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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 57

Fang’s POV

Astrid was ecstatic with the h.uge warm reaction she had received regarding her pregnancy announcement. I was happy for her. I was happy for both of us. I was scared sh!tless about being a Dad. My own Dad ended up being an alcoholic and then a would-be murderer. Speaking of my own Dad, I could not stop feeling drawn to Cody. The hair on the back of my inner wolf’s neck was standing up! Did my senses deceive me or did Cody smell like my…

“Dad,” said Thaddeus suddenly. Timbre looked up. “Is it ok if I show Cody the sp0t on our estate where we wanted the new building?”

“Son, today is a day of celebration!” Began Timbre, raising his hands in the air, the old viking about to make a speech I’m sure. Good grief.

“It’s ok, Baby Bear, you’re excused!” Said True, beaming at her eldest son.

“Hey!” Whined Timbre like a little school boy rather than a seasoned warrior and former Alpha. He pouted at his wife and mate, True, who gave him an innocent look from under her lashes.

“Papa Bear, it’s my luncheon today remember. Friday and I are the hostesses so we can excuse Thaddeus,” cooed Timbre, glancing at Friday encouragingly.

“Oh,” said Friday blankly. “Um, you’re…excused?”

“Thank you, little Luna,” murmured Thaddeus pressing his l!ps to Friday’s forehead.

“I, for one, think commissioning Cody’s company to sort out that new building is an utterly brilliant idea,” chimed in True, winking at Elizabeth.

Even the mothers of Thaddeus and Maze were friends now! Ugh. I felt like I was on Barney and Friends. We were supposed to be in the middle of the Challenge. I got up as soon as Thaddeus and Cody did. Everyone looked at me. Astrid looked affronted.

“Please, um, Luna True, may I tag along? I, uh, love architecture,” I lied, hoping it was not obvious.

“Oh, Fang! Please, call me True,” chastised True. “Run along and have fun,” she said as though I were her fourth son and had asked to go to sports practice with my friends. She didn’t need to tell me twice. I gave a quick peck on the l!ps to a suspicious Astrid.

Thaddeus led Cody and I to the back of the main pack house where there was a vast open field. It was windy. The wind made the overgrown grass bow and rise again as one like a wave crashing through a green sea. The Berryndale landscape was really beautiful. I almost forgot my aim when I stopped to admire my surroundings. I recovered.

Are you smelling what I’m smelling? I asked Thaddeus over mind-link privately.

Thaddeus’ POV

I sure hope not, I answered Fang, sighing.

The truth was I didn’t actually want Farris caught. He was a h.uge a.ssh0le and a sorry excuse for a father to my little mate, Friday, but him being sentenced to death would break her little heart. I knew she still wished she could have a decent relationship with him like the one she had recently developed with Fang. I supposed nothing in this world was impossible when you considered that Maze and I were friends now. Genuine ones. I thought of Maze too.

I knew he didn’t want to have to be the one to put Farris to death. Sure, he wanted to avenge his own father, Malachi, but he also didn’t want anymore drama and pain. I hoped I was wrong about this because it would complicate everything. I wasn’t sure exactly why Fang had come. Perhaps, he was just curious to know his Dada’s whereabouts if I were right about this.

“Look, Cody, I like Maze a lot and therefore I care about Elizabeth and I want her to be safe and happy. My top priority however is Friday so I need to know something, why do you smell like Farris?” I asked. The drunken stench of the former Beta was faint but unmistakable. I had always been nose for my keen sense of smell even before I took up the post of Alpha.

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Cody gulped, sighed and then took a slow, deep breath. Fang and I waited patiently.

“Fang, Thaddeus, please know that I mean absolutely no harm to anyone here. I adore Elizabeth but that’s just the thing…” began Cody, pausing.

“What’s the thing?” I asked impatiently. “Enlighten me!” I was trying to not use my Alpha voice. I only used it as a last resort. Fang was shifting nervously from foot to foot.

“Elizabeth was taken from me by Malachi and I went off the deep end. I was devastated, out of my mind with grief so when he showed up…I…my heart went out to him. Felicity was taken from him by the same man,” concluded Cody.

“You housing him right now, yes or no?” I asked pointedly.

“Yes,” whispered Cody.

I heard a sharp intake of breath from Fang.

“You do know that harbouring an attempted murderer of a former alpha is also punishable by death, depending on how lenient or harsh the pack leaders want to be,” said Thaddeus, folding his arms, his tone impassive.

Cody sighed. “I expect the pack leaders to be lenient though,” said Cody defiantly.

This guy was b.rave. Thaddeus towered over him, seven feet to Cody’s six-foot-two or three. He was talking Mano y Mano with the famed seven foot alpha.

“Why is that?” Asked Thaddeus, his tone and gaze darkening with suppressed rage.

“There’s no need for that yet,” I said sternly as I mind-linked Theo for backup in case Fang completely sided with Cody.


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