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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75- On an island 

Aaron broke down for a few minutes after seeing Tessa looking so ethereal as she walked 

down the aisle. He thought she was the epitome of beauty and he was the happiest man in the world, knowing he would spend the rest of his life with her. He couldn’t believe what was happening. He was marrying the love of his life! 

When Reagan saw his father crying, he got down from his seat and approached him. He then gave him his handkerchief, saying, “Don’t cry, Daddy. Are you sad that you’re marrying Mommy?” 

At his son’s words, Aaron ended up laughing as he took the handkerchief and wiped his tears. The audience was in awe of Reagan’s cuteness even though they couldn’t hear what he was saying due to the music, they saw how he went to give his father a handkerchief to wipe his 


“I’m not sad, son. It’s just that your mother looks so beautiful, I couldn’t help but cry,” Aaron explained to his son. 

“Really? Should I cry too?” Reagan asked. 

Aaron chuckled while Michelle came forward and took Reagan back to his seat. 

Meanwhile, the bride had finally reached the front. With a galloping heart, Aaron stepped forward to receive her. 

Elena held her daughter’s hand and placed it in Aaron’s large hand. She held their hands. together and said while looking at him, “Please take care of my daughter. Love her with all your heart. If one day you feel like you don’t love her anymore. Don’t treat her badly. Just return her to me and I’ll gladly take her back because she will always be my little angel.” 

Aaron shook his head and promised, “There will never be a day that my love for Tessa will fade. I learnt my lesson, Mom. I’ll never take her for granted again.” 



them her blessing and went to sit next to the kids. 

At the same time, Tessa and Aaron went to sit on the white leather bench. For a good fifteen minutes, they listened to the priest preach about the goodness of marriage. He encouraged couples to continue loving each other just like they did when they just met. 

“Real love never fades. Love your partner whether they grow old and can’t do the things they used to do before. Never go back on your wedding vows, ladies and gentlemen. Marriage is sacred and shouldn’t be done for fun or because you were forced. Let love be the foundation of your union. Only then will your marriage last. Above all, communicate with your partner, be faithful and truthful. Trust is also an important aspect. No one wants to come home to a partner who accuses them every day,” the priest said. 

He then got down from the platform and went to stand in front of Tessa and Aaron. He 

glanced down at them and instructed, “Rise to your feet and face each other.” 

When the couple got to their feet, the priest looked at the audience and announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered today to witness the union of Aaron Wentworth and Tessa Hilton. The two of them have made an agreement and decided to spend the rest of their lives. together. They are standing before you and you are going to serve as their witnesses as they vow to love each other until they get parted by death.” 

As Tessa and Aaron looked at each other and held hands, the priest asked Aaron, “Aaron Wentworth, do you take Tessa Hilton to be your lawful wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, to live in holy matrimony, to love and honor her, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?” 

Aaron smiled as he glanced at Tessa lovingly. He answered, “I do.” 

The priest turned to Tessa and asked her the same question, “Tessa Hilton, do you take Aaron Wentworth to be your lawful husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, to live in holy matrimony, to love and honor him, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?” 

“I do,” Tessa responded. 


“That’s good. Now, repeat after me, Aaron. Say the following words by adding your name… When the priest said the words, Aaron repeated them to Tessa, pledging, “I, Aaron Wentworth, take you, Tessa Hilton, as my wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, until death do us part.” 

The priest looked at Tessa and instructed her to say the vows to Aaron. She began, “I, Tessa Hilton, take you, Aaron Wentworth, as my husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, until death do us part.” 

The priest prayed for the couple and when he blessed the rings, Tessa and Aaron exchanged their rings. They were custom-made platinum rings that cost three million dollars. 

“You can now say the vows you prepared for each other,” The priest instructed. 

Aaron was the first to start. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and glanced at Tessa, claiming, “I love you, Tessa. I know I’ve said this a hundred times but I mean it from the bottom of my heart. My heart beats only for you… 

My promise to you today is to be your best friend, your confidant and your husband. I will treat you like a Queen and give you the world. My love and time are all for you and our kids. As we start this journey, I promise to be a considerate partner, to take care of your needs and support you 

in your career. I’ll always put you first and do whatever you say. Thank you for marrying someone as imperfect as me. I’ll love you forever, worship you and honor you for the rest of my days.” 

Tessa blinked back her tears, she looked at Aaron through the veil and said, “Aaron, I don’t know what it is about you but I couldn’t help falling in love with you all over again. I had raised my defense walls but you managed to penetrate through and reach my heart within a few weeks of seeing you again. Perhaps you and I are just meant to be. Who am I to fight fate? Have I ever told you how much I love you?” 

She paused and a tear dropped down her cheek. “With all my heart… with all my senses, with all my mind, body and soul. There’s no single part of me that doesn’t love you, Aaron. I never want to be apart from you. I want to wake up next to you and lie in your arms until we are old. That is all I ever wanted from you. 

Not your money, or the status of being called your wife… All I wanted was your undivided attention and love. Now that you love me back, I feel complete. I once dreamed of walking down the aisle as your bride… Aaron, thank you for making my dream come true. I promise to love and respect you for as long as I live.” 

Tears rolled down Aaron’s cheeks at Tessa’s words. He didn’t expect her to say such a soulful vow. His stomach fluttered with butterflies and his heart swelled with warmth. 

The love between them could be felt from miles away. As the couple became teary-eyed and emotional, their family and friends felt the same, knowing their history and how long it took for them to reach this point. They were genuinely happy for them. 

“With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as husband and wife. Whatever God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Aaron, you may now kiss- oh! He’s already doing it. You kids are so impatient nowadays,” The priest said, clicking his tongue. 

Aaron was overwhelmed with emotions that he ended up lifting Tessa’s veil and kissed her before the priest could finish his sentence. 

The crowd erupted in applause and cheers as he kissed her hard in front of everyone. 

Tessa wrapped her arms around Aaron’s neck and responded to his kiss with equal passion. Aaron cupped the back of her head and one hand was snaked around her waist. The kiss deepened with every second that passed and the audience went wild as they took videos of the precious moment. 

Right there at the altar, they had the kiss of the century. 

As Tessa and Aaron proceeded to register for their marriage and obtain a marriage certificate, the guests were transported to Aaron’s private island. The reception was going to be held on the said island, so Aaron provided transport for the guests. 

Several yachts were travelling in one direction, heading to the island for the next part of the wedding. 

In the meantime, in the presence of close friends and family, Aaron and Tessa signed their 

marriage certificate. Thus making them a legally married couple. 

Aaron held the certificate up proudly and announced, “I am now a married man!” 

“Congratulations, man,” his friends said. 

The small group headed to a nice location with a nice greenery and view where they took photos. Tessa and Aaron, together with their kids, posed for a photo that they wanted to make as a family portrait in their new home. 

The kids were happy. They didn’t really understand what the wedding meant but they knew they would now get to live with both of their parents and they were thrilled. 

“Are we going to our house now?” Reagan asked his father after they took the photos. 


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