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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Final Moments Of Elisa 

When Elisa said that, her gaze gradually lowered to rest on Lysander’s belly

Grandma Elisa, there’s no such thing. Josiah and Iare doing just fine.” 

Don’t lie to me anymore. I know everything,Elisa said. You all think I’m old and senile, no longer able to recognize anyone, huh?” 

Not at all, Grandma Elisa. Don’t overthink things.” 

You don’t have to hide it from me anymore. The child has already told me everything.” 

The child?” 

The child you have with Josiah. She’s a beautiful girl. She came to see me this morning, dressed in a floral dress, with her hair in pigtails!” 

Lysander choked up, momentarily at a loss for words

Elisa continued, She was such a darling, gently leaning against me and calling me Greatgrandma. Oh, she was so pretty, bubbly, and lively. She even sang to me, clapping her hands while at it. What song was that again? It seemed to be a Stounian song. I’m old, and my hearing is not what it used to be, so I couldn’t quite catch it. All I remember is something along the lines of birch.” 

Josiah was somewhat puzzled. Birch?” 

Yes, birch.” 

Josiah looked at Lysander. What song is that?” 

A stab of pain assailed Lysander, a dull ache spreading all over her

It’s not birch, but bird. It’s the prenatal song I listened to in the first few days I found myself pregnant. Hush, little baby, don’t say a word. Mama’s gonna buy you a mockingbird… 

She hummed softly

Elisa immediately said, Yes, this was the song. She sang it so beautifully

At that point in the conversation, Josiah and Susan shared a glance, both having a pretty good idea of what was going on

Susan’s tears streamed down her face, yet she dared not let a single sob escape. She strove to keep her emotions in check, trembling even as she bit on her knuckles

Josiah was no better, his eyes redrimmed. He turned his face away

Elisa continued, Lysander, the child wanted me to tell you she’s not mad at you. She only misses you greatly and regrets that she can’t be your child anymore. The angel told her to hurry back to heaven, for she has to choose a new mother.” 

Lysander said nothing

It felt as if there was a lump in her throat, leaving her unable to utter a word

Chapter 132 Final Moments Of Elisa 

Lysander, it’s almost time for me to go to heaven too. But I can’t go back on a promise made to the child. I needed to see you one last time and tell you all this in person before I could leave in peace.” 

Instantly, Lysander broke down, tears streaming down her face. Grandma Elisa, please don’t say something so dispiriting. I’m a doctor. As long as I’m here, you’ll be fine.” 

Silly girl, you’re an obstetrician. You can’t cure my illness. I’ve lived for over eighty years, and it’s enough. Susan, Josiah, come over here.” 

For some reason, Elisa could seemingly recognize them again

Susan and Lysander squatted down together, huddling close. Considering his tall stature and long legs, Josiah crouched behind them.. 

Mom, I’m here.” 


Good. It’s good that you’re both here. The child also had a message for me to pass on to you,said Elisa

Go ahead, Mom. Josiah and I are all cars,Susan said urgently

Elisa had just spoken at length earlier and was somewhat drained then. She breathed heavily, a thick layer of mist forming on her oxygen mask


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