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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 493

Chapter 493 Excited 

The expression on Lysander’s face changed in an instant

The events of the previous night were a bit of a blur to her

She vaguely remembered how Josiah had driven her to the brink of insanity, causing her to push him away while crying out. When she found herself unable to push him any further, she resorted to biting him in desperation

As for where she bit him, it was hard to tell. The room was pitch black at the time, and her mind was in such a haze that she couldn’t be sure

However, she regretted it up until now

She had assumed that after feeling pain, Josiah would let her go. To her surprise, he became even excited and unrestrained

When Lysander heard the turmoil caused by this bite mark, she truly didn’t know what to say

Before long, Josiah, who had stepped out to fetch some items from the hospital entrance, returned laden with several bags. The first thing he noticed upon entering the ward was the IV pole with an IV drip hanging from it. Only then did he turn his attention to Tiffany, who was seated by the bed

Tiffany’s checks had a rosy blush as she said, Jose, you’re back.” 

Josiah glanced at her and asked, Why is your face so red? You don’t have a fever, do you?” 

No, no. It’s just too hot in here.” 

After asking that question, Josiah didn’t immediately expect an answer from her. Instead, he simply went about his business and set down the items he had been carrying

Suddenly, his expression changed

Lysander followed the sound and noticed that the IV tube had somehow backflowed with blood, its bright red color glaring

Remembering the promise she made to Josiah when he left. Tiffany’s face turned pale with fear. Oh my God, there’s so much bloodshe exclaimed

As a surgeon who had operated before, Lysander had seen scenarios far more terrifying than this. Composing herself, she said, It’s just a back flow, it’s fine. Don’t be scared.” 

Josiah had already pressed the call bell. Raising his eyebrows in displeasure, he asked, What do you mean by just a back flow?” 

As they were talking, the nurse had already rushed over. Upon seeing the blood in the IV tube, she calmly flicked the tube to let the blood flow back before proceeding to remove the needle and replace it with

new one

Why didn’t anyone turn it off after the IV drip was finished?” 

Feeling a pang of guilt, Tiffany replied, It’s all my fault. I completely lost track of time while chatting with 


Chapter 493 Excited

Josiah’s expression was somewhat bitter when he said, You should go back. I’ll stay here by myself.” 

Lysander gave him a pat. Don’t be mad, Mr. Guerra. It’s just a back flow. Don’t scare Ms. Lanister.” 

And you.Josiah turned to Lysander, clearly irritated. What were you chatting so happily about? As a medical professional, how could you not notice the back flow?” 

Lysander choked. Wewere talking about you.” 

What about me?” 

Lynn quickly stood up, interrupting, Lysa, take good care of yourself. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be on my way.” 

Lysander gave her a nod. Thanks for the oatmeal today.” 

Tiffany smiled, then quickly ran off

Josiah showed absolutely no intention of chasing after her. He didn’t even move an inch

Lysander asked Josiah. Are you just going to let Tiffany go back alone?” 

Josiah didn’t quite catch what she was implying. I’m not her personal chauffeur.” 

After saying that, he realized that he had been a bit too irritable just now

He softened his voice and asked, Does the back flow hurt?” 


After hearing her reply, Josiah felt a pang in his heart. He seemed like a different person compared to earlier, saying, I wasn’t trying to be harsh with you earlier. I guess I was just upset because I care about 


Lysander could tell that he was tired judging from the way his brows were scrunched together, and she could probably guess why

Two nights ago, he had spent the entire night fussing over her without sleeping. He probably also stayed up the whole night last night monitoring her temperature

Even strongest person would eventually run out of energy

Seeing that Lysander remained silent, Josiah helped her back onto the bed. He was particularly careful with her hand which had the needle in it. Then, he took out a hand warmer from his bag and placed it in her palm. That day.. I was also provoked by the note Adrian wrote. I really didn’t plan to do anything” 

At the thought of that note, Lysander frowned too

If Adrian asks me about it after I return, what should I say? What a headache

Lysander was too sick to argue with him. She leaned back on her hospital bed and sighed. I never thought I’d fly all the way from Harborbrook to Apex City just to visit the hospital.” 

Josiah responded, How does it compare to the Central Hospital?” 



Chapter 493 Excited 

Lysander glanced around the room and replied. This ward is a bit outdated. It doesn’t have the modern amenities of Central Hospital, but this isn’t a main issue here. As long as it can treat patients, it’s a good hospital.” 

Josiah said. The weather here can’t compare to Harborbrook too. The air in Apex City is too dry.” 

Instantly, a jolt sur 

through Lysander’s heart

There should be a humidifier in the ward. Otherwise, it’s only a matter of time before one gets a fever.” 

Lysander rubbed her nose, remaining silent

Noticing her unnatural expression, Josiah asked, What’s wrong?” 

Lysander caught a glimpse of the bite mark on his neck


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