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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 18

Friday’s POV

I hardly slept a wink. I was so confused and worried. What had gone wrong with Thaddeus? Did he do all of this to tease me? It seemed a bit overboard. I was expecting him to soothe me a little. He always said his day ended at midnight but he happily gave up the last two hours with me to do Alpha work. I fumed while I got ready. I had to calm down. Regardless of what I decided, I would be an Alpha’s wife. Sometimes, my future husband would be busy. It was inevitable. I was mad at Thaddeus. He gave me so much pleasure and then just literally ran away with no explanation.

I put on the skimpiest thing I could find. It looked like something Astrid would wear. It was a simple, short-sleeved grey crop top with matching shorts. The crop top had a sweetheart neckline, exposing a little cleavage and the shorts were tiny. A little bit of my bu.tt cheeks peaked out. Was I insane? I put on high heels, not caring how provocative the get-up was. This was definitely not the attire of a dignified Luna. Thaddeus would undoubtedly react to this. I put on a shade of red l!pstick that suited me and put a little bit of blush on my cheeks and some mascara on my eyelashes. I left my hair down and sprayed on the most lovely perfume I could find amongst my new things. I took a deep breath and went to the Alpha Dining Room. sh!t, my brother was here.

Thaddeus, Maze, Theo and Fang all looked up. They had been deep in discussion about some pack business. They had a h.uge map with territory lines all over it. All territories were forgotten when I entered the room. I immediately started making my own damn coffee, fed up of people doing it wrong. Thaddeus was eyeing me hungrily. There was some shock and a little anger in his eyes. He l!cked his l!ps when I bent to spoon sugar into my cup. Maze was completely shocked. His cheeks flushed and his eyes never left me. He looked like he was really anticipating his day with me now. I saw him squirm in his chair. Thaddeus was doing the same, adjusting his position every few seconds. I did not have wolf senses like them to know when someone was aroused but from their behaviour and their tense eyes, I honestly thought they were both painfully hard because of me. Theo averted his eyes respectfully and was the first to greet me with “Morning, Luna.”

“Friday,” I corrected, smiling.

“Good morning,” Maze mumbled, his eyes still drinking me in.

Thaddeus just openly stared at me.

“Good morning, Thaddeus,” I challenged.

He nodded and raised his coffee cup in my direction.

“What the hell have you got on?” Said Fang, not able to hold in his annoyance.

He was a terrible brother, yes, but he did have a point.

“I don’t know what you mean, Fang,” I said sweetly. “I’m so happy you’re here again,” I lied. “I feel at home in this room now, with my brother here.”

Fang huffed. He ate his food silently. Thaddeus and Maze continued to stare at me while I ate. I recalled that dream I had where they both had their way with me and shivered. I remembered how dream-me had screamed in ecstasy while they both marked and mated me at the same time. I pushed the thought away and slowly poured the thick maple syrup over my stack of pancakes.

Maze’s POV

The four of us, both alphas and both betas, were making excellent progress on our territory strategy. We each wanted to expand our lands outwards. We had been peacefully absorbing small packs and adopting willing rogues as we went along. I smelled her before I saw her. Friday. Her scent was sweeter and even more floral than usual. I shivered in delight, thinking of the day ahead with her. Then, I saw her. My jaw dropped. She was in a low-cut top that exposed both the tops of her tender b.reasts and her smooth midriff. I followed her across the room with my eyes. Her bum was exposed a little due to her extremely short shorts. Her bum was so round and tight. Her legs were beautiful. Her cheeks looked flushed and her wavy-curly hair was long and l.ustrous. I was going to peal that tight little outfit off of her today one way or another. I remembered when I had searched her n.aked body for bruises. She had been so gorgeous then, her beautiful body totally exposed and vulnerable but I had been focused on her well-being, unable to enjoy the moment sensually. Today would be different.

