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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 483

Chapter 483 His Personal Affairs 

Lysander let out a gasp

The person next to her continued to fill her in, I heard that Mr. Guerra offered him a salary of this amount! Wow, for a newcomer, even with great potential, this figure is almost on par with a midlevel executive. Only a generous company like Guerra Group can afford it. That said, it’s quite a gamble. I heard that Guerra Group signed a tenyear contract with him at one go. The total salary for ten years is over fifty million. If he doesn’t produce any results in his research, Guerra Group will suffer a huge loss!” 

Lysander spoke in a nonchalant tone. Since Guerra Group is willing to invest so much, they must have seen great potential in him, right?” 

Sure, he appears to be impressive, but the cost of employing him makes it too risky. Let’s be real, he’s just a rookie after all.” 

Lysander chuckled. Rookies need time to grow. He can be give.. the potential is there, the next seven years would be incredibly profitable. It’s only after costs and benefits 

three years to find his footing. As long as are balanced out, that his true value emerges. Even if he fails to deliver the expected results for the company in the end, the loss would merely be a decade’s worth of salary. Given Guerra Group’s scale, they can recover the loss from other projects. However, if such talent were to join a rival company and make some breakthrough, their loss could well exceed fifty million.” 

The person next to her suddenly seemed surprised. You’re a fan of Mr. Guerra too, aren’t you?” 

He’s not a celebrity. Since when does he have fans?” 

Haha, I wouldn’t exactly call them fans. It’s just that a lot of people in his circle respect him. What you just said was the exact same thing he said in a previous interview.” 

Lysander left dumbfounded

I swear it was purely coincidental

Hey, which company do you work for?” 

Lysander showed her the invitation. Thorne Constructions and Energies.” 

No wonder. You’re practically a staff member of Guerra Group now.” 

Thorne Constructions and Energies has already separated itself from Guerra Group.” 

Really? I didn’t see any news about it.” 

As they were speaking, a round of enthusiastic applause erupted within the venue

It turned out that Tyrell had just finished speaking. Judging from the intensity of the applause, he was indeed quite impressive

The host took the microphone made a few remarks in between, then said with a smile, It seems that Mr. Llyod’s speech has won the acknowledgment of everyone here. With such talent under Mr. Guerra’s employ, it’s expected that Guerra Group will enter a new phase of development in the coming years. Now, let’s hear a few words from Mr. Guerra himself.” 



Chapter 483 His Personal Affairs 

Lysander was somewhat taken aback

He’s speaking today? Instead of properly preparing his speech last night, he insisted on messing around…. 

Mr. Guerra?” 

Despite the prolonged cheers and applause, no one came up on stage

Lysander glanced toward Zone A where Josiah’s seat was right in the middle of the first row. His nameplate was still placed on the table, but the seat was empty. Only Tiffany was still there

A staff member quickly rushed over to Tiffany. After exchanging a few words with him, he i nod before hurrying back to the stage to whisper the news to the host

a slight 

The host’s frown was visibly evident. Even though the microphone was turned off, his voice could still be heard. Didn’t he just arrive? Why did he leave again?” 

Mr. Guerra’s staff said that he hasn’t entered the venue yet. Apparently, he has some matters to attend to and asked her to go in first. Mr. Guerra will be arriving shortly.” 

The host glanced at his watch. It’s been over an hour. Is Mr. Guerra really going to show up?” 

The staff member was just as clueless

Meanwhile, an awkward atmosphere descended upon the venue

Mr. Guerra.” 

Suddenly, a gasp echoed from the entrance of Zone B. 

Everyone turned to look. It seemed that Josiah had just returned, still panting heavily. His gaze swept over the audience in Zone B, quickly locating Lysander

Many people followed his gaze, turning their attention her way. Lysander quickly lowered her head to avoid his stare

Meanwhile, the host had also noticed what was going on and switched on the microphone. Mr. Guerra, you’ve finally returned. Everyone has been waiting for your speech.” 

Josiah gave a slight nod. Just a moment.” 

With a long stride, he ascended the stairs leading to the Zone B aisle

Mr. Guerra, what is this about” 

Josiah handed the item he was holding to a person in the second row, closest to the aisle. Could you please pass this along to the lady in the middle wearing the white coat? Thank you.” 

It was a brown paper bag

After passing through the hands of inore than a dozen people, it finally ended up in Lysander’s hands

She hesitated before touching it, finding the paper bag surprisingly warm

What is he un to nom



Chapter 483 His Personal Affairs 

Seeing Lysander look at him. Josiah broke into a slight smile. Without saying much else, he turned around and descended the steps, heading toward the main stage

The spotlight knowingly trailed him all the way, highlighting his figure until he reached the stage. His first words were an apology. I’m sorry everyone. I had some personal matters to attend to and was late. I hope all of you can forgive me.” 

The host interjected. You’re not really late. In fact, you’ve arrived just in time.” 

Those who are able to attend this summit are the industry’s top talents and rising stars. Everyone’s time is precious, and I hope I didn’t waste any. For the past few years, I didn’t have the opportunity to participate in this summit. So, this year, I want to make use of this opportunity to share some insights from the past few years with everyone.” 

From the moment Josiah entered the room, the surrounding whispers ceased


It’s been several years since Mr. Guerra attended, hasn’t it? He must have come this time for Tyrell, right? After all, he’s the rookie on whom a significant investment was placed.” 

I agree, and it’s clear that Tyrell didn’t let Mr. Guerra down. His speech earlier was indeed brilliant, showing great potential.” 

Am I the only one curious about what’s inside that parchment bag?” 

Me too. I feel the same way! What could be so important that it would make Mr. Guerra personally go and fetch it?” 

Also, why did he hand it over to that girl? Who is she, anyway?” 


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