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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 290

Chapter 290 The Youth

“What’s the standard for right or wrong? Is it career success or family happiness? Until the last moment of life, no one can conclude whether the decision made back then was right or wrong.

Josiah chuckled lightly. “Dr. Sutton, you sound quite nostalgic. Did you have a crush in your youth?”

“Of course.”

Josiah’s smile turned disdainful. “Then what’s the use of expressing these ‘youthful theories’ now? At this age. who doesn’t have a past? We’re all on the same starting line, so why discriminate?”

Adrian crossed his arms, looking at him. “I do have a past, but how do you know that my present aren’t the same person?”

past and

Josiah’s expression changed abruptly as he glanced at Lysander. “Have you two met before?”

“Have you forgotten that we’re both medical students

“But didn’t Aiden say you’ve been abroad all this time? And as for Lysander, I know she’s never studied. abroad.”

“I’ve been studying abroad all this time. It’s not like I’ve been restricted from entering the country. Isn’t it normal to come back for academic exchanges or holidays?”

Josiah’s gaze

aze grew more obscure. “Just a few days, and you can fall in love with someone? You don’t even know her situation. Isn’t that a bit hasty as your feelings are based on just a few meetings?”

“I’m not like you. You grew up with your childhood friend, but I don’t have that privilege, so I have to believe in love at first sight.”

Josiah sneered, “Dr. Sutton, this story you’ve crafted isn’t very realistic. Love at first sight? How many instances of that are there in the world?”

Adrian met his gaze, calmly saying, “Youth knows no love or hate, but it’s when one feels most passionate.”

“Oh dear…”

Lysanne’s exclamation finally drew both their attention.


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