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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 The Ice Queen 

Michelle gave a whimper that reminded one of a puppy, exclaiming, Zachary, you’re so kind. You’re like my real brother!” 

Zachary responded with a playful groan, Cut it out, with you as my sister, I’m going to be worked to death.” 

Michelle pouted in response, Am I really that terrible?” 

Without missing a beat, Zachary shook his head, Being terrible and being strenuous are two different things.” 

All right, let’s forget about it then. Oh, by the way, let me introduce you,” Michelle said as she turned around, calling out to a group of boys who were deeply engrossed in their game on the basketball court. Calvin-” 

At the sound of her voice, Calvin immediately turned his head to look in her direction

With a bright and cheerful smile, Michelle playfully beckoned him over with a wave of her finger

The boys around him exchanged knowing glances, nudging and pushing Calvin towards her while teasing him. Calvin, you sure move fast, already meeting the parents, huh!” 

Who’s that stunning lady? She has an icy beauty about her,” one of them commented

Calvin replied, That’s Michelle’s older sister.” 

“Ah, your future sisterinlaw!another joked

One of the boys hooked an arm around Calvin’s neck, teasing, Hey Calvin, does your sisterinlaw have a boyfriend? If not” 

Calvin pushed him away with a look of disgust. Get lost, Michelle mentioned that her sister was already 


Hahaha, what’s with that look, Zeke? Isn’t the brotherinlaw standing right here? What are you thinking? Be careful, or he might just give you a good thrashing!” 

Zeke shot back, Can’t I even ask a question?” 

Amidst the teasing, Calvin was coaxed over by the group, but the young lads trailing behind him seemed intent on witnessing the scene unfold. They all stood about a step behind, clearly ready to enjoy the spectacle. As Calvin approached, his hands rubbed together nervously, his smile a bit stiff as he greeted, Hello” 

Michelle, ever the free spirit, quickly introduced the two. Calvin, this is my sister, my biological sister! The one I’ve told you about, a straightA student and a genius, a legend in our area!” 

The confident boy from before now seemed unsure of himself. He nodded at Lysander in a deferential manner, almost like a grand greeting

Michelle then stuffed the clothes and bottled water she was carrying into Calvin’s arms and excitedly grabbed Lysander’s arm, introducing him with a playful tone, Lysander, this is my boyfriend, Calvin. He’s the captain. of our school’s basketball team. Isn’t he handsome?” 

Lysander, observing her younger sister’s playful and teasing demeanor, indulged her with a smile, I suppose he’s quite handsome.” 


Chapter 180 The Ice Queen 

Michelle, clearly delighted by the acknowledgment, nudged Calvin. What are you standing there for? Greet them.” 

Calvin, still somewhat reserved, managed a hesitant introduction, Hi, I’m Calvin. We caught a glimpse of each other once before, outside of cram school.” 

Lysander nodded with a smile, remembering the encounter. Yes, I remember.” 

Right,” Calvin responded, relieved

Your bow was executed quite perfectly,Lysander added



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