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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 135

Chapter 135 Who Is The Real Homewrecker 

Bullsh*t, Josiah! On what grounds are you blaming your grandmother’s death on me? If it weren’t for you bringing this b*tch here, I wouldn’t have made a fuss here? This is all her fault!” 

Shut up! Who exactly is the one seducing someone else’s husband? I’m sure you know the answer to that!Josiah barked, his voice icy and stern. Now, get out!” 

Fine. Josiah, how dare you speak to me like this? I’m breaking up with you!” 

Alright, we’re done. I won’t be seeing you out!” 

YouyouLysanne nearly burst a vessel. Fine, Josiah, you heartless beast. Just you wait. Even if we break up. I won’t let this wretch off the hook!” 

No sooner had the words been spoken than doctors and nurses from outside, alerted by the commotion, rushed in. They happened to witness Lysanne’s terrifying expression, looking as if she wanted to tear Lysander apart with her bare hands

The doctor leading the team knew Lysander, as she was his junior in medical school. Also, he was taken aback. by Lysanne’s hysterical demeanor

Lysander, what’s going on?” 

Lysander shook her head. It’s nothing, Liam. You should check on the patient first” 

The doctor arrived, armed with a defibrillator, a pacemaker, adrenaline, and so on, methodically using cach one in turn

However, Elisa had indeed passed on

Liam was so busy trying to revive her that his forehead was dripping with sweat. He turned to Lysander and shook his head in regret. She has passed away. Please accept my condolences.” 

No! MomMomSusan cried out in despair, her voice echoing with an unbearable sorrow. Seconds later, she collapsed, her body limp on the ground

Josiah exclaimed, Dr. Liam!” 

Liam hurried over again with the nurses to check on Susan’s condition

Blood pressure is at two hundred and twenty. That’s way too high. It’s too dangerous. We need to reduce it immediately! Where are her family members? What kind of blood pressure medication does she usually take? How long has she had cardiovascular disease?” 

Probably a vlore

Josiah clenched his teeth. the medicineI can’t remember the name.” 

Immediately, Lysander said, Usually, she takes rosuvastatin, along with aspirin.” 

Liam gave a slight nod, instructing the nurse, Hurry and get the medicine. Just these two, quick!” 


Lysander, is this lady related to you?” 

Chapter 135 Who Is The Real Homewrecker 


No!Lysanne forcefully pushed past a few nurses and walked over. Doctor, I am her daughterinlaw.” When Liam gave Lysander a puzzled look, she let out a sigh. What do you need me to do, Liam?” 

Liam said, She needs to calm down. We have to help her take off her coat; even her undergarments need to be removed as they could hinder her breathing. As a man, it’s not appropriate for me to do this. So, a female. relative should do it.” 

Lysander nodded. Alright.” 

Wait,Lysanne said, I’ll do it.” 

Seeing her large belly, Liam wore a troubled expression. It might be difficult for you to squat down with your belly, right? Maybe we should leave it to Dr. Thorne. She’s an exceptional doctor” 

No, it’s not necessary. You just mentioned that a female relative should do it, so here I am. I don’t need. anyone’s help.” 

But your stomach” 

I can do it, just a bit slower. You wretch, get out of my way!” 

Upon hearing Lysanne call Lysander a wretch, Liam’s expression subtly changed. The patient urgently needs. to lower their blood pressure and maintain their breathing. You’re not even in a good condition yourself. Do you realize how detrimental even a slight delay could be? If her blood pressure continues to rise, it could be lifethreatening! Why are you so stubborn?” 

Lysander nodded. Thar’s right!” 


Josiah settled the matter decisively. Lysander, you do it. Sorry for the trouble.” 


Without further delay, Lysander immediately reached out to help Susan remove her coat

Lysanne was about to kick up another fuss, but suddenly, she fell silent

Lysander found it peculiar, she turned her head to look back and was instantly startled

Chapter 136 What She Desires Is Irrelevant 

Chapter 136 What She Desires Is Irrelevant

Josiah was seen covering Lysanne’s mouth with one hand while lifting her off the ground with the other. He pinched her in between his armpit, half carrying and half dragging her away

Lysander voiced her concerns. Be careful, Josiah. She’s pregnant.” 

I understand. I know what I’m doing.” 

Take it easy then, stay calm.” 


Having also noticed the chilling aura emanating from Josiah, Lysanne no longer dared to struggle, but she couldn’t find the words to speak either. All she could do was whimper pitifully

However, his tremendous strength left her utterly helpless. She was just like a little puppy being dragged 


Upon seeing Josiah’s demeanor, Liam couldn’t help but feel fearful. Lysander, maybe you should go check on him? We don’t want any accidents to occur.” 

Lysander had already helped Susan remove her outerwear and undergarments, neatly folding them and setting them aside

She took the blood pressure monitor from the nurse’s hand and personally measured Susan’s blood pressure. As she squeezed the bulb and watched the mercury column slowly rise, she said coolly, Let them sort out their own issues. An outsider like me wouldn’t be of much help even if I went.” 

Fortunately, with timely intervention, Susan’s blood pressure gradually decreased half an hour later

The nurses were taking good care of her, rendering Lysander’s assistance unnecessary. Discreetly, Lysander retreated from the room

Upon exiting the ward, she saw Josiah standing in the hallway outside, engaged in a phone call

Upon seeing her emerge, he immediately ended his call and walked over. Lysander.” 

Don’t worry. Her blood pressure has been stabilized. However, the loss of a family member is indeed a heavy blow. In the near future, you should closely monitor Madam Susan’s blood pressure.” 

Josiah nodded. I’ll have my mom admitted to the hospital.” 

Actually, as long as her blood pressure comes down, she can just rest at home. There’s no real need to stay int the hospital.” 

The hospital would be a safer place.” 

Lysander quickly understood

If Susan were to stay at home or at a resort, Lysanne could go there at any time

However, in the hospital, there were VIP wards where visitations could be refused, preventing Lysanne from getting in

Chapter 136 What She Desires Is Irrelevant 

Lysander nodded. As long as you’ve made a decision.” 

Josiah said, I have completed the paperwork.” Where is she?” 

I got someone to take her home.” 

Was she willing to leave?” 


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