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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 28

Fang’s POV

Finally, Astrid had some good news. She was going to be Fridays’s lady-in-waiting to help her get dressed while in her cast. The only problem was it had to be supervised. I sighed. It was a start. I gave Astrid a nod of approval. She tried to k!ss me but I dodged it. I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes. Astrid went to bed. I knew she was sad because we had grown distant over these past few weeks.

I was consumed with this plan to safeguard my family’s future. If Maze was really devastated over Friday after my plan, maybe he would even step down and I could be Alpha!

Thaddeus’ POV

Astrid knocked on my door at seven o’ clock as previously discussed.

“Good morning, Astrid,” I said brightly.

We went to Friday’s room and I unlocked the door. Maze had given me the key. He was actually being helpful. I found Friday already sitting up in bed, waiting patiently. She was so cute! Astrid helped her shower then she picked out her outfit and did her hair and makeup. Friday looked even more beautiful than usual in a short floral navy blue dress, eyeliner and l!pstick. Astrid was so good at doing everyone else’s makeup and picking out their clothes. She should do this for a living and hire someone else to choose her clothes and makeup. Friday drank her morning coffee and ate a cream cheese bagel while getting ready. I decided to take my coffee as sweet and milky as my Luna’s for a change. I ate sausages and eegs with a plain bagel.

When Astrid was done, Friday thanked Astrid and I wheeled Friday away.

“Where are we going?” Asked Friday, turning around to look at me.

“We’re going to an art studio and gallery,” I said.

“Ohhh, fancy!” Exclaimed Friday.

I chuckled as I lifted her into the passenger seat of the car. I got in the driver’s side.

“Friday, I really am so sorry about your foot,” I said earnestly. I did blame myself on some level. Horseback riding had been my date idea.

“Thaddeus!” Said Friday sternly. “This is not your fault. I rushed ahead of you on the horse. You even tried to stop me,” she said, sighing.

“How are you feeling?” I asked. “Still in pain.”

“I feel ok. The paink!llers work really well,” Friday said brightly.

I pulled into the parking lot of Alphas of Art, a studio and art gallery.

I carried Friday inside, cradling her gently to me. Friday snuggled into me, sighing contentedly.

Friday’s POV

Even though I was in a cast, the female art gallery workers all seemed extremely jealous that I was being carried around by Thaddeus. Their jealousy made me feel both lucky and uncomfortable at the same time. I really was a lucky wolf-less she-wolf to have two Alphas vying for my affection. However, I could tell some she-wolves thought I was unworthy of such fine specimens being interested in me and that hurt.

Thaddeus had rented out a large private room in the studio. The walls were a bright vermillion and the floor was mahogany. The studio was so colourful. If I had not been on paink!llers, the colour scheme would have probably gave me a headache. Thaddeus had newspapers spread all over the floor of the room. There were two blank canvases with balloons taped all over them. The balloons seemed to be filled with liquid.

“What’s in the balloons? Paint?” I asked.

“Exactly,” Thaddeus said, grinning. I would have never imagined Thaddeus being interested in the arts. He was so masculine. Maybe it was ignorant of me but I could not picture him painting and sketching and writing poetry about his feelings.

He handed me a container to put on my lap. It was filled with darts. I grinned.

“We’re splash painting! You just throw the darts at the balloon you want to pop. The colour of the balloon corresponds to the colour of the paint so you pop as many or as little as you want and in the order that you want,” Thaddeus explained.

Thaddeus demonstrated, throwing a dart at a red balloon. The balloon popped allowing red paint to splatter and run down the canvas. He threw the next dart at a white balloon near the popped red one. The white pain mixed partially with the red so there were white, red and pink areas. I threw my first dart at a big blue balloon. It just bounced off, not popping at all. I gr0aned.

“You have to use a tad bit more force, Baby,” said Thaddeus, chuckling.

I tried again, throwing the dart as hard as I could. It missed the blue balloon I wanted and popped a red one nearby. I aimed for the blue again. Success! I cheered and Thaddeus high-fived me. I watched as the blue paint splattered over the red to make some purple areas. I began throwing darts at random. Thaddeus did too. The room was filled with the sounds of popping balloons and we.t squelching noises from splattering paint. My painting actually looked cool. Thaddeus’ splash painting was cool too. We got to keep them.

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The next activity was pot making which I had seen people do in a r0mantic movie before. Thaddeus had me sit between his legs so he could guild my hands to form the clay pot. Thaddeus had his h.uge hands over mine as we shaped the spinning clay. He k!ssed my would-be marking sp0t and then trailed k!sses down my neck and across my shoulder. He nipped playfully at my shoulder. I squealed. I felt sleepy because of my medications. I yawned. I turned around and gently pressed my l!ps against Thaddeus’ l!ps. I k!ssed his cheek, jaw and his neck. I s.ucked on his marking sp0t. He gr0aned and shivered. I giggled. Thaddeus smirked.

“I love you, Thaddeus,” I whispered.

“I love you, Friday,” Thaddeus said, nuzzling me.

The pot he helped me to make was tall and narrow in diameter like a vase. I would put flowers in it the next time he bought them for me. We put the pot to bake and harden in the kiln.

Thaddeus’ POV

I wheeled Friday around the gallery part of the building, showing her the recent art exhibition. I had another surprise for her. We met with Frederick Mackie, the most celebrated werewolf Artist in the art world right now. He was a peculiar guy as was to be expected. He had his hair completely shaved off except for a tuft of red hair to the left. He wore tiny round spectacles with translucent blue frames. He had one blue eye and one green eye and a very bush red beard. His suit was white and khaki pinstr!pe. Friday was thrilled to meet him. She clapped when she saw him.

“I did a project on him in Visual Arts class in high school,” she whispered to me.

“I love your watercolour paintings, Mr Mackie,” she said.

“Thank you, Luna! I hope you’ll love this one I’m about to unveil. It’s acrylic though,” Fred said.

A crowd of art enthusiasts had gathered around Friday, Fred and me and the canvas on the easel. The painting was covered with a white sheet. Fred gripped the white fabric and ripped it off of the canvas to reveal his masterpiece.

Friday’s POV

The painting was of a young woman with golden skin, brown eye and wavy long hair riding on the back of a brown wolf with piercing blue eyes. They were in a lush green forest. It was me and Thaddeus in his wolf form. I smiled. It was beautiful. The crowd cheered. Mr Mackie handed the framed piece to me. I held it carefully.

“Thaddeus had that commissioned for you,” Mackie said, winking.

Rather than mope around the pack house like I usually did on Thaddeus’ days with Friday, I went to visit my family. They lived in an affluent and exclusive gated community in Marigold appropriately named Prestige Gardens. My chauffeur drove me past well-manicured lawns and sprawling mansions. We pulled up in front of my parent’s house. I tipped the driver and told him to be back for me in an hour. The house was just as I remembered it, a towering grey brick building with flowering vines growing along its walls. The butler, Willis, answered the door. He grinned at me and clapped me on the back.


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