Thaddeus’ POV

Friday’s scent and her new look hit me like a two-tonne truck. What had gotten into her and why wasn’t it me? She was in a grey top that exposed some cleavage and her midriff. Her shorts were so short, a little bit of her bu.tt cheeks were exposed when she bent over. Was she wearing underwear? Maybe I should give back one of the panties I had stolen. She was doing this to t0rture me for leaving her hanging last night. I sighed exasperatedly. She said good morning to me pointedly and I nodded, raising my coffee mug to her. She made her own coffee and fixed her own plate while I stared at her. Her brother complained about the outfit and I couldn’t even disagree with him. sh!t. Today was Maze’s day and she was wearing that. I took a deep breath. Rage and envy threatened to engulf me.

Fang’s POV

Our impromptu little pack meeting was going pretty well. The alphas were getting along. Theo was cool. Everything was ok until my sister, Friday, walked in dressed like a music video vixen. She was wearing basically nothing so there’s nothing for me to describe. It was grey, I guess, the small bits of it that actually existed. It was almost a top with almost a pair of shorts. I glared at her and asked her what the hell was she wearing. She claimed she didn’t know what I meant and proceeded to lie about how happy she was to see me.

Theo’s POV

My Alpha and I were getting along surprisingly well with Maze and Fang working out some territory disputes when my future Luna walked in dressed not really like a future Luna but more like a sugar baby or something. Well, Thaddeus was a couple years older than her and so was Maze. And both guys were rich and they’d plucked Friday from that impoverished cottage but I was used to her sund.resses and her innocence. What the hell had Thaddeus done to her? I couldn’t help but blame my best friend a bit. She’d been totally a novice before he got his paws on her. My bro was looking pissed off about her skimpy outfit because today was Maze’s day. I knew if it had been his day, he would be howling with delight so it was kinda hypocritical to be honest but I would never say that to him. We’d been bros since we were babies so I supported him in everything. I knew how long he’d yearned for a mate to make his Luna.

Friday’s POV

I could hardly eat anything. I yawned. Maze got to his feet.

“Ready?” He said.

“Her plate is completely full!” Protested Thaddeus, his eyes worried.

I felt a little sad.

“I’m ok, Thaddeus,” I said, trying to sound sincere and looking him in the eyes. I wanted to k!ss him goodbye but not in front of Maze.

Fang was glaring at me.

“I love you, Fang,” I said, before I could stop myself. Thaddeus, Maze and Theo looked flabbergasted.

I had to stifle my laughter.

“Bye, big bro,” I added to Fang, blowing a k!ss. He seethed.

“Bye, Thaddeus,” I said, smiling, feeling guilty.

“Bye, my little Luna,” he said softly. I was relieved to hear him call me his Luna again. He was tracing the territory lines on the map with his index finger. I couldn’t believe that finger had been up my as.s last night. My stomach clenched at the memory.

Maze led me to a car parked out front. We were being chauffeured and there was dark glass separating the chauffeur from us for some privacy. Maze held open the door for me then got in. The car started moving. Before I could ask where we were going, Maze pulled me into his lap and his hands started roaming my body. This was so unlike Maze. Had Thaddeus possessed Maze just to get his hands on me in this outfit?

“Maze!” I said, startled.

Maze came to his senses a little. His eyes were black. They slowly started to lighten.

“Friday, you are so beautiful,” he whispered. I blushed.

“This is not how a Luna should dress,” he scolded. I sighed.

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“But it’s driving me crazy. I’m sorry, my inner wolf was out of control just now.”

I was still in his lap and he was still caressing me but much more gently. He massaged my th!ghs then my back and my shoulders. He actually tickled my exposed tummy and sides making me giggle. He put his palm against my c0re. I gasped. He rubbed me there. Immediately, I started to get w.et. I moved myself against his hand.

“I’m thinking about just taking you back to my room instead,” he said.

“I’ve never seen your room,” I realised.

I didn’t mind going back there. My body was so worked up. These Alphas were driving my hormones crazy or something. I didn’t think I could go into heat because I was wolf-less but now I wasn’t so sure.

“No, no, um, I have something planned anyway,” said Maze.

“What is it?” I asked, feeling a little lightheaded from all the excitement recently. I also had not slept a wink or eaten so much as a morsel. I drank my sweet, milky coffee though.

“Mmm,” Maze murmured, inhaling my scent and playing with my hair, “I’m taking you to a cat cafe.”

