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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 20

Thaddeus’ POV

Friday and Maze were having dinner in the conference room with their parents instead of in the Alpha dining room. I ate my steak slowly, methodically. I couldn’t wait for the two weeks in Marigold to be over. I wanted Friday to meet my parents and my pack. The love and warmth she would be embraced with in Berryndale would definitely thrill her. I wanted to be on my home turf also. I had a lot of ideas of where to take Friday and how to spend our days back home. I knew she would love it there. The diversity would interest her. All kinds of creatures resided in Berryndale, not just werewolves.

Theo ate dinner with me. He was video chatting with his mate, Ida, at the same time. I waved hello to her. My Gamma, Westwood, and his human mate were with Ida in Berryndale having dinner so it felt like we were all reunited. Theo’s little son, Titus, was in his high chair back home, his cooing and giggling resounded throughout the audio. Friday would love him. Hopefully, that would make her keen to have children soon. I wanted a lot of cubs. I had to apologise to her, for the misunderstanding. I sighed. She was a strange mixture of emotions today. I felt it through the mate bond. She was not in danger. I knew that with certainty but her emotions included sadness, joy, regret, fear and unfortunately I felt some l.ust emanating from her. It was natural. Maze was also an Alpha and not a hideous troll. He was no me but still.

Maze’s POV

I took Friday up to my room. I had already confiscated her outfit. She glanced at it on my desk. My room was similar to all the other Alpha bedrooms but I had pinned territory maps and to-do-lists all over a notice board I had put up on the wall above my desk. I had a proper office but I liked working in my room too. I didn’t like yellow or gold and green that much, Marigold Pack Colours, so I’d had my room decorated in faded blues and greys. Friday hopped onto the bed, bouncing on it, giggling. She was so childish. I loved how playful she was but I didn’t want to encourage it too much. She had to grow up to become Luna.

“What did you and my father talk about?” I asked.

“You and me, and my mom and him,” Friday said. “He admitted to the affair.”

“I know,” I said.

She seemed surprised.

“He let me listen to the conversation through our mind-link. I was going to come check on you as soon as you walked out but he asked me to give him some time with you and I said ok but only if I could know everything that went on,” I explained to her.

She nodded. “I’m sorry for your Mom. That’s not right,” she said.

“I’m sorry for your Dad,” I said.

She scoffed, “He’s a j.erk! Don’t feel sorry for him!”

I laughed.

“Why were you so upset? Was it Fang?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “He lied and said he’d cried when I didn’t phase. I cried and he woke me up in the middle of the night and smacked me.”

“What?!” I snarled.

“He would hit me sometimes. He was furious I didn’t phase. He said it made him look bad and my parents should not have had me. My father agreed with him,” she said angrily.

My bl00d boiled. My Beta was an even bigger a.sshole than I had realised. I breathed out slowly. How was I going to remedy this? Could I honestly keep Fang as a Beta if Friday became my Luna? She would never be truly safe. I would mull over it later. I didn’t want to waste these precious moments with Friday.

I sat next to her on the bed, kicking my shoes off. I took her heels off. She shrugged out of my blazer. I unzipped the long-sleeved black dress, revealing her golden skin. She let the dress fall on the floor. She was in the lacy pink u.nderwear set from earlier. I took her b.ra off and she unb.uttoned my shirt. I wanted to feel her skin against my skin. She unbuckled my pants and I slid out of them. I pulled her onto my la.p, her legs straddling me, her arms wrapped around me. Her skin felt soft and smooth, and cool, not as warm as werewolves. I k!ssed her neck and inhaled her scent. She seemed hesitant. I wondered how she acted with Thaddeus.

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“What did Fang mean when he said he saw Thaddeus all over you?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

“We were like this,” she said, gesturing to our u.nderwear and our embrace. “He was k!ssing me and trying to make me…excited.

“Did he make you excited?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she whispered, eyes wide.

“Do I make you excited, Baby?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she said, smirking.

I massaged her sides and her back while I k!ssed her deeply. I pushed her down on the bed. I rocked my h!ps against her. I was painfully hard. I bit her neck but I didn’t break the skin. She m0aned.

“Baby, look at what you do to me,” I said, my voice raspy, as I pressed the large bulge in my boxers against her c0re. She whimpered. I wanted to be inside of her. I gr0aned inwardly. I wanted to mark her. If I had only had the sense to claim her in that cottage that night. I should’ve wrecked her p*ussy all over that cottage and brought her back to the pack house to wreck it again. I had no idea what she would come to mean to me.

Friday’s POV

I realised I had never seen Maze’s member though I had seen Thaddeus’. I tugged at Maze’s boxers and he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

“I wish I could k!ss it,” I said out loud before I caught myself. I blushed furiously.

I k!ssed her, exploring her mouth with my tongue. I gripped her face with my hands. My e.rection was rubbling against her bare smooth tummy. Some pre-c.um dribbled onto her golden skin. I took my c0ck and rubbed it against her c0re through her lacy panty. I knew I was pushing it but it was not mating unless there was a possibility of pregnancy. I wasn’t sure if we could have oral or a.nal se.x. I cursed myself mentally for not asking someone that blatantly. I would love to taste her properly. My mouth watered at the thought. I bet the wildflower smell would be really intense with my nose and mouth pressed against her p*ussy.


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