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The challenge two alphas one girl novel Chapter 72

Raelynn’s POV

I had just told Felicity and Malachi that they were my parents. I was waiting now with bated breath, my stomach in knots. I had never felt more vulnerable. With each second of silence, my anxiety exponentially increased. Did they want me as their daughter? Were they happy, sad, apprehensive, indifferent? I had not had time to process the news really or to decide how I would handle it if there was any rejection or denial involved. I could hear Malachi’s racing heart synchronised with Felicity’s.

Friday and I were both still being h.ugged by Malachi. I hoped he would accept me and even though Friday and Fang were Farris’, I hoped he’d care for them also. Friday needed a father figure too. She needed a family. I could tell she desperately wanted one, a stable and loving one. Fang needed a second chance and guidance. The twins, Fallon and Fargo, were still relatively unknown to me.

“Are you disappointed?” I mumbled, not able to wait any longer.

Malachi’s grey eyes widened in surprise. He broke into a h.uge grin.

“No, of course not, I’m…” he paused, taking a deep breath, his eyes filling with tears. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you, to love you and raise you and protect you but I had no idea…” Malachi said, his voice cracking.

“Felicity?” I said softly. She walked over to us and joined the group h.ug. She burst into tears.

“Oh, my baby,” she said as tears streamed down her cheeks. “He told me you were gone. He told me you were dead.”

She cupped my face in her hands and k!ssed my forehead. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry! My little girl!”

She h.ugged me tightly. She turned to Friday. “Friday, I’m so sorry for the way things went with you growing up. I let Farris fill Fang’s head with nonsense as though having wolf was the most important thing in the world…if I had been a better mother..”

“No! Mom, please don’t say that,” said Friday, h.ugging her Mom.

“How did this happen?” Malachi whispered, stroking my wavy hair absentmindedly.

“Farris speculated that I was not his when Felicity was pregnant with me…” I began.

“Feel free to call me Mom, ok,” whispered Felicity, “if you feel comfortable.”

“And you can call me Dad, if you want to, that is,” said Malachi softly getting choked up.

I laughed out of relief. Tears continued to fall down my face.

“Friday was the one who found out, Mom and Dad,” I said, prompting Friday to tell her story.

Friday took a deep shuddering breath. Once we told them everything, there was no going back. “I was distraught about Farris being potentially…sentenced to…well, I had never had a good relationship with him and I didn’t wanna say goodbye without trying,” whispered Friday, h.ugging herself. “I went down to the dungeons one one night to talk to him myself about what he did to you…he had no remorse,” Friday sniffled.

“I realised I could touch the silver bars of the cage. Farris explained why that was. He told me that Ezekiel had a goal of creating super she-wolves. Farris suspected Mom of cheating and he wondered if Raelynn was his. He also wondered if I was his. He wanted to punish us for it,” explained Friday.

Malachi let out a deadly growl but his vitriol was not actually directed towards us but rather it was directed towards Farris.

“Ezekiel was conducting experiments to make super werewolves and vampires. He and his vampire warriors went after this convent where the nuns were trained to be vampire and werewolf hunters. Ezekiel’s vampires were able to turn the nuns into made vampires. Some of them ended their lives before the change was complete rather than become vampires but many became vampires with great fighting sk!lls. Ezekiel turned the place into an orphanage of sorts where he experimented on vampire children exposing them to increasing intensities of sunlight. Ezekiel even exposed his own son, Ezra, to the sunlight. Ezekiel wanted to experiment on werewolf children too but it was much harder for him as a vampire to get werewolf children. Farris saw an opportunity and sold Raelynn who he didn’t think was his and told Mom she was stillborn but the doctor who did the paternity testing could not find any post mortem done on the alleged stillborn.”

Malachi snarled. His eyes turned black.

“Ezekiel injected her with wolfsbane periodically. He thought the experiment was unsuccessful as it seemed as though the wolfsbane had permanently suppressed her wolf. He kept her alive because it turned out she was Ezra’s predestined. Farris was also injecting me but with silver, which is why my wolf was suppressed too, until very recently. It’s also why I can touch silver. I’m not averse to it and Raelynn is immune to wolfsbane. She even has poisonous bites as a wolf,” Friday said softly.

Malachi’s wolf was coming to the surface. He was enraged. His features contorted. He was shaking. Felicity came close to him and flung her arms around his wa!st, trying to calm him down.

“Dad!” I said, snapping Malachi out of his enraged trance for a second. “Do you see why Friday and I are inclined to forgive Fang? Fang risked his life and his reputation and his future with his wife and child to make things right! He doesn’t deserve the same fate as his father. They’re not the same! Also, I couldn’t bear it if my brother, Maze, allowed my other brother, Fang, to be k!lled as revenge for my sister, Friday, when Friday already forgave him so it should be her choice!”

Damn, our family tree had just gotten really complicated.

Maze’s POV

I was moping around, sulking in my room. Thaddeus, being a good bro, was trying to comfort me. My little Friday was angry at me. I had finally worked up the courage to tell her I was in love with her and she’d said she felt the same way but she’d actually threatened to leave me and Thaddeus if we didn’t help her help Fang, her traitorous scheming brother.

“Friday is avoiding me. I feel like she hates me but I love her,” I whined, facedown in a pillow.

“Where’s your diary?” Asked Thaddeus. “Write it out!”

I glared at him and he burst into raucous laughter. He found my journal and chucked it at me.

“It’s a journal!” I specified.

“Sure,” said Thaddeus.

“How can you be so calm? With everything Fang did and how Friday’s defending him?” I asked.

