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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Ruin His Good Fortune

Helen shook her head. “Impossible. I had several traditional medicine practitioners take your pulse, and I bought you so much medicine. Even if it was a female fetus at the beginning, it must’ve turned into a male fetus now! Silly girl, don’t be fooled by others. Quick, come over here-”

“Get lost!” Priscilla’s eyes were reddened and nearly bulging from her anger. “It’s because you fed me some strange medicine that the child in my belly turned into a freak! Yes, she wasn’t a female fetus because she had both male and female gender characteristics! She was a real monster!”

That left Helen completely stunned. “What…”

Suddenly, Priscilla laughed. “Do you want such a ‘grandson’? Hasn’t your Harry found someone of high status? If I were to have his child, would that prominent young lady still want a divorced man who has a child? He might be over the moon that I’ve had an abortion. Be careful of ruining his good fortune if you continue to kick up a fuss.”

There was a strange change in Helen’s expression. “Why are you talking about our family matters in front of strangers? Come, let’s return to the ward first.

“Oh, no. Weren’t you just thinking that the gods are blind? How about this? We get Harry to come here and let him speak for himself.”

All of a sudden, Helen’s bravado subsided, and she asked somewhat incredulously, “Did you just say that Harry… has found someone of high status again?”

“What’s the matter? Didn’t he tell you? The heiress of a listed company took over the company as soon as she returned to the country. That’s much better than this shabby public hospital.”

Helen’s expression shifted ever so slightly.

It seemed as though she wanted to smile but was desperately trying to hold it back, wanti continue displaying the pained expression of one who had just lost a grandchild. However no suppressing the upward turn at the corners of her mouth. As a result, she looked excepti peculiar.

Priscilla took a deep breath before continuing, “I signed the consent form for the abortion surg child was mine, and it was my own decision to terminate the pregnancy. It had nothing to do w anyone else. If you want to continue making a fuss, that’s fine. I’ll call Harry right now.”

“No, no, no!” Helen immediately put on a smile. “Harry has been swamped with work lately, so let’s bother him.”

“In that case, please go back and tell him that I want a divorce,” Priscilla responded, glancing at her with disdain.

As a direct party involved in the situation, Priscilla spoke very clearly. Many people heard and witnessed the incident. Not wanting to continue arguing, Helen left hurriedly.


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