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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Taking Her Hand 

This statement left Lysander silent for a while

If truth be told, half of the reason she got married to Josiah was because of Elisa

Elisa had a severe case of coronary heart disease

Over three years ago, she had just started her internship at the hospital

Like most medical students starting their hospital rotation, she was assigned to the emergency department in her first year. It was no different for her. That day, she had been on a grueling twentyfourhour shift. Hoping for a bit of rest when the night was quieter, she had barely sat down for two minutes when Elisa was brought in by an ambulance

There was only one cardiothoracic surgeon on duty that night, and handling an angioplasty alone was impossible. Even if other doctors could rush over, it would still take time

Elisa’s condition was critical, and they couldn’t afford to wait

She had to step up and perform the surgery, which lasted a full five hours. Thankfully, Elisa was saved

When she stepped out of the operating room, she was so exhausted that her legs nearly gave out, almost causing her to lose her balance

It was Josiah, waiting outside, who supported her. Dr. Thorne, are you okay?” 

At that moment, Lysander was already exhausted, but when she saw Josiah, she was surprised

Wasn’t this the same person who had a blind date with me a few months ago

When the department head had introduced him, he’d only mentioned that he was the grandson of a friend. She’d assumed he was just an ordinary guy, similar to herself. But when she met him, she realized that Josiah was from an entirely different social class than her

On the day of the blind date, she had gracefully declined

Different social classes would lead to significant differences in values, and her personality was not suitable for being a rich man’s wife. Instead of being


sewe, she preferred to devote her time and energy to her 

However, she didn’t expect that Elisa’s illness would bring them together again

In his youth, Josiah’s father was focused on his career, and his mother was a writer who often needed to travel for inspiration. As a result, Josiah was practically raised by Elisa. To be precise, he was more emotionally attached to Elisa than to his parents

Despite his busy work schedule, he would come to the hospital every day after work to visit Elisa. He would peel apples and oranges for her, keeping her company with pleasant conversations

Elisa was particularly fond of her and would talk about Dr. Thorneevery day. about something, she would have Josiah ask her for advice

henever she was uncertain 

Lysander had explained to Josiah more than once, My specialty is obstetrics and gynecology. It would be better for you to ask Sergio, who is Grandma Elisa’s attending doctor.” 

3:19 PM 

Chapter 127 Taking Her Hand 

But perhaps due to Elisa’s agerelated mild dementia, she couldn’t remember anyone else, only Dr. Thorne.” 

Josiah was also very helpless. I know what you said, but Grandma only recognizes you now. She won’t let anyone else touch her. Dr. Thorne, could you please come and give her an injection?” 

And so, they would exchange a few words each time

On the day Elisa was discharged, Josiah came to pick her up, and Lysander went to see her off. Elisa kept holding her hand and insisted on Josiah taking her phone number

Then, one day, as she was passing through the parking lot after work, she saw Josiah in a blue suit with matching sleeve garters

Are you here to help Grandma Elisa get her medicine?” 

Josiah smiled very gentlemanly. My grandma wants to thank you. Will you come to our house for dinner?” 

Unable to refuse Elisa’s overwhelming hospitality, Lysander had no choice but to steel herself and get into his 


She remembered it very clearly. Back then, it was Josiah who opened the car door for herthe passenger door

After that, Josiah would frequently come to the hospital


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