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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 495

Chapter 495 Not A Problem 

By the time they returned to Harborbrook, it was already afternoon

One by one, the passengers disembarked the plane and waited for their luggage

Lysander’s suitcase wasn’t particularly large. Just as she was about to lift it down, Josiah had already beaten her to it. He effortlessly picked up her suitcase and placed it on the luggage cart

Seeing her standing still, he knowingly asked, Why are you looking at me?” 

This place was nothing like Apex City

There were significantly more people in Harborbrook who knew Josiah than in Apex City

Hand it over to me. I can push the luggage cart myself.” 

Josiah shifted her hand away and pushed the luggage cart, leading the way ahead. A single luggage cart can hold two suitcases. Let’s not hog public resources,he said

Lysander gritted her teeth and chased after him with a quick jog

She had assumed that Josiah would walk away faster, but he had stopped not too far ahead, appearing somewhat lost in thought as he stared into the distance

Is Lysanne here?” 

Regaining his composure, Josiah furrowed his brow and said, Can we not bring her up again in the future?” 

What were you looking at then?” 

Josiah pointed at somewhere not too far from them

A petite girl was perched atop a suitcase. Dressed in a white gauzy dress, she was gently pushed forward by 

her father

How old is that girl?” 

Probably a little over one year old, but not quite two yet.” 

Josiah found himself somewhat entranced as he remarked, She’s quite adorable.” 

A pang struck Lysander’s heart, and she averted her gaze. All children are adorable. Give me the stroller,” she said

Josiah took a step forward, pushing the cart ahead of her and skillfully avoiding her hand. However, his mood had clearly dipped. It’s fine, I’ve got this,” he said

I’m not going this way. I’m heading over there to hail a taxi,Lysander interjected

Josiah, however, headed straight for the parking lot. I’ll give you a ride home. It’s on the way.” 

I’m not going home.” 


Chapter 495 Not A Problem 

Josiah asked, Where do you want to go?” 

I’m going to the hospital to check on Michelle.” 

It’s rather late today. Besides, haven’t you been video calling Michelle every day these past few days?” 

Lysander confessed. I’m worried about her. As long as Zachary is still here. I can’t let my guard down completely.” 

Well, I don’t think he dares to make any moves for now.” 

What did you do?” 

I only reminded him to stop pushing his luck.” 

Lysander’s expression suddenly turned serious. You’re not thinking of” 

Don’t you ever think about it? His presence is like a ticking time bomb. He is bound to explode sooner or later. If he disappears from this world, your family can finally live in peace.” 

Lysander didn’t know what to reply

She was unable to answer that question

Deep down, she couldn’t deny that the crazy thought had flashed across her mind

Upon noticing her slightly pale complexion, Josiah chuckled and gently said, If he had threatened me with you in the past, he would have vanished from this world already. But nowI want to build up some good karma for our child. I hope she can be reborn into a loving family

A dull ache swept over Lysander’s heart. Can we not talk about this?” 

All right, let’s not talk about it anymore.” 

Carol, along with the driver, was already waiting at the arrival gate ahead of time

Carol was initially surprised to see Josiah carrying so much stuff with both hands, but then she noticed Lysander just a few steps behind him. Her expression turned understanding as she smiled and greeted them, Mr. Guerra, Ms. Thorne.” 

Josiah took the opportunity to hand his luggage to the driver, gesturing for him to put it directly into the trunk

Carol, it’s been a while. I’m sorry for the trouble Thorne Constructions and Energiesaffairs have been causing you recently. I appreciate you sorting out all the documents. And I owe you one for delivering the invitation to the summit to me.” 

Carol smiled. All of this is part of my job. I heard that you’ve been unwell, Ms. Thorne. Are you feeling better now?” 

I’m feeling better now, thank you.” 

Lysander was acquainted with Carol. At that moment, she was preoccupied with greeting her, unaware of the driver’s actions. By the time she wanted to grab her luggage, she realized the driver had already returned to the car


Chapter 495 Not A Problem 

Josiah casually bent down and seated himself in the back row of the car

Seeing Lysander approach, Josiah promptly pushed open the car door and said, Get in.” 

Carol quickly smoothed things over, saying, Ms. Thorne, please get in the car. After all, you’re now living next door to Mr. Guerra. It’s on the way, so you should go back together. It’s quite hard to get a taxi at this hour.” 

Before Lysander could say anything further, Carol had already swiftly sat on the passenger seat

Josiah said, Come on up. Don’t keep everyone waiting.” 

Carol had already settled into the front passenger seat and struck up a conversation with the driver. Lysander looked around, left with no other choice but to sit beside Josiah in the back seat

Josiah, being considerate, had deliberately moved over to give her ample space, also creating some 

distance between them


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