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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 13

Thaddeus’ POV

I woke up alone and disgruntled. Last night I had taught my pretty little Luna about having se.x without technically breaking the rules. The next night we spent together I would teach her about making love. I was painfully stiff. My inner wolf was agitated, dissatisfied with the lack of intimacy with his mate. Today was Maze’s day to spend with my little Luna. I tried not to think about it.

I showered in cold water and went to breakfast. Friday was late for breakfast. I smirked to myself. Maze was reading the newspapers and drinking his plain coffee. His face was entirely covered by the open newspapers. He did not greet me. I wondered if he had heard or smelled what happened just before midnight between Friday and me.

“Good morning, Maze,” I said.

“Good morning, Thaddeus,” he said without lowering the newspapers.

“Good morning, Alphas,” said Friday sheepishly, entering the room.

My eyes went straight to her. She looked embarrassed and did not meet my eyes. She was back to calling me alpha. She called both of us alphas. Maze noticed that too, finally lowering the newspapers, and scrutinising her expression. She looked so pretty and delicate in a short baby blue dress. Her waves were up in a high ponytail exposing her neck, her marking sp0t. My inner wolf growled.

“What do you want to drink?” I asked her.

“I’ll fix it. Today is my day,” said Maze.

“Um, the same as yesterday please, sweat, milky coffee,” she said softly.

I could tell she was still sleepy. I felt a little guilty. After making my mate c.um, the right thing was to soothe her until she fell asleep in my arms but this challenge did not allow for that. I knew I had probably left her with her adrenaline pumping and her emotions a bit frazzled. I noticed Maze was putting significantly less sugar and milk in my little Luna’s coffee than I had put yesterday. She sipped it and tried to hide the face she made, reacting to the bitterness. I smiled. Maze and I, having already eaten, watched Friday eat. Her appet!te was much better today. I gave myself a congratulatory pat on the back for working up that appet!te for her.

Friday’s POV

I was so embarrassed walking into the alpha dining room. Had Maze heard me scream last night? Had he smelled my ar0usal? Had he smelled Thaddeus’ ar0usal? My body was sore from all the activity but I also felt so excited to see Thaddeus, even just for a few moments at breakfast. I wished I could have slept in his arms last night. I was so tired after our “meeting” but I tossed and turned. I knew that if I had been in his arms with his smell and body heat around me, then I would have fallen asleep quickly and slept peacefully throughout the night. Maze made my coffee sort of bitter but I drank it without complaint and ate slowly, aware that both alphas eyes were on me.

“Alpha Thaddeus?” I said.

He raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know who that is, Friday?”

“Thaddeus,” I corrected myself. I was upset. I knew he could not have kept me with him until morning but I felt sort of abandoned by him in the middle of the night. There was a stirring inside of me, like an inner consciousness that demanded more.

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“I’ve been meaning to ask you, but I keep forgetting, what are the Berryndale pack colours?” I asked.

“Red, white and gold,” Thaddeus said matter-of-factly.

“We should get going,” said Maze.

Today was Maze’s day and I was too exhausted and confused to even be nervous about it. Thaddeus looked annoyed but did not say anything more. Maze led me downstairs to where a car was waiting for us. Thaddeus had driven me about himself but Maze had someone driving both of us around.

“How are you today?” Asked Maze stiffly.

“I’m fine, thanks Alpha,” I said out of habit.

“Friday, please,” he reminded me.

“Sorry, Maze, I’m fine,” I smiled reassuringly. “How’re you?”

Maze looked at me intensely. “Fine, thanks,” he said.

Maze took me to the movies of all places. I was shocked. That was so normal. I was expecting something strange from him. He had rented out the entire screen so no one would disturb us. I munched my popcorn, enjoying the salty b.uttery goodness.


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