“Because I’m not totally surprised. Theo has been reporting strange behaviour from Fang since the very beginning though I am disappointed. I genuinely thought he was getting better. He probably did get better otherwise he might have gone through with it. Also, I don’t want to hold too much malice towards Fang despite how hateful I might feel for now,” reasoned Thaddeus.

“Why not?” I demanded.

“Because I fully intend to help Friday honour a certain portion of the letter…” began Thaddeus.

“What?!” I hissed.

“…by being a good Uncle to Baby Fenestra,” explained Thaddeus calmly.

My heart broke for my future niece or nephew. Both his or her father and grandfather were criminals. I sighed. Thaddeus was always good at looking at the big picture.

“Me too,” I said softly. “I want to be a good uncle. Has anyone checked on Astrid?”

“I asked Theo to send Ida to see about her for the next couple of days,” said Thaddeus with a sad smile.

Poor Astrid. Pregnant and alone. We had never been close but she had helped Friday when her foot had been broken. She was a bit smug but she wasn’t such a bad sort and she did seem genuinely thrilled to become a mother. A knock on my door interrupted my inner monologue. I was not in the mood to entertain.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Friday,” said my little Friday. I rushed to the door and flung it open, anticipating some quality time with my Luna. There had been a pause in the dating and wooing aspect of the challenge because of all the emergencies and proceedings over the past two days. It was the twenty-second day, Thaddeus’ day. We were nearing the end of the Challenge. The full moon would be upon us soon.

I grinned to myself as my wolf showed me images of his plans for Friday over the next couple of hours. Behind the door stood many more people than just Friday. I frowned. No alone time then. Sigh. No such luck. My eyes widened as I sp0tted Raelynn. Felicity and my Dad were there. They both looked flushed with red eyes but strangely serene and happy. Fallon and Fargo were there looking confused. Ida was smiling with baby Titus on her h!p and her other arm around a completely devastated looking Astrid. I helped Astrid to a chair in the room as she looked like she might faint at any moment. She gave no sign of having noticed anyone. She seemed completely lost.

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“Is she ok?” I murmured to Ida.

Ida shrugged with a sad smile on her face.

“She will be,” said Friday in a determined tone.

Not this again. If the circ.umstances were less severe and my little Luna hadn’t been so pissed at me, she would have earned herself some spankings. I sighed and slumped into the other chair across from Astrid. Thaddeus remained seated on edge of the bed. He leant back a little, surveying everyone with curiosity.

“Alpha Friday, what is the meaning of all of this?” Asked Thaddeus sternly.

I snorted a little at his nickname for her. To my surprise, Friday gently brought Raelynn forwards to stand before me and then she returned to the group. She motioned for Fallon and Fargo to go stand at either side of my chair. Was this an intervention? I had gotten drunk like one time. I glanced at either twin and they seemed just as confused as I was.

“Friday?” I said, raising my brows.

“Raelynn has to tell you something,” said Friday.

Raelynn seemed shell-shocked. She took a step back. “Friday has to tell you something,” she insisted.

Friday sighed but smiled. “Maze,” she said. I smiled. I loved hearing her speak my name. I would rather these people leave so I could make her scream it but I would be patient for now. “I tool some strands of your Dad’s hair and some strands of Farris’ hair,” she began.

I stiffened. “For a paternity test,” clarified Friday. My heart started to race.

“Of course, as everyone expected, Farris is my Dad,” Friday said, resigned.

I nodded. I wanted to mind-link her to say that I was her Daddy actually but it would have been too soon and vastly inappropriate.

“I’m Maze’s and Thaddeus’ mate,” she said.

Thaddeus winked at her and I smirked. She blushed at our reactions.

“So we couldn’t be related, Maze. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be fated,” she said.

She pulled Raelynn forwards again by the hand. I noticed five more people entered the room. Theo, Timothy, Titus, True and Timber.

“The rest of the results were regarding me,” mumbled Raelynn.

My heart was beating painfully fast. I looked at my Dad who was smiling at me.

“Maze, I’m Malachi’s daughter,” said Raelynn softly.

My inner wolf was nudging me to go to her.

“So I’m your sister,” she concluded sheepishly.

Why were people always so nervous around me? I was a nice guy, sorta. Approachable, in my opinion. I walked slowly up to my little sister. We stared at each other. I grinned at her and she grinned at me. I pulled her into a bear h.ug and everyone literally cheered. They were such dorks. I buried my nose in the top of her head. She did smell like me a little and a bit like Friday, kind of how I would expect our daughter to smell. My family was really complicated but I’d never been more pleasantly surprised. I had a sister! A real one! I k!ssed her forehead.

“I have a favour to ask,” she said looking up at me with her doe eyes. My little mate Friday was also giving me puppy-dog eyes. sh!t. Already they were trying to team up to get their way. They were half-sisters with Raelynn being the only one related to me. I had been expecting her to be Farris’ daughter so this was really a surprise.

“Ugh, no,” I said before hearing her out. I ruffled her hair and pushed her away gently from me.

“Maze!” Scolded my father.

“What is it?” I asked Raelynn.

Raelynn tried to mess up my hair but she could not reach properly especially as I leant back to avoid her. She gave up and went back to the favour she wanted.

“Maze,” she beseeched me. “I really need your help. So does Friday!”

This had Fang written all over it. I shut my eyes tightly.

“Both you and Fang are my half-brothers and I love you both despite hardly knowing you. My wolf could just tell. Please, just bring back Fang alive and from there, if there has to be a trial, let it be a fair one, considering both his transgressions and his achievements and self-sacrifices,” pleaded Raelynn.

I looked back at Thaddeus. He was smiling at us. He sighed but he nodded.

“He endangered your sister, Friday, though,” I said, sighing deeply, my heart constricting at the thought of what could have happened to my little mate.

Chapter 72 1


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