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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 488

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 488 Yielding When Necessary 

Lysander didn’t respond. It was unclear whether she was unable to speak or if her consciousness was blurring. She closed her eyes and slowly rested her head against the leather chair behind her, maintaining her silence in a position far more comfortable than leaning over the coffee table

This position brought her even closer to Josiah than before

Just like the previous night, Josiah could smell the faint fragrance of Lysander’s hair. His furrowed brows relaxed, and he said with a hint of urgency, You’re already suffering from such high fever, yet you’re still focused on othersmatters. You should focus more on yourself and less on others.” 

Lysander heard those words in a state of semiconsciousness. Instinctively, she wanted to retort, but her body reacted before her mind could, leading her back into a hazy slumber

She slept much more deeply than she had before

When Lysander regained consciousness, she found herself lying in a hospital bed

Everywhere she looked was a stark white, even her own hand resting on the blanket was similarly pale

Seeing the situation, the nurse who was using an alcohol swab to clean Lysander’s hand quickly whispered, The patient has woken up.” 

In the next moment, Josiah, who had been standing behind the IV pole, took a step forward to the bedside. He looked at Lysander, whose face was as pale as a sheet. Complicated emotions swirled within his eyes

There was worry and blame, but above all, he was observing, wanting to see how she was doing

Lysander was bewildered when she woke up. Just as she was about to speak, a sharp pain shot through the back of her hand

She was familiar with that sensation, figuring it was likely the nurse administering an injection to her

Josiah noticed the subtle changes in her expression. He slowly said, Don’t move.” 

Once Lysander realized that she was getting an injection, she naturally cooperated obediently

In the next moment, a hint of displeasure could be heard in Josiah’s voice as he questioned, What’s going on? This is already the second attempt.” 

The nurse was also frantic, her forehead covered in sweat. Her veins are too thin. It’s hard to locate them.” 

With a menacing figure like Josiah looming nearby, the nurse was under immense pressure. Coupled with the continued difficulty in locating a vein, the young nurse became somewhat flustered

What medication are you injecting?Lysander asked

The nurse said, Clindamycin. It’s for inflammation.” 

Do I have pneumonia?” 

Upon hearing Lysander’s response, the nurse knew Lysander was familiar with the medication and immediately responded, It’s a mild case of pneumonia. The most severe issues are actually in the upper 


09:13 Sat, 8 Jun 

Chapter 488 Yielding When Necessary 

The condition was almost as Lysander had predicted


She was certain that her fever indicated an inflammation, Considering the severity of her sore throat from the past couple of days, she suspected it was likely an upper respiratory infection

She felt much better during the day, thinking she was out of the woods. Little did she know, the disease had already spread from her bronchial tubes to her lungs

Josiah asked. Is it serious?” 

Lysander said, It’s a common illness. A few days of intravenous treatment should do the trick. If you combine it with atomization, the recovery will be even quicker.” 

The young nurse had calmed down by then. So, you’re also in the medical field?” 

Indeed. I specialize in obstetrics and gynecology.” 

No wonder,the young nurse said. I initially wanted to give you Cephalexin, but you were asleep, and I couldn’t ask if you were allergic. Your husband didn’t allow us to conduct a skin test, so we had to resort to using Clindamycin instead.” 

Lysander nodded. I’m not allergic to Cephalexin, so you can administer the medication

Should I seek the doctor to change your medication?” 

No need. You can administer this at the moment.” 

All right.” 

Lysander then realized something and quickly added, He’s not my husband.” 

The young nurse paused for a moment. But he just carried you into the hospital- 

He was just helping out.” 

Oh, I see.” 

Keep making things up,Josiah said grumpily. Did the needle go in or not?” 

The young nurse was somewhat troubled. Perhaps we should try the other hand. The veins in this one are 

too thin to see,” 

Lysander was reluctant to change

At the moment, the young nurse was tending to her left hand, leaving her free to use her right hand to eat and check her phone

Therefore, she withdrew her left hand, opening and closing it several times. She then used some force to give the back of her left hand a few hefty slaps

Afterward, she gently pressed her fingertips against the back of her hand to locate the vein. She showed it to the young nurse and said, Here, feel this.” 

Finally, the young nurse managed to locate the vein and inserted the needle in one swift motion. She secured it with tane and said. At last, it’s done.” 

Chapter 488 Yielding When Necessary 

Okay. Thank you.” 

You’re welcome. It’s my job.” 

Listening to how hard Lysander slapped her own hand, Josiah furrowed his brows. You really don’t hold back on yourself, do you?” 

Lysander said, As long as the needle is in, it’s fine.” 

The nurse swiftly secured the IV drip, tidying up and preparing to leave. As she did, she advised Josiah, The patient’s fever hasn’t subsided yet. You need to record her temperature every hour. Oh, and she’s somewhat dehydrated, so remember to keep her hydrated. Moreover, her veins are so thin. She definitely hasn’t been eating well recently. You should get her some food, preferably something easy to digest.” 

All right.Josiah took the precautions to heart, making a serious mental note of them. He then nodded in gratitude toward the nurse, I apologize for my earlier behavior.” 

The nurse offered a kind smile. It’s all right. I could understand how you were feeling.” 

Lysander lay on the hospital bed, gazing at the ceiling

She wasn’t sure what had transpired after Josiah had brought her to the hospital. Her fever had been so high at the time that she’d lost all consciousness, and she couldn’t recall a thing

The hospital room was the best private suite available. Once the nurse left, it was just the two of them, locked in a silent standoff

Lysander lifted her hand, which was resting on the blanket, and touched her forehead. Indeed, she was still running a fever

Moreover, the fever was quite high

Josiah turned around and headed to the water dispenser. He filled a paper cup with hot water and placed it on the bedside table. With a hint of impatience in his voice, he said, It’s not too hot now. Drink some and go to sleep.” 

Thank you.” 

Josiah glanced at her. There’s nobody else in the ward right now. Do we really need to keep up with this whole maintaining distanceroutine?” 

This is called manners.” 


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