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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 24

Friday’s POV

I could feel Maze trailing his fingers along my folds, parting them gently. I braced myself. I felt Maze’s tongue l!ck a broad str!p of my v.ulva.

“Oh! Maze!” I m0aned.

He pinched my inner th!gh, making me squeal.

“Sorry, Daddy,” I cried quickly realising my mistake.

“That’s one,” he said.

“One what?” I asked, confused. “Daddy?” I quickly added.

I could not see him but I could picture him smirking, his grey eyes bright and filled with mischief.

“One spanking on your delicious tight little bum when I fl!p you over. Every time you do something wrong I’ll add one. When the day is almost over, you’ll be spanked, little Princess,” Maze said, his voice raspy and deep.

I bit my l!p. My flower was weeping. I hoped he would comfort me and baby me after the spanking.

Maze breathed me in. He half-buried his nose in me. I shivered as his tongue found my entrance. He entered me with his tongue, darting it in and out while using his fingers to caress my cl!t in a circular motion. I m0aned and arched my back. I instinctively rocked my h!ps against his face. Maze had me gripped by the h!ps so I could not wiggle away from his torturous tongue. He began s.ucking and l!cking my cl!t. My th!ghs were over his strong shoulders and his face was nestled between my th!ghs. He took my entire v.ulva into his hot large mouth. I saw stars underneath the blindfold. He very carefully prodded my tight back opening. I heard a squ!rting g sound then he put something cold between my bvtt cheeks. I sighed as he used his index finger to pump my anus while he continued eating me out. I lost it. I came, drenching his handsome face in my juices. He lapped them up eagerly.

Maze slid the blindfold off and pressed his l!ps to mine. I tasted myself on him. I remained tied up. He had a small black notebook with him. He was grinning at me.

“What is that Sir?” I asked curiously.

He seemed regretful that he mentioned using the term sir at all.

“It’s a list of your transgressions,” he said smirking. They were all trumped up charges, some completely fabricated by Maze. Some were real like my skimpy grey outfit.

Maze was looking at me hungrily again. I wriggled about to get my scent to waft towards him on. Maze fidgeted uncomfortably but I could sense he was aroused. Before I knew it, he was back between my legs, making me scream his name and arch my back all over again. The blindfold was on again. I felt Maze’s l!ps moving against mine and I eagerly moved mine, matching his movements. Maze gr0aned into my mouth. Our breath mixed and mingled. I sighed happily. My wrists and ankles were becoming a little sore.

Updated by Jobnib.com
Maze was looking at me hungrily again. I wriggled about to get my scent to waft towards him on. Maze fidgeted uncomfortably but I could sense he was aroused. Before I knew it, he was back between my legs, making me scream his name and arch my back all over again. The blindfold was on again. I felt Maze’s l!ps moving against mine and I eagerly moved mine, matching his movements. Maze gr0aned into my mouth. Our breath mixed and mingled. I sighed happily. My wrists and ankles were becoming a little sore.

“It’s time for your punishment, Princess,” murmured Maze, bending down to l!ck my would-be marking sp0t.

“Ok,” I said breathlessly.

I smirked. “I don’t know,” I said, grinning, shrugging defiantly.

“You have a lot of tension here, Princess,” he murmured. “Ready?”


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