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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44~ Jealous 

Mia Hendrix walked into the hall of the imperial hotel and her eyes searched for the man she 

came to see that day. 

When she found him on the dancefloor, her eyes lit up but a flare of jealousy rushed through her when she saw him dancing with another woman. He was looking at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world to him. 

‘So it’s true there’s a woman that Aaron likes? What about me? I’m meant to be his wife.’ 

Tony had told her Aaron had a woman and three children when she just returned from overseas 

but she refused to believe it. 

She stayed on the sides, watching Aaron and Tessa dance and flirt with each other. When they were done, she called out to Aaron and threw herself into his arms. 

Aaron was momentarily stunned but then he quickly reacted and smoothly avoided Mia’s embrace, his eyes falling on Tessa. 

She was looking at him with a cold expression and he couldn’t tell what she was thinking. His stomach twisted as he stepped away from Mia, keeping her at arm’s length. 

“Tessa, this is Mia, Tony’s young sister. She’s like a little sister to me,” Aaron hurriedly explained, not wanting Tessa to misunderstand. 

However, Mia furrowed her eyebrows and exclaimed, “I’m not your sister, Aaron! I don’t want to be your sister!” 

Aaron narrowed his eyes at her and she instantly stopped talking. He then snaked an arm around Tessa’s waist and introduced her, “This is Tessa. She’s my wife and the mother of my children.” 

This was not the first time Aaron was introducing Tessa as his wife. But having him say it in front of a beautiful woman who clearly had a crush on him, Tessa’s heart did a somersault. 

Aaron’s words made her feel giddy, she ended up blushing profusely like a teenager. 

Mia’s eyes widened at Aaron’s words. She trailed her eyes to Aaron’s hand and when she didn’t see a ring she smiled and said, “I don’t see a ring on your finger. It means you’re still available. I’ll fight. for you, Aaron!” 

Anger surged through Aaron. In as much as he treated Mia like his sister, he wouldn’t let her do as she pleases and disrespect Tessa. He squinted his eyes at her and scolded, “Have some self- respect and respect the woman I’m with. If you didn’t come to wish our children well, please leave. 

Tony noticed what was happening, he quickly approached them and grabbed his sister, clamping a hand over her mouth before she could say more things that would anger Aaron. 

He glanced at Tessa and uttered, “I’m sorry, Tessa. My sister is a bit drunk. I’ll take her home 


Tessa nodded but she didn’t say anything. For her, this was Aaron’s problem and she was glad he had dealt with it before it got out of hand. 

Aaton led Tessa out of the hotel while saying, “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know she would cause such a scene Would you like to watch the kids as they play outside? We can give Enock a chance to mingle since he’s been minding them with the bodyguards.” 

Tessa agreed, forcing a smile. She replied, “Sure. It was getting stuffy in here anyway.” 

When they reached the garden, they found the kids jumping on the trampoline. 

Willa saw them and shouted, “Daddy, look at me! I’m flying!” 

Aaron smiled and said, “Yes, you are. Well done, Willa!” 

The other two kids also wanted their father to praise them. Reagan jumped on the trampoline and said, “Daddy, look at me too! I’m jumping so high!” 

“Wow! Well done, Reagan!” Aaron said, giving his son a thumbs up. 

“Daddy, I’m jumping too! Look at me!” Nia also requested. 

“Nice! Well done, Nia!” 

The kids giggled all while calling out to their father multiple times. 

“Daddy, watch me as I go down the slide.” 

“Daddy, watch me do the hula hoop.” 

“Daddy, watch me blow these bubbles.” 

Aaron was overwhelmed. The triplets wanted his attention almost at the same time. But he wasn’t complaining. To him, this was more fun than signing documents in his office. 

At the same time, Michelle and Graham were still on the dancefloor. Michelle glared at him when he wrapped his arms around her waist and questioned, “Didn’t you say I’m not your type? Why did you ask me for a dance and why are you holding me so tightly?” 

She was taken aback when he suddenly approached her and asked her to dance. At first, she wanted to refuse but then those beautiful eyes of his took her in. She took his hand as if she was in a trance and only realised what she had done when she was on the dancefloor. 

“Everyone is dancing so I thought we should too. And how else are we supposed to dance if I don’t hold your waist like this, hmm?” Graham responded in his deep raspy voice, arching an eyebrow. 

He pulled Michelle closer and when she realised there was no space between them, her face flushed. She stuttered, her palms on his chest trying to push him away. “W-we are too close. Let’s create some space between us.” 

Graham smirked. There was a glint in his eyes as he replied, “I don’t want to.” 

“What? Why?” Michelle’s eyes flew open and her heart banged against her ribcage as she questioned 

What was Graham up to? She couldn’t keep up with his hot and cold attitude. One minute, he was saying she was not his type and the next minute, he was seducing her with his mesmerising eyes and holding her waist like his life depended on it. 

“I just thought I should at least have one dance with you for the first and last time. Who knows, you might be married with kids the next time I see you. I’m a very busy man you know,” Graham 


Chapter 44 Jealous 

responded while looking deeply into her eyes. 


“Oh, really? I still don’t understand why. What has me getting married have to do with you?” Michelle said, feeling confused. 

She was trying her best to avoid his eyes because she was afraid she might be tempted to kiss him. Did he know his eyes were seductive and he was intensely staring at her on purpose? ‘Gosh, he’s dangerous. I should have had a piece of him before running away.” 

Graham narrowed his eyes and uttered in a cold voice, “Don’t ask too many questions and just 


Michelle’s eyebrows furrowed in displeasure but she bit her tongue, holding back her snarky 


The two of them danced to two songs. They held each other as they swayed to the music from side to side. 

Graham’s eyebrows would crease every now and then. There was a strange emotion stirring 

within him that he couldn’t place. All he knew was that he was reluctant to let go of the woman in 

his arms. 

Ultimately, he glanced down at Michelle when the second song came to an end and presented, Wanna have a drink with me?” 

Michelle raised an eyebrow. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies at the way that he asked but she hid her feelings and replied, “Is the busy general asking me out? Don’t you have to return to your duties or something?” 

Graham chuckled, showing his white and nicely shaped teeth. He said, “I’m actually free tonight. We can have a drink before we both go back to our lives. A beer or two would do. We used to be friends before you ran away, in case you’ve forgotten.” 

“I don’t drink with men. I make mistakes when I get drunk,” Michelle replied. 

“Don’t worry about making mistakes in front of me. I’ll protect you,” Graham said huskily. 

Michelle’s heart skipped a beat. Her grey eyes peered into Graham’s hazel ones. There was something about the way he was looking at her… something dangerous and primal. The worst part is that she liked it. 

Having nothing to lose, she agreed to what may be the biggest mistake of her life. She smirked and stated, “Ok, soldier boy. Let’s get wasted tonight.” 

The rest of the day went by blissfully. Aaron and Tessa watched as the kids played in the garden. 

Their faces were so vibrant as they mingled with other kids. Occasionally, they would glance in their parent’s direction to make sure they were still watching them and then they would wave at 


Tessa sighed as she watched them run around and remarked, “They look so happy. They’ve never smiled so brightly before. I should’ve told them about you earlier.” 

Regret crept into her again. She blamed herself for depriving her kids of experiencing a father’s love. She was deep in her thoughts when she felt a large warm hand grasping hers. 


Chapter 44– Jealous 


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