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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48~ A cruise date 

“Did you guys notice anything? Are you doing your jobs correctly? Tessa said she was being followed. How come you couldn’t detect the danger around her?” Aaron snapped at his 


Tessa grabbed his arm and stopped him, saying, “Don’t be so hard on them. Whoever is sending those messages is good at staying hidden.” 

It had been a few days since Tessa started receiving texts from the restricted number. At first, she thought it was one of Aaron’s admirers who somehow got a hold of her number and began to text 

her to scare her. 

She thought it was just a crazy fan making some pranks on her, so she had ignored it. 

However, it became too much and that’s how she knew it wasn’t a prank. She constantly felt like she was being watched. The text she received after she knocked off from work that day made alarm bells go off in her head. 

It read, 

[I heard you have three kids. It will destroy you if something happens to them, right?] 

The text made her stomach twist and turn. She couldn’t keep quiet about it any longer and showed Aaron the messages she had been receiving. He became livid and began to scold Tessa’s bodyguards, thinking they weren’t doing a good job. 

They were in the hallway outside Tessa’s house because they didn’t want to worry Elena. 

“No. I’m still blaming them. Their job is to ensure your safety but they failed. Josh, Andrew, you 

two are my best men. What happened?” Aaron said and directed his last question to the two 


“We didn’t notice anything, Sir. We were not careful enough. I’ll have the team do a thorough investigation,” Josh answered. 

Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose. He glanced at Tessa and sighed, presenting, “I’ll give the inspector a call. The police have to be involved in this matter as well. We need all the help we can get.” 

“Who would do this though?” Tessa asked. 

It was strange that an enemy would pop out of nowhere and target her. Was it someone she knew? 

“I have no idea. Probably my business rivals. I have a lot of enemies, Tessa. This is why I wanted you and the kids to move in with me. I can only be at peace if I know you are safe,” Aaron replied with furrowed eyebrows. 

He lacked his brain to try and figure out which one of his enemies would do such a thing but he came up with blanks. The only ones that he knew were either in jail, presumably dead or out of the Country. 

Tessa sighed. She glanced at Aaron and uttered, “I’m not ready to move in with you, Aaron. We already discussed this ” 


Chapter 48-A cruise date 

Aaron ran a hand through his hair. He pulled at his tie, feeling frustrated and then his eyes landed on the door of the apartment next to Tessa’s. 

A thought occurred to him at that moment. He took out his phone and called Enock, his assistant. 

“Find out who the apartment next to Tessa’s belongs to. I want to buy it. Offer them double the price,” he ordered. 

Tessa’s eyes widened at his words. She looked at Aaron incredulously and questioned, “Are you crazy, why would you buy the apartment next door?” 

Aaron shrugged. He put his phone back into his pocket and replied. “Since you’re not ready to live with me. I’ll move in next door so that I can protect you and our kids properly.” 

Tessa’s heart fluttered. She shook her head and said, “That’s not necessary. Don’t waste money like that. Let’s do this, you can hire more bodyguards if that will make you feel at ease.” 

Aaron nodded, “Ok. I’ll do that.” 

He went back into the house to say bye to the kids 

“Reagan, Nia and Willa, I won’t be able to put you to sleep tonight. I have something to do,” he said. 

The three children’s smiles dropped immediately. Reagan frowned and asked, “Why can’t you just live with us? I miss that time when we all stayed in the big mansion with Grandpa.” 

“Daddy, are you still fighting with Mommy?” It was Willa who asked this time. 

Tessa didn’t know how to respond so Aaron stepped closer to the kids and went down on his haunches. He looked at his three kids and said, “No, Mommy and I are not fighting. We are just working on something and then we will live together once it’s sorted, ok?” 

The kids nodded and he smiled at them, saying, “I love you all so much.” 

“We love you too, Daddy,” the kids said in unison and glanced at their mother. “Mommy, we love you too.” 

“I love you all so so much,” Tessa replied with watery eyes. 

She was touched that Aaron was there to answer some of the kids’ difficult questions. 

An hour later, Tessa’s mouth was almost reaching the ground when twenty bodyguards showed up at her apartment. 

Five would be stationed outside the door and five would be inside. The remaining ten would be downstairs, patrolling and keeping watch.. 

She took out her phone and dialled Aaron’s number 

“I didn’t mean you should fill up my house with bodyguards, Aaron,” she complained whilst in her bedroom. 

“I can’t take the risk, Tessa I’m so worried. How can I sleep peacefully knowing my family is out. there alone with a threat looming over us? This is the only way I can be sure you will be safe. But I’m not a hundred percent sure. Please, agree to live with me,” Aaron said on the phone. 

Tessa sighed. She looked out the window. There was a full moon that night and it made the night sky look bright. She loved the late-night phone conversations she had with Aaron every night. 

Chap 48 A crome date 

For now, she wanted them to continue dating like this. They never really enjoyed dating back 


“I want us to be like this for a while. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Every time that we are apart, we will yearn to be with each other and miss each other’s presence. That way we will appreciate each other more,” she proposed. 

There was a brief silence from the other side of the phone. Aaron dragged in a sharp breath and agreed, “I understand. I’ll be patient and wait for you. In the meantime, let’s date like never 


The two of them chatted for a whole two hours like teenagers who just developed crushes on each other. They talked about their future plans, business-wise. They discussed the kids and how they 

were going to raise them. 

Aaron didn’t forget to flirt and tease Tessa, making her blush despite the distance. It was already past midnight when they decided to call it a night. 

“Goodnight, Tessa. I love you, sweet dreams.” 

“Goodnight, Aaron.” 


“And what?” 

“Are you not going to say you love me too?” 

Tessa chuckled and replied, “That word won’t come that easily, Mr Wentworth. Sleep tight.” 

When she cut the call, Tessa went to the children’s room to check up on them. She covered them properly and pecked their foreheads before going back to her bedroom. 

She had just gotten into bed when her phone rang. Her lips curved upwards into a smile as she picked the phone up, thinking it was Aaron. 

“Miss me already?” 

However, her smile got wiped off her face when she heard a disguised creepy voice coming through the phone. 

“Hello, Tessa.” 

Tessa’s heart jumped to her throat. She sat up straight, her stomach twisting. 

“Who are you? What the hell do you want?” She questioned. 

The disguised voice chuckled darkly, sending an eerie chill down Tessa’s spine. 

“That’s for me to know and you to find out. I’m coming for you, Tessa.” 

“What the fuck do you want?!” Tessa was so enraged that she ended up cussing. 

Receiving threats from a restricted number had stressed her out. She was worried sick about her 


The disguised villainy voice laughed and then said, “Revenge, Tessa. I want revenge. Tell your man I said, game on.” 

Chap3⁄4) 48– A cruise date 


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