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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 11

Friday’s POV

The massages were heavenly. Afterwards, Thaddeus watched me get my nails done, manicure and pedicure. I had never had either one done before. I felt so brand new and sparkly leaving the spa. I remembered how Fallon called pampered people shiny people. He would say you could always sp0t the shiny people. I had been dull my whole life until now.

Thaddeus and I ate lunch at a restaurant in the heart of the down. It was called Wolfish and served freshly caught seafood. Everything was delicious. I was sad to return to the pack house when we were done. I almost fell over when I sp0tted my parents, brothers and Maze waiting for me in the common living area on the ground floor.

“Congratulations, sweetheart,” said my Mother, standing up to give me an awkward h.ug.

That was the first time she had h.ugged me in my entire life. She had her dark wavy hair in a bun, her golden skin looked dull as though she were in poor health and her big brown eyes had bags underneath them. My Mom was usually referred to as a beauty but her alcoholism had caused this to deteriorate. My father ignored me. He had never wanted a daughter or “a fourth mouth to feed” as he usually called me. I saw Fang nudge him.

“Congrats,” my father said.

“On what?” I asked my parents.

“On becoming Luna! We’re so proud,” said Mom. “First a Beta son and now a Luna daughter. We’ll have Alphas for grandchildren!”

“Unless she only gives birth to girls,” my father grunted.

Thaddeus was looking at my father warily. Maze stood up.

“I wanted to meet your parents,” Maze said.

I was confused. My father was the former Beta to his father who was the former Alpha.

“Wouldn’t you have met them before?” I asked. I was not allowed in pack meetings but I knew Alphas and Betas and their families usually sustained close bonds or at least, they were civil.

“I met your Dad a few times when he was Beta to my father but I only glimpsed your Mom. I never knew them as your parents,” Maze said. “I wanted to meet with them in that context.”

Maze was always so formal.

“Ok,” I said, smiling.

Thaddeus said softly, “Today is my day.”

“I’m aware of that but this is your potential Luna’s family,” said Maze.

“From whom she is estranged,” said Thaddeus plainly.

There was an intensely awkward silence.

“And you don’t want to fix that?” Maze inquired.

“Only if Friday wants to fix it. It depends on why they’re estranged and how they plan on treating her now,” Thaddeus said.

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“I know your father,” said my Dad suddenly to Thaddeus.

Thaddeus seemed surprised.

“He was always boasting about how you phased at only seventeen. Is that true?” Dad said.

Fallon and Fargo gasped.

“Yeah,” mumbled Thaddeus like it was nothing.

“That’s remarkable,” said Dad. “You know Friday has no wolf, right?”

Wow. Was my father trying to talk Thaddeus out of liking me?

“Yeah, I know,” said Thaddeus.

“She’s twenty,” Dad said. “Should have phased two years ago.”

“I’m twenty-five,” Thaddeus said as though we were just going around the room calling out our ages.

“What will your father think of a wolf-less Luna? He was so proud you phased so early. What will your Beta and Gamma think?” Dad said.

“My father ran a town where there are humans, witches and vampires. My Beta already adores Friday. He thinks she’s adorable. My Gamma’s mate is completely human so I doubt she’ll be phasing anytime soon,” Thaddeus said.

I found myself getting a little teary-eyed. I had never been defended like this by anyone.

“What if your children come out wolf-less? The next Alpha can’t be wolf-less,” my father said matter-of-factly, not moved by Thaddeus’ defence of me.

I wanted to get on my knees and beg Thaddeus to claim me immediately but I had to act natural.

“There are strange bruises on my mate’s palm. Have you seen them Fang?” Said Thaddeus absentmindedly.

“The next person to harm the Luna even accidentally shall be banished,” pronounced Thaddeus, looking at Maze.


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