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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 48

Thaddeus’ POV:

Even I was shocked when Maze wanted me to tag along on his date day. I was not about to miss out though. I drove them to the hospital and we went to see Malachi who had been moved from HDU (High Dependency Unit) to a regular ward but in a private room. Friday seemed thrilled if not a little confused that Maze and I were getting along. She walked between us linking arms with both of us. She kept looking back and forth with a quizzical look on her face.

Malachi was being fed more chocolate pudding by Felicity to Maze’s chagrin. I knew he was thinking about how much sugar was in the pudding but the former alpha had just been shot. Let him live a little.

Malachi and Felicity looked up and both of their faces faltered, confused, when they saw Friday between us. Friday immediately relinquished both of our arms and hid behind me while Maze went over to his Dad. She was so adorable! Friday eventually crept out from behind me and waved shyly at the former alpha.

“How’re you feeling, Dad?” Asked Maze.

“You tell me,” said Malachi, showing us the perfectly healed skin where his bullet wound used to be.

I chuckled. “Come through, Alpha,” I said.

Malachi laughed. “I haven’t lost it yet! Right, Maze?”

I could tell Maze was resisting rolling his eyes out of happiness for his father.

“No, you haven’t,” mumbled Maze, h.ugging his father gently.

“Hi, Alpha Malachi,” said Friday softly.

“My new step-daughter…or…daughter-in-law,” said Malachi happily but with a confused look on his face. The room became a little awkward with everyone thinking about what the former alpha had said. Friday was Felicity’s daughter and Malachi was marrying Felicity but Malachi’s son Maze hoped to marry Friday. I smirked. I was glad to be left out of that one. What a sh!t show! I shoved Maze playfully and he did not move an inch. Impressive. I grinned at him. He scowled at me.

Do you regret inviting me? I gloated, over mind-link.

Maze smiled slightly. No, of course not! You’ve come with me everyday and I really appreciate that even though you’re still kinda annoying.

You kinda love me though, I said. It was a statement not a question. I gave Maze a smug look and tried to ruffle his hair but he dodged it. I caught him the second time and ruffled it.

“Ugh!” Maze exclaimed.

Friday, Felicity and Malachi laughed but Friday tried to hide her laughter when she saw Maze’s scowl.

After the hospital visit, we went on the date. I realised I had no idea where I was driving to.

“I’m so happy that Alpha Malachi will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow!” Friday said from the backseat.

Maze glanced at her in the rearview mirror.

“Friday, you don’t have to call my Dad Alpha ok?” Maze said.

“Ok,” Friday said smiling, her big doe eyes lighting up.

“Yeah, Friday,” I agreed, also glancing at her through the mirror. “That’s your Dad too! Listen to your big brother, Maze!”

Maze gr0aned, looking out of the window, and Friday giggled.

“Where are we going Maze?” I said.

“We’re going back to the movies!” Maze said happily.

“What the fvck?” I said.

Maze snorted with laughter but Friday proclaimed immediately how much she loved the movies.

Maze’s POV

Unless Thaddeus was lying, we were all going camping soon and we had just come from Friday’s cottage, I wanted to do an inside date. Something basic and classic. Dinner and a movie. Something that I fvckingd up on the first date because Friday and I had the chemistry of a brick back then and not the fire we had now. I wanted to go back there and actually enjoy a air conditioned room filled with her scent. And not be a d!ck and tell her to be quiet and that we’d talk after the movie. For that reason, I picked the most boring movie possible on purpose. I did not remember what it was about because I could not even finish reading the synopsis.

“I really love the movies! Maze and I went there on our first date,” Friday announced.

“What did you see?” Thaddeus asked.

“The Mysterious Manor,” said Maze.

“Was that good?” Thaddeus asked.

“No,” said Friday simply.

We all laughed.

It was good though! She was mad at me then so maybe it did not leave an impression on her. The we.t dream she had while resting on my shoulder and in my lap left an impression on me though as well as a we.t sp0t on my pants, some of it from Friday, some of it from me.

Friday, under Thaddeus’ protection, ordered an extra jumbo popcorn with extra movie theatre b.utter and an extra jumbo coke. Both of those items were bigger than she was so I did not see the point. Thaddeus and I actually ended up getting a ton of stuff to Friday’s glee. I gave up for the time being. I supposed today was a cheat day. I had rented out the entire screen again but of course, there were other screens showing other things so there were people in the food lines. I was balancing a h.uge tray filled with chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, seasoned potato wedges, straight fries, crinkle fries, curly fries and cream cheese jalapeño poppers. Friday had wanted the savoury separated from the sweet so Thaddeus had an equally large tray with brownie bites, chocolate-covered pretzels, soft almond pretzels with frosting for dipping, mini powdered donuts, deep fried Oreos, a cookies n’ cream chocolate, a regular chocolate and a dark chocolate. Friday was insane. I had only just realised this but I was already in love so whatever.

Little Friday was ignoring me and Thaddeus peaking at someone else. A random pang of jealousy course through me. I looked to see who it was and was relieved to see it was Fang. Fang? Fang was here with a smug looking Astrid talking to the twins. The twins?! Ugh. I realised Fallon and Fargo would be my step-brothers too. sh!t! They were so annoying. I preferred my a.ssh0le Beta, Fang, over them honestly, especially now that he was no longer at odds with my Baby, Friday.

“You want to say hi to your brothers, Baby?” I murmured in her ear, making sure my l!ps brushed against her skin and made her shiver and smile slyly. I was waiting with bated breath hoping she would say no.

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“Now, Maze,” said Thaddeus in a stern voice, “those are your brothers too!”

I scowled. “They’re my step-brothers!” I said. Ugh, Friday and I were not biologically related. Hadn’t Thaddeus ever seen Clueless? That human movie where the girl is in love with her step-brother plus other stuff. I had not seen it either but Friday mentioned it once so I googled it and half-read the synopsis so I could pretend to be sensitive and claim I had watched many beloved girly movies, even human ones.

“Yeah,” said Friday somewhat begrudgingly. “We should say hi.”

She made it sound like a chore she was doing to be dutiful

I thought you and your brothers were getting along?! I asked including Thaddeus in the mind-link.

Yes, but…what will they think about me…and…both of you…instead of just one…not that I don’t want that…of course I do…but they’ll say I’m a…

I stopped her with a growl. She was blushing furiously and biting her l!p. She looked up at me with wide fearful eyes. I leant towards her, brushing my nose against hers.

“A what?” I asked, my voice deadly. It was not directed at her though, but I would k!ll anyone who disrespected my Luna like that.

“Um,” Friday said. She shook her head, nuzzling me accidentally because my nose was still against hers. She giggled at that and I smiled slightly.

“They’re not gonna say anything unless they have a death wish,” muttered Thaddeus, walking over to them.

They sp0tted us. Fallon and Fargo waved. Fang looked flabbergasted. His jaw dropped and he stared at the three of us.

Thaddeus actually broke out of his sarcasm towards Friday’s family and into a smile.

The Alphas looked at me, both of their faces bearing worried expressions.

“They won’t! I rented out the whole screen and gave strict orders that we were not to be disturbed,” said Maze authoritatively.


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