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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 5

Maze’s POV

Her smell was driving me mad. I could tell Fang was leading her up the stairs. Her smell got more and more intense. Why did she have to smell so d*mn good? I sighed and tried to concentrate. I had some work to get through before the Celeb.ration tonight. I cursed that odd alpha who had demanded my rejected wolf-less mate be allowed in the pack house. I bet he would insist that she attend the Celeb.ration too. I had to just get through the night. Alpha Thaddeus was only staying one night. He would leave tomorrow afternoon. Then, I would tell Fang to remind his sister she was not allowed in the pack house. We were just accommodating a guest, a very powerful guest.

Her smell intermingled with the smell of that odd alpha a little. My inner wolf growled but I quieted him. She was brought here to cut the alphas’s hair and shave him so obviously they were standing near to each other. I felt a little jealous that she was attending to another alpha but I could not have Friday attend to me and still have the strength to resist the mate pull. Even across the hallway, it was maddening. Then I smelled it. I smelled Friday’s ar0usal. My wolf was murderous. What was she doing with that other alpha? Before I could stop myself, I ran across the hallway at lightning speed and burst through the door. Thankfully, the door was unlocked so I did not have to break it down.

Friday looked startled. Thaddeus looked extremely calm and happy. I was livid. Friday was sitting on another alpha’s lap, in his embrace, and she was aroused.

A growl ripped through me. I lunged forward to grab Friday away from Thaddeus but he quickly placed her behind him. He snarled at me, eyes black, canines bared.

Beta Theo and Beta Fang ran upstairs and into the room.

“What’s wrong, Maze?” Fang asked.

“Thaddeus, what happened?” Said Theo.

“He has my mate!” I yelled, anger pouring out of me.

“But you rejected her?” Said Fang. “She’s wolf-less!”

“What?!” Bellowed Thaddeus and Theo in unison.

“Friday was your mate?!” Thaddeus said.

“Yes,” I said. “I found out last night. I rejected her because she is wolf-less but that doesn’t mean that she can be your plaything!”

Thaddeus laughed. “Plaything? She’s my mate now. And I’ve accepted her wholeheartedly. She’s the future Luna of the Berryndale Wolf Pack.”

My heart threatened to cleave in two. Friday had gotten a second chance mate, another alpha! Was I missing something? She was wolf-less and fated to an alpha twice in a row. Fate was really trying to apologise for making her wolf-less. I sighed. I could not handle Friday being here with another alpha. She was mine first. Clearly, I’d missed something, some special power she might have.

Before I could stop myself, I said, “I, Maze Mason, Alpha of the Marigold Pack, rescind my rejection of Friday Fenestra. Friday, I accept you as my mate and Luna.”

“She’s already my mate and my Luna!” Bellowed Alpha Thaddeus. “I just said that same thing to her after you already rejected her. It’s too late now!”

Beta Fang cleared his throat, “In accordance with both of our packs laws, you may both attempt to sway her. Our Aly status does not allow a fight to the death between alphas. The decision is hers. The she-wolf in question.”

Everyone looked at my mate, Friday, who was peaking out from behind Thaddeus. She fainted.

Friday’s POV

Yesterday no one wanted me. When Thaddeus accepted me I was overjoyed but then Maze wanted me back. It was too much for me. I had never fainted before in my life but I suddenly saw the ground come up to meet me.

Thaddeus’ POV

I grabbed my delicious little mate before she could hit the floor and hurt herself. She was limp in my arms. I held her bridal style, cradling her head gently to my c.hest.

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“Where’s your pack doctor? Fetch someone immediately!” I demanded Fang. He went running. Theo rushed to me and Friday.

“She’s breathing,” Theo said. “Her pulse seems ok.”

Maze was nearer than I would have liked too. His eyes were on Friday. He was an i***t to reject her. There was no way he was taking her back. She was mine. If she were conscious, I’d have marked her already.

Two pack doctors rushed into the room, a man and a woman. I placed Friday on the bed and they attended to her. I waited anxiously on one side of the bed and Maze waited on the other.

Maze’s POV

Friday looked so helpless. I regretted rejecting her but she was wolf-less! How was Thaddeus able to accept that so quickly. He would obviously seem like the better choice to Friday. He had not broken her heart. I had to do something.

Friday’s POV

When I came to, there were four faces anxiously observing me. I recognised two pack doctors, a worried Thaddeus and a guilty looking Maze.

I tried to sit up. Both alphas tried to help me. They both growled at each other. I cowered a little. Fang came into view, making me even more frightened. Theo also came into view, smiling warmly.

Judging by the fading light, I had been out for a few hours. I also had not eaten anything yesterday or today. My diet was generally pretty poor. It was difficult to come to the pack house to get some food and I never had much money really to buy food.

I noticed there was an empty bag of intravenous fluids on a stand next to me. A nurse came in and detached the line from the empty bag from my IV in my forearm.

“We can take the IV out now, nurse, all her test results are normal. Her CT Brain and bl00d results were normal. Her bl00d sugar was a little low but we’ve fixed that so she’s free to go,” the elder of the two doctors said.

All of those tests were done on me while I was out. All of that was spent on me. Last year, I had been knocked out cold at the pack house, when my brother “accidentally” hit me in the head with a football. I had woken up exactly where I landed, untouched, unmoved, no medical attention.

“Thank you, doctor,” said Thaddeus and Maze in unison. They glared at each other.

“How’re you feeling, my Luna?” Thaddeus said, leaning closer.

I relaxed as his scent hit me. “I’m ok, really, I’m fine,” I said, blushing at being called Luna. The doctors and nurse took the IV pole and left.

“The doctor said you had some bruises,” Thaddeus said. “As though you’d recently fallen or perhaps been in a fight. There was bruising around your arm like someone had grabbed you.”

“How long is the compet!tion?” Maze said, clearly not versed in these particular pack laws.


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