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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 68

Fang’s POV

We stormed the Manor. Something was not right. It was eerily silent and strangely devoid of vampires. That day when I went to meet Ezekiel Victor Van Der Windt the Manor had been dotted with vampires at every turn. Now the hallways were empty. Deserted. Evacuated? What was going on? Dread threatened to consume me. What is this were as trap?

I heard a scream, a girl’s voice. Katrina? No. The tone of the voice reminded me of someone else. It almost sounded like Friday’s voice. That girl! The one who had fl!pped me off! The Friday lookalike. I ran towards the sound of the voice. The squad followed my lead. I smelled bl00d, a lot of it. I could hear screams. I needed to be in wolf form for this! I shifted instinctively, bursting out of my armour as I expanded, growing, my bones breaking and lengthening until I became my colossal dark brown wolf. I was instantly connected with someone, another wolf, a she-wolf. Her mind linked with mine effortlessly as if we were from the same pack, more than that, as if we were from the same family.

Raelynn’s POV

Without warning, Fiord the flame-haired the warrior had plunged a blessed dagger into my predestined’s side, and his bl00d soaked his shirt. NO! I began to shake so violently that Lane let me go and Ezekiel backed away from me. What was happening to me? I looked down at my hands, they were growing. My fingernails grew sharp pointed ends. I gasped but it came out as a whimper. I cried but it emanated from me as a howl. My bones were breaking, lengthening and reshaping themselves. I found myself on my palms and knees.

Ezra’s eyes were on me. I had to get to him! He was surrounded by his father’s henchmen. I hadn’t even realised Fiord had been about to throw a knife at me until Ezra grasped him by the neck and twisted his head around, snapping his neck and severing his head in the process. His headless body hit the floor.

Ezekiel was cowering. He looked flabbergasted. He scrambled backwards. He kept to the far corner of the room near the exit. The dozen or so coven members he had with him divided themselves. Six of them surrounded me and six surrounded Ezra. Ezra was weakening. I could feel it through our bond. I needed to get him out of here and quickly. I had never fought before, not even in my usual form as a girl far less in this unfamiliar body as a she-wolf.

A vampire warrior lunged at me trying to wrap his arms around my thick furry neck. Ezra moved towards us but was held back by one of the others. He was busy with the six surrounding him. Even wounded, he held his own. I snapped at my a.ssailant instinctively. It was a small bite. A few puncture wounds that matched my front teeth. The vampire recoiled withdrawing his arms. He then looked at at the shallow puncture wounds and laughed. The others smirked.

“This she-wolf is mostly bark and no bite, huh,” said the warrior with the small wounds.

“Someone should have taught you how to fight, eh, Lady Raelynn,” mocked another.

The bitten warrior frowned suddenly. His face contorted. The others stood back from him. I heard a strangled scream. Ezra had k!lled one of his six attackers. The bitten warrior let out a bl00d-curdling scream that startled everyone and drew all eyes to him. Ezra seized this opportunity to snap the neck of another warrior.

“It’s burning!!!!” The bitten warrior screeched, ripping his upper armour off to reveal the spread of an excoriated area. The wound was causing a hot angry redness to spread across the skin from the small puncture sites to rest of the body almost as though…

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“Her bite is poisonous!” Hissed the other warrior who had mocked me.

The wolfsbane. Also called devil’s helmet and queen of poisons. Lethal to werewolves but still poisonous to others.

I quickly launched myself at the other warrior who had mocked me. I snapped at his chin and neck leaving puncture wounds. I was hesitant to tear at anyone’s flesh. Being lupine was so foreign to me and the taste of their bl00d disgusted me. The second warrior screamed and was frothing at the mouth by the time I had moved to another warrior. The other four actually retreated, running in the opposite direction as their two comrades lay writhing from the poison, their cries filling the air. Ezra had k!lled another two of his a.ssailants. Thus, four of the six who had surrounded Ezra now lay dead. The remaining two followed the four who were running from me. Ezra moved to run after them.

“No!” I yelled, surprised to hear my human voice, magnified by the wolf. I could still speak as myself in wolf form if I needed too!

“We should k!ll all of them! They’ll tell others you’re different. I don’t want them hunting you!” Cried Ezra.

“People will find out anyway,” I said soothingly, nudging him with my nose.

He fell forwards onto my back and scrambled on top of it. He wasn’t heavy to me in this form. He clung to me. We needed to get out of here. I could feel his bl00d dripping onto my fur. I heard another series of screams and shrieks. I smelled more bl00d. I smelled something else. A wolf! I was instantly not afraid of the other wolf. He seemed so familiar. My animal instinct pushed me to go to him. I dashed forwards.

The six retreating vampires were being taken down by a massive dark brown wolf. He tore into them effortlessly. He was ruthless and his bites were not timid like mine. He tore chunks of flesh and ripped out throats, raining bl00d all over the floor and his fur. A small whimper of fright escaped me.

“It’s ok, Raelynn,” murmured Ezra in my furry ear. “That’s Fang. That’s your brot her,” he said before he lost consciousness.

Friday’s POV

I felt a constricting feeling around my heart. It was Maze’s day. After he and Thaddeus had plucked me from that beastly brunch with Maximo, they had decided to remain at the pack house to coordinate any backup the squad storming the vampire Manor might need. Thaddeus was mind-linking with Fang and his other warriors when I felt the squeezing pain in my c.hest. Only one thing I’d ever felt compared to this pain. It was similar to the intense pain I had felt when Maze had rejected me and I had fallen to the floor. I felt giddy and consumed with worry and anxiety. It was unbearable.

I slid out from the chair where I sat between my Alphas. I would have hit the floor if both Thaddeus and Maze had not grasped me and pulled me up, placing me back in the chair. Their worried eyes were upon me. They kept their hands on me in case I slumped over again.

“Friday! Little Luna! What’s wrong?!” Asked Thaddeus, concern evident in his face.

“Baby, talk to us!” Demanded Maze, cupping my face.

My heart was racing. I was panting and trembling but this was different than what I’d experienced earlier when I had shifted. I had not even told my alphas I could sort of shift yet. I closed my eyes as beads of perspiration formed at my temples. One of my alphas was holding me in his lap, cradling my head to his c.hest. The other alpha was sponging my head with a cold washcloth. They had alerted a few others. I heard Theo’s voice. He had Titus the baby with him from the sound of the cooing.


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