroom when they arrived at the office and that’s when a knock sounded at the door. Serena opened the door and frowned when she saw Nora standing outside with an envelope in her hands.


“And you are?” She snapped arrogantly, wrinkling her nose, thinking she was the T on Aaron’s phone.


Nora was taken aback by the hostility coming from the future lady boss. She silently took back her words. This lady was vicious and didn’t deserve the CEO at all!


Nevertheless, she gave her the envelope and said. “Please pass this to Mr Wentworth. Tessa left it here.”


Serena’s brows furrowed when she opened the envelope and found two cheques. She immediately put two and two together and realised this woman named Tessa is the T who was calling Aaron relentlessly earlier.


She went back to her seat and placed the cheques in her Chanel handbag just as the phone on the table chimed.


Irritation flared through her. She knew it must be the same person texting. Grabbing the phone, she read the text and clenched her fists.


‘You think I will give you the opportunity to look good to Aaron?’ She sneered and deleted the text before replying with good riddance and deleted it as well.


She knew Aaron didn’t like material girls. Once he knew she was hungry for money, he would be disgusted with her.


Smirking, she sent her brother a message with instructions to make him hack into Tessa’s phone and send a message to Aaron’s phone.


A smirk crossed her lips as she put the phone back where it originally was.


‘Tessa or whoever you are. You’re no match for me.’



Days passed by fleetingly fast.


“When are you returning to work? It’s been five days,” Elena Hilton inquired as she peeked into her daughter’s room.


“I quit my job, Mom,” Tessa who was lying face down on the bed grumbled, feeling depressed.


“What? How can you quit your job? How will you survive now?” Elena was shocked to hear this piece of news.


When her daughter suddenly showed up, she was ecstatic to see her but then she noticed that something was wrong with Tessa. She looked like she had lost her whole world and no matter how much she asked, Tessa didn’t disclose what was actually the problem.


“I don’t know, Mom. I’ll look for another job, I guess,” Tessa mumbled lazily.


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