“Really?” I squeaked.

“Yeah,” said Maze, smiling at my reaction. “You obviously like them.”

I had heard of the Marigold Cat Cafe. Many cats lived there and were well taken care of by the staff. You ate pastries and cakes and drank tea or coffee, all of it extremely overpriced because the money went towards pampering the cats and making donations to cat foundations, helping to house animals.

“Maze,” I said, surprised. “That’s really sweet.”

Who knew Maze could be sweet? These guys were both so sweet all of a sudden. How did I get so lucky, being wolf-less and all. The two most impressive alphas in the region were fighting over me. My life was crazy.

I pressed my l!ps to Maze’s before I could stop myself. He responded enthusiastically, gr0aning against my l!ps. I knew some of this was the outfit but that was the desired effect anyway. He nuzzled me with his nose. I giggled. I had seen Fang do that to Astrid and honestly it was cute.

“Friday,” he said, his voice a little hoarse. “I don’t know if I’m happy or angry about this outfit.”

I bit my l!p.

“Why did you wear this?” He asked.

I couldn’t tell him I’d worn it to make Thaddeus angry or even jealous. I had known I’d be with Maze today. I had thought he might just think me an inappropriate Luna but he already thought that anyway so it didn’t make a difference. I hadn’t thought he would get turned on by it. Maze was so…formal. I had been naive though. He was a werewolf, an Alpha! Of course, he had carnal desires, he just hid them more than Thaddeus due to his personality.

“I thought you wouldn’t care, like it wouldn’t make a difference to you what I wore,” I said honestly.

Maze frowned. “I care,” he said. “If I gave you that impression, I’m sorry.”

He caressed my cheek and then rubbed his thumb on my l!p.

“Don’t act out for attention, Friday,” he scolded.


“No! I’m not,” I whined, sounding exactly like the little b.rat he was accusing me of being.

“I’m really not,” I said in a more serious tone.

“If you want more attention from either Thaddeus or me, just ask for it,” he said simply.

I felt so stupid.

“You’re very young,” he said. “So being courted by two alphas after being ignored for so long can’t be easy for you. Your brother told me you’ve never dated before.”

I was twenty. Maze was not that much older than me at twenty-two and Thaddeus was twenty-five but they both had way more experience than I did. They were Alphas, raised in the lime light, fawned over and accustomed to socialising. I grew up the unwanted daughter of alcoholic parents who loved my three elder brothers and left me at home the vast majority of the time. I was academically inclined when I was at school but my parents did not care about that. They wanted pack leaders in the family. When I failed to phase at age eighteen, that was the most attention I ever got before now, until they kicked me out. No one had ever tried to even hold my hand before and suddenly the two most handsome and powerful men I’d ever encountered were all over me, alternating the days they got to spend with me. He was right. I was actually acting out. I felt like Maze would make a really responsible but stern and hard-to-please father.

“Yeah, I didn’t date anyone before you or Thaddeus,” I said softly.

I felt a little embarrassed. Maze k!ssed my cheeks and then my forehead. He k!ssed the tip of my nose and nuzzled me again, making me giggle.

“Behave yourself, from now on,” he warned, with a little smile. “Or I’ll have to spank you,” he added, winking.

A thrill coursed through me. Now, I didn’t know whether I wanted to behave to please Maze or misbehave a lot to get punished by him.

We arrived at the cat cafe. Before we got out of the car, Maze took off his blazer and put it on me. It was long enough to cover my bu.tt and the tops of my th!ghs.

Saturday had become a fast favourite in the pack house despite his mommy, me, being shunned there just a week ago. The pack wolves were calling him “Alpha Saturday” and “Cat-urday”, stupid but the pack wolves thought those were great names.

“You smelled like an orchard,” I told him.

“You know, if I had remained banned from the pack house, if Thaddeus hadn’t showed up, it would’ve been really hard to get food. I usually get some of the free food in the common grounds. I don’t have much money and people usually don’t want to hire me because I’m weak and wolf-less,” I said, looking at how w.et my chocolate chip muffin had become. My tears had fallen onto it. I took a bite of it despite it being w.et. Maze took it away. He looked so pained and guilty.


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