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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186 Can We Talk About Us Now 

Josiah closed his eyes. This is the one thing I regret most in my life.” 

Regardless of any regrets, she was always your choice, Josiah. Let me give you an inappropriate example. Say we were at a holiday resort, both she and I were on the verge of falling off a cliff, and you could only save one. of us. The other would inevitably meet a tragic end. Who would you rescue?” 

Lysander, such comparisons are utterly pointless,” 

Lysander said, To be honest, it’s not just you who has reflected, as I’ve done so too. At first, I thought you were a great marriage prospect. With both Grandma Elisa and Madam Susan treating me so well, I felt truly fortunate. I also believed that although our love might not be as passionate and intense as those in the movies, we would support each other, sharing life’s ups and downs until the end of our days.” 

I know.” 

No. you 

don’t,Lysander said. I thought I could step aside gracefully, allowing you two to pursue your love. That’s exactly what I did. But Josiah, why did you have to make that call to me? I was finally finding peace, so why did you have to humiliate me that way?” 

Josiah sincerely asked, Is it because I called you, expressing my regret and desire to reconcile with you, that you felt humiliated andstarted to hate me?” 

Why wouldn’t I? All this while, I’ve always been your second choice. When Lysanne got married and you missed your chance, you settled for me, someone with a name that sounds just like hers. When you grew tired of her, resenting her for causing Grandma Elisa’s untimely death and her failure to have her last words heard, you thought of me again. Josiah, you can’t be too greedy. You can’t have both love and stability. There’s no such thing in this world!” 

Josiah said, There is.” 

Lysander laughed, mocking his hubris

When love and stability are found in the same person, it’s not difficult.” 

Lysander asked, Josiah, can we be honest with ourselves?” 

What do you want me to do, tell me?” 

You want this piece of land and to tear down this old neighborhood, all for the sake of business. All those seemingly sincere words you just said, are they really worth anything? Will they increase the compensation to my parents? I’m afraid that’s all there is to it 

Josiah’s voice took on a slightly somber tone. Behind your hospital, there’s a plot of abandoned land. You should be aware of it.” 

Lysander naturally knew what he was talking about

That was the place where medical waste was discarded; it was also where she had cremated their child

I have purchased that plot of land and plan to develop it in collaboration with the hospital. The bottom three floors would be used as a cold storage facility for medical equipment and pharmaceuticals. The remaining thirty floors above are to be constructed into residential apartments.” 

Lysander furrowed her brows slightly, biting her lip as she watched him

The Charming ExWife

Josiah continued, Those residences are meant for the residents of this neighborhood who will be relocated due to the redevelopment. Your parents can move there when the time comes. It’s close to you, so you can be by their side. There’s no more need for long bus rides just to visit home.” 

Lysander didn’t know what to say


I knew that if I bought a house for your parents outright, you would definitely reject it, thinking I’m trying throw money at the problem. So, I came up with this solution. It not only resolves the issue of being near 


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