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The CEO’s Betrayal: My Ex-lover Has Triplets novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86- Worried 

“I’m worried about Michelle,” Tessa said as she lay in Aaron’s arms. 

The curtains were still open and the full moon illuminated its bright light into the dark bedroom. 

They had retired to bed after having their first dinner as a family in their new home. The kids had fallen asleep earlier after playing in the playroom for some time. Aaron and Tessa tucked them in and then they video-called Michelle together to congratulate her on her marriage. 

Hearing that Michelle was only with the housekeeper at the penthouse, Tessa became worried about her friend. She looked up at Aaron and added, “She’s pregnant and her husband is not around. Pregnant women can be very emotional. She might fall into depression due to missing her husband. I want to ask her to come and stay with us for a while until Graham returns. What do you think?” 

“That’s ok… Our house is big. Since Mom and Dad refused to stay with us saying they are not that old to live with their children yet, Michelle is welcome anytime. I think it will also be good. for her to be around a lot of people in her condition,” Aaron responded. 

They had asked Elena and Edmund to live with them at the mansion, but the two elders. refused. Elena preferred to stay in the apartment and Edmund didn’t want to leave the house he built with his wife. Aaron had to give up for now… perhaps in the future, they could all live together. 

“I’ll let her know tomorrow,” Tessa said. 

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through Tessa’s stomach but she didn’t react and pretended like nothing happened. She didn’t want Aaron to know and get worried. 

However, she secretly frowned, wondering where the pain was coming from. Could there bet something wrong with her? She was expecting her period any time soon but the pain was new… 

“Why are you suddenly quiet, love? Are you sleepy?” Aaron asked as he lovingly stroked her 


“I am… we had a long day today. I enjoyed working as a family but… I’ve suddenly felt so tired, 

“Tessa answered. 

It was true that she felt drained. She just thought it was because she hadn’t rested enough and maybe the pain in her lower abdomen was because of her lack of rest. 

“I understand… I didn’t give you a break on our honeymoon. We always made love and went out to have fun. How about this? I’ll let you rest tonight. I wanted us to make love in our new home but I don’t want to tire you out. Goodnight, Mrs Wentworth.” 

“Goodnight, Mr Wentworth.” 


“Sweet dreams, my wife,” Aaron said again. 

Tessa giggled. She glanced up and puckered her lips, asking for a kiss. When Aaron leaned 

down and sucked on her lips briefly, she said, “Sweet dreams, my husband 

Making a mental note to visit the clink if the strange pain in her lower abdomen persisted, Tessa drifted off to sleep while laying her head on Aaron’s chest 

A week later 

Once again. Aaron used hit connections to push for Harry’s trial to be dealt with quickly He 

and Tessa had just come from the hearing where the prosecution proved that Harry Winston 

was guilty of kidnapping minors, attempted kidnapping, human trafficking, sabotage of the Wentworth Group and faking his death to escape punishment beyond all reasonable doubt. 

The case was adjourned to an hour later when the judge would sentence the accused 

Aaron held Tessa’s hand and led her to their car. She had been silent the whole time the trial 

was going on Harry’s family had hired a formidable defence lawyer who questioned her as a 

witness and the questions were uncomfortable. 

She sighed as her mind reeled with thoughts, recalling how he questioned her 

“Did you and Mr Winston have a close relationship?~ 

“Was it a friends with benefits kind of situation?” 

“So you’re telling me you went away with Mr Winston for five years and nothing happened between you two? Not even a one-night stand 

“Did you at any point, lead him on? What was your agreement when you decided to leave wi him five years ago? Was he helping you out for free? 

The questions insinuated that she had led Harry on and that’s what led to his violent behavior. She felt a little guilty because after rejecting his advances for years, she later gave him hope by agreeing to go on dates with him to see if they could work out She only did it because at that time, her kids really wanted a father and Harry seemed to be a nice and genuine person. 

However, Tessa didn’t think he would become so desperate and risk everything just to make her agree to be with him. She was also shocked to discover that he was working with his sister 

to separate her from Aaron 

What really got to her was the defender’s question, “Are those kids really Mr Wentworth’s kads? Could it be that Mr Winston knew they were his and that’s why he decided to take them back? It wouldn’t be kidnapping if he thought the kids were his.” 

Aaron wanted to cross over and beat up the defence lawyer at that point. How could he insult his wife and children like that? Nonetheless, he was held back by Enock, his assistant 

Luckily, the judge had asked for a DNA test to be done and Aaron was ready. He still had the results from the test he had done earlier when he just met the kids. Tony handed over the results and the defence lawyers’ allegations were overruled. 

“Don’t let what that lawyer said get to you, love. They are just desperate and are trying to reduce Harry’s crimes by all means so that he can get a lighter sentence,” Aaron comforted 


Tessa smiled bitterly. She glanced at Aaron and said, “Honestly, I had allowed Harry to linger around for too long that I didn’t realise people would think he was the father of my kids. They 

don’t even look alike…” 

“Our kids,” Aaron corrected her and added, “People will always talk. What matters is we both know the truth. I hate Harry for what he did. He lied to you and took you away from me but if not for him, Mom wouldn’t have been around. I’m grateful that he was there for you when I 


But he has to pay for the trauma he put the triplets through. They trusted him and he used that trust against them. I’ll make him pay for that.” 

Tessa nodded and replied, “Yes, that’s true. Let him get punished for what he did to our children.” 

Just then, an elegant-looking elderly lady approached them and got down on her knees. 

Tessa’s eyes grew to the size of saucers when she saw that… “Ma’am, what are you doing?” 

“Please, Aaron. I’m begging you to drop the charges on my son. Serena is already in jail… we can’t lose another child. Please.” 

The elderly lady’s eyes were red as tears streamed down her cheeks. She looked like she was at breaking point. 

She was none other than, Mrs Elizabeth Winston, Serena and Harry’s mother. Tessa could see 

the resemblance. 

“There’s nothing I can do about it, Mrs Winston. It’s a criminal case so the state is in charge of it. However, if it was up to me, I would make his sentence heavy for kidnapping my children and almost kidnapping my wife. Don’t forget your son was also a human trafficker. There’s no hope for him… I suggest you wait for Serena to be released. Harry doesn’t have a chance,” 

Aaron responded with furrowed eyebrows. 

Mrs Winston wailed and rolled on the ground, screaming, “Please! You have connections, Aaron! He can be released with just a word from you. I’m begging you… I promise, you will never hear from us again. We will leave this City and stay away.” 

The lady was being dramatic and this attracted a lot of eyes. Several people stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening. 


“Aaron, please have my son released! We will do anything if you want the capital back, we will give it to you! Help us just this once Mrs Winston continued to cry at the top of her lungs. 

Tessa felt bad for the elderly lady. She approached her and helped her up. “Don’t do this, please. There’s nothing we can do about it. He’s already been found guilty and what’s remaining is the judge giving him his sentence. I’m sorry about what happened to your family. 

Soon, Benjamin Winston rushed over and grabbed his wife. He was talking to one of the businessmen who had attended the trial when he heard that his wife was rolling on the floor 

and asking Aaron to release their son 

He apologetically glanced at Aaron and said. “I’m sorry about what my wife did. I know Harry committed a lot of unforgivable crimes. Let him take responsibility for his actions. Perhaps 1 


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