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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 Do Not Want To Meet 

Aunt Molly!shouted Leo

Howard exclaimed, Doctor!” 

Molly had fainted and was rushed to the emergency room

Leo and Howard accompanied Molly when Josiah came over and stood in front of Lysander

Lysander looked at him. Aren’t you going to check on them? I’m afraid Leo might not be doing so well.” 

Are you all right?asked Josiah

What could possibly happen to me?” 

Leo didn’t do anything excessive, did he?” 

He wanted to hit me. Does that count?” 

Josiah’s entire body immediately went cold. He dared to lay a hand on you?” 

He’s all bark and no bite,Lysander said. I’ve seen countless others like him causing a ruckus in the medical field. They’re just trying to scare people. They wouldn’t dare to actually do anything.” 

Josiah still wore a face of disagreement. What if he really does something?” 

Lysander turned around, pointing toward the entrance of the ward, which was not too far away

Josiah furrowed his brows, asking silently

I would dash in that direction, toward the DNA nanostructure separator the hospital had recently imported from overseas. Don’t be fooled by its small size, it cost tens of millions. If he dared to lay a hand on me, I’d simply hide behind it. If it got damaged, he’d have to pay the full price. That would teach him a lesson he’d never forget.” 

Josiah was left speechless

Don’t worry, I have experience dealing with troublemaker at hospitals.” 

Josiah let out a sigh. I’m glad you’re okay.” 

Lysander said, We don’t have any ties now, so there’s no need for you to worry about me. As for Lysanne, she lost her child and today, she lost dignity in public. You might need to comfort her afterward.” 

Her affairs are no longer my concern.” 

From not too far away, the anxious call of Howard could be heard, Josiah, Josiah-” 

Lysander said, I guess Leo really isn’t doing well. You should go quickly.” 

Josiah gave her a deep look, then glanced at Adrian standing next to her. He instructed, Wait for me a little while. I’ll come find you once I’ve dealt with things here. Ihave something to tell you.” 

Tosiah, hurry over here-shouted Howard again

3:27 PM 

Chapter 148 Do Not Want To Meet 

Josiah, hurry over here- shouted Howard again.. 

Josiah acknowledged with a response, then insisted, You must wait for me.” 

Then, in a rush, he hurried toward Molly’s emergency room

Naturally, Lysander wouldn’t wait. She turned around and left

Lynn followed along cheerily, Dr. Thorne! That was so exhilarating just now!” 

Lysander playfully tapped her forehead with his finger. You better hope that Lysanne’s mother is all right.” 

What’s there to fear? She fell ill due to her daughter’s great achievements. I merely stated the facts, it has nothing to do with me, right?” 

In theory, it’s none of your business, but if something were to happen to the elderly, could you really be at peace with yourself?” 

Lynn puffed out her cheeks, finally realizing something. I understand now, Dr. Thorne.” 

Don’t be so impulsive in your actions in the future.” 


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