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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 516

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 516 Tiffany And Her Ploy 

Lysander felt conflicted at the mention of that. My parents are getting on in years, and there’s been one thing after another recently. The housebuying process alone was fraught with complications. Michelle’s injury hasn’t fully healed either, which probably gave them quite a scare. I’ll wait a little while longer, let them settle down a bit, and then I’ll find an opportunity to talk to them.” 

Daphne agreed with her. Yeah. Mr. and Mrs. Thorne raised you as if you were their own. I bet they’d be disappointed that you found your biological parents. But I think they’ll probably come to terms with it when they see how well your real parents are treating you.” 

They chatted for a while longer before spotting a familiar figure

Tiffany, dressed in casual attire, warmly greeted them, Ms. Thorne!” 

Daphne narrowed her eyes while scrutinizing the girl before turning to Lysander. Isn’t that Josiah’s fiancée? Is she here looking for him? Wait a minute. Why is she here too?” 

Lysander noticed the person behind Tiffany and shook her head. I don’t know.” 

As they spoke, Tiffany had already trotted over cheerfully

Lysanne trailed behind her. Tiffany, slow down. You’re popular now, so you need to be mindful of your image in public.” 

Oh, okay.” Tiffany listened to Lysanne and stopped skipping about, walking gracefully and greeting the duo elegantly, Hello, Ms. Thorne, Daphne.” 

Daphne’s expression soured the moment she saw Lysanne. Ms. Lanister, I’m glad to see you making friends, but the consequences can be severe if you don’t choose your friends carefully.” 

I’ve known Lyss since we were kids. She’s really nice,” said Tiffany before asking Lysander, Is Jose still here, Ms. Thorne?” 

Lysander asked, Didn’t you call him before you came?” 

Tiffany stuck out her tongue. I wasn’t planning on coming, but Lyss told me Jose’s here all alone, and if I don’t show up, people might suspect something’s wrong with the relationship between Guerra Group and Riveron Corporation. So, I decided to swing by.” 

Daphne chuckled. You can just come here alone. Why did she tag along?” 

Lysanne was no longer as prideful as she used to be, but she wasn’t exactly polite when speaking to Daphne. Tiffany is young and clueless. It’s only natural that I help her.” 

Are you helping her, or are you helping yourself?” 

I’m afraid I don’t understand what you’re saying, Ms. Everhart.” 

Figures. Dogs don’t understand people after all.” Daphne spoke, pointing in the direction of the restaurant. Ms. Lanister, Josiah’s inside chatting with someone. Go on in if you’re looking for him

Tiffany said, Are they discussing business matters? I’m afraid I might intrude. Why don’t you go check it out, Lyss? You’re so capable, I’m sure you could be of help.” 


23:50 Sun. 9 Jun 

Chapter 576 Tiffany And Her Ploy 

After contemplating for a moment, Lysander nodded. That works. You can stay here and hang out with them. I’ll go check things out and let you know.” 

All right. Thank you, Lyss!” 

You’re welcome.” 

Lysander walked toward the restaurant alone

Daphne was so furious that her features contorted. What is she playing at? Does she think we’re too dumb to know what’s going on?” 

Lysander gave her a look, subtly reminding her that Tiffany was around

Daphne immediately shut up and scooted aside on the bench, making room and patting the spot next to her. Come here, Ms. Lanister. Sit with us.” 

Tiffany cheerfully sauntered over and took a seat next to Daphne. Daphne, is there some sort of misunderstanding between you and Lyss? It seems like there’s some tension between the two of you.” 

Oh, what misunderstanding could we possibly have? I’m just on justice’s side, that’s all. But Ms. Lanister, you should be careful.” 

Be careful of what?” 

Daphne was frustrated. You should beware of those who might use you as a pawn, exploiting your reputation to achieve their own goals!” 

With an innocent smile, Tiffany tapped herself on the forehead. No worries, I’m quite clever.” 

Goodness, you silly girl” 

When Daphne was conversing with Tiffany, Lysander quietly observed them from the side

Ever since the day Amelia had pointed it out to her, she had become more cautious around Tiffany. She found herself subconsciously questioning the motives behind every single one of Tiffany’s actions

For instance, the day she came to deliver the water soluble electrolyte powder, she clearly saw the disgust. in Josiah’s eyes. Josiah also advised her to stay away from Lysanne

But how would Lysanne know that Josiah is at the resort if she hadn’t mentioned it? She sent Lysanne into the restaurant alone, and it’s clear how Josiah would treat Lysanne. On the surface, it seems as if Lysanne is using Tiffany as an excuse to see Josiah, but it can also be the other way around. By doing that, not only will she have a reason to see Josiah, but she’ll also make Josiah dislike Lysander even more. Who’s the puppet and who’s the puppet master is not certain yet

Sure enough, before long, Josiah emerged from the restaurant with Aurora in his arms, his face etched with anger

Lysanne trailed behind him, her eyes reddened, a telltale sign that she had just shed tears

Josiah instantly spotted Lysander and quickly walked over. Why are you here?” 

Lysander glanced behind him, seeing no one else. Did Dr. Sutton and Aiden leave?” 


23.50 Sun, 9 Jun 

Chapter 516 Tiffany And Her Ploy 

Josiah’s expression was grim. They didn’t stay for long. Have you finished talking with Daphne? If you’re done, let’s go back. We agreed to start reviewing Thome Constructions and Energies personnel files today. The baby is hungry, and I can’t prepare the baby formula while holding her.” 

Oh, okay.” 

Tiffany called out, Jose.” 

Josiah’s expression softened a bit as he nodded. I’ll contact your father in a bit and ask him to send. someone to pick you up.” 

All right.” 

Josiah added, Also, before you decide to do anything, you should consult your father first instead of listening to just about anyone.” 

Tiffany glanced at Lysanne cautiously. Lyss, why are you crying? Did you have a fight with Jose? How could you treat Lyss like this, Jose? She means well, and she’s a girl. You shouldn’t bully a girl even it’s for Ms. Thorne and Daphne’s sake.” 

Lysanne glared at Lysander resentfully, gritting her teeth in frustration

Josiah took a step forward, positioning himself protectively in front of Lysander, his tone icy. Handing Thorne Constructions and Energies over to Lysander was Mr. Thorne’s decision. I was the one who signed the contract and overlooked the procedures. She never intended to compete with you over anything. Moreover, the Thorne family’s wealth rightfully belongs to her.” 


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