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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 176

Chapter 176 Riding Shotgun 

As Lysander observed, Zachary’s complexion took on a deeper hue of red, and his hands awkwardly shifted about, searching for a suitable resting place. She offered a soothing hum of understanding, gently reassuring him, There’s no need to feel embarrassed. Back when I was working at the hospital, it wasn’t uncommon for patients to try and set me up. I’ve grown quite accustomed to it by now.” 

Zachary, visibly relieved by her tranquil handling of the situation, managed a smile and suggested, Let’s head to the car, and then we can go look for Michelle.” 


Lysander checked her watch and noted that Michelle had missing for over two hours now. They had initially agreed on a threehour window, yet she was still unable to reach her on her phone

Do you have any idea where Michelle might be?” 

Zachary responded with a thoughtful click of his tongue, There’s a particular place she might be.” 

Confident in his judgment, Lysander made her way to the vehicle, intent on entering. As she reached for the backseat door handle, Zachary paused and invited, Why don’t you come sit in the front with me?” 


When I went to start the car earlier in the parking lot, a water truck passed by. I forgot to roll up the rear window, and now the entire back seat is completely drenched.” 

Lysander peered inside and confirmed that the back seats, made not of leather but a soft fabric, were indeed thoroughly soaked, rendering them unusable for seating at the moment

Lost in thought, Lysander didn’t notice Zachary had already exited the car and was now holding open the passenger door for her. Get in,he urged

As she lifted her head to meet his gaze, Zachary suddenly seemed flustered. What’s wrong?he asked

Zachary, do you realize what riding shotgun might imply?Lysander questioned lightly

Zachary quickly dismissed any underlying implications with a shake of his head, Don’t read too much into it. The water truck incident was just an accident. Several cars around were affected, it wasn’t targeted or anythingBesides, such significances aren’t determined by a single car ride. Don’t worry about it.” 

Even after several years apart, Zachary hadn’t changed much from the person Lysander remembered five years earlier

From his childhood, he was a standout in science and engineering, particularly physics, often leading his class and even winning the National Physics Contest. His mother, Camila, never missed an opportunity to boast about his achievements

Yet, he also displayed typical traits often associated with male students in engineering and sciences

He was straightforward and a bit awkward, lacking finesse in small talk or flattering higherups, and was even more inept at engaging with women. Sometimes, he seemed naive, focused solely on his work, oblivious to the cunning maneuvers of the corporate world

Crucially, he was an open book when it came to his thoughts

Ever since his mother inadvertently revealed some family intentions earlier that day, his cheeks had been a persistent shade of red, extending to his ears and neck, betraying his embarrassment. This made him stumble 

Chapter 176 Riding Shotgun 

Despite not being the type to whisper sweet nothings or charm women effortlessly, he undeniably had the qualities of a decent husband, even if devoid of romantic love


Mm.No longer resisting. Lysander climbed into the passenger seat.. 

Zachary seemed genuinely pleased, his movements brisk as he closed the door for her and hurried back to the driver’s side

The car blended into the flow of traffic, and a slight smile lingered on his lips. Are youcomfortable sitting 


Lysander’s brow furrowed slightly

Realizing how his question might have come across, Zachary quickly amended, I mean, how do you find the car’s seats? The space, the size, and everything?” 

Understanding his intent, Lysander nodded. It’s quite comfortable.” 


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