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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182 I Will Not Interfere 

With a rueful chuckle, Calvin began, It’s not that they disagree, it’s just” 

He guiltily lifted his eyes toward Lysander, his voice wavering as he confessed, My dad has a really good friend, who has a daughter. When I was little, there was talk of a childhood engagement or something… 

Michelle cut in swiftly, What century are we living in that we’re still talking about childhood engagements? We should be embracing free love now, right Lysander?” 

Lysander offered no response, her silence hanging in the air

Thus, Michelle turned to seek advice from Zachary once more

However, even Zachary’s demeanor had shifted. Calvin, have you met the girl?he asked

I’ve seen her before.” 

Does she know about this childhood engagement?” 

Yesshe does.” 

What’s her opinion on it?” 

Sheneither agreed nor disagreed.” 

Zachary chuckled softly, I see.” 

Calvin’s complexion had turned ashen. But I will make things clear with my family,he insisted

When did you first learn about this childhood engagement?” 

Probably when I was around four or five years old?” 

You turned eighteen this year, and you’ve known since you were four or five. So, you’ve basically been living with the idea of this childhood engagement for over a decade, right?Zachary probed further

Calvin was at a loss. I was just a kid then. I had no idea who I’d end up falling for. You can’t hold this against me; it’s just not fair.” 

Hearing this, Zachary’s expression turned stern. You’ve been seeing Michelle for quite a while now, haven’t you? During this time, you’ve even found a girl you truly like. Why haven’t you clarified things with your family yet? Even if you don’t bring up the topic of having a girlfriend, have you ever once objected to the childhood engagement?” 

Calvin bit his lip, falling silent

Apex City and Harborbrook, one in the south and the other in the north, are over a thousand kilometers. apart. The climate differences are significant. You want a girl to leave her hometown and go to Apex City to study for 

you, risking her own future and destiny. Yet, you haven’t even resolved your own family issues?” 

Michelle’s anxiety escalated as she watched. Zachary, what are you doing? Weren’t you supporting us before” 

Shut up.Lysander interrupted sharply, glaring at her. Why are you interrupting when Zachary is speaking

4I5 PM 


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