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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 She Has Moved On 

So, what exactly do you want from me? I’m aware that I’ve disappointed you, and I’ve noticed you’ve been ignoring me these past few days. I’ve been hesitant to say anything, worried that I might further upset you. I’ve been walking on eggshells around youLysanne continued, her tone laced with desperation

Is this somehow my fault?Josiah interjected sharply. When will you stop using threats of death at every opportunity? Remember that time in front of that famous restaurant? You pulled Lysander into the street, and she ended up covered in bruises while protecting you and your unborn child. And now, after your secret has been publicly revealed, you’re thinking of running into the street again? Is there some law I’m not aware of that says dying in a traffic accident yields more compensation than jumping off a building or hanging yourself? Is that what they teach in those law schools overseas?” 

Josiah’s words struck Lysanne like a barrage of fine needles, targeting her most vulnerable spots

She broke down, tears streaming down her face, Josiah! You say I’ve changed, but look at you! You weren’t this harsh before!” 

If we’re discussing aggressive behavior, I must have picked it up from you.” 

Do you hate me that much?” 

The man did not respond

At this, Lysanne continued, All right, you hate me, but then who is it you do love? Dr. Thorne? You just saw her, didn’t you? Getting into the passenger seat of another man’s car! She knows exactly what that implies. and yet she went ahead and did it!” 

Enough!Josiah declared, no longer wanting to hear any more. I went through with the formalities as a sign of respect for your parents. I’m leaving now, do whatever you want.” 

Josiah!Lysanne called after him in a voice filled with anguish, Have you fallen in love with her?” 

Josiah’s pace faltered for a moment. for a moment

And what’s so special about her, anyway? She’s always buried in work, neglecting her home life. Her looks are average at best, and she’s so cold. Even her family background is nothing to write home about. And haven’t you noticed? She’s never truly loved you. Her marriage to you was merely a matter of convenience, nothing more!” 

Shut up!” 

She was just seen in the men’s restroom with that man… 

Did you witness that? What else did you see? You mustn’t speak of this, do you understand? Who else was with you?” 

Lysanne bit her lip, her eyes filled with resentment. Josiah, wake up! She’s already moved on to someone 


The location Zachary mentioned was an outdoor basketball court

He parked his car alongside the road. Lysander immediately noticed Calvin, who was clad in a red basketball jersey, and Michelle, who was laughing cheerily on the sidelines, her expression as radiant as a sunflower


1 Coins 


1 Pearls 

4:15 PM 

Chapter 178 She Has Moved On 

I knew she’d be here,” Zachary remarked

Lysander queried, Do they frequent this place often?” 

Zachary responded with a laugh, That guy really loves basketball, and he’s actually quite skilled at it.” 

Lysander stepped out of the car and made her way into the basketball court, choosing a corner from which to observe quietly

Although she wasn’t wellversed in basketball, she had to admit, Calvin, who had bowed deeply when they first met, seemed quite unassuming. However, when he played basketball, his charm was undeniable

Zachary parked the car and joined her side, standing still

Back in our student days, we weren’t burdened by so many practical concerns. We didn’t have to worry about housing, cars, or jobs. Sometimes, all it took was a glance, a single phrase, and occasionally, words weren’t even necessary. Just a silhouette could leave an indelible mark on your heart for years. Those pure emotions. are truly enviable.” 

Do you envy them?Lysander asked


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