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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 543

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 543 Threaten Me 

From the corner of his eye, he noticed two individuals clad in black not too far off. They had become aware of the commotion over here. One of them began to make a call on his phone

Hahaha! They saw it, didn’t they? Is he calling Josiah? Why are you being so stubborn? The outcome will be the same, yet you insist on enduring unnecessary hardship-” 


A muffled thud of flesh and bone exploded beside Lysander’s car

Just moments ago, Zachary, who had been clinging onto her tightly, was suddenly sent flying by a surge of force

The hand that had been pressing against her throat finally loosened

Lysander bent over, seized by a violent coughing fit. The urge to vomit was overwhelming, and she couldn’t suppress it any longer. She crouched on the ground, dry heaving, her eyes filled with unshed 


Someone was patting her back to help her catch her breath, his voice hoarse with worry. Are you all right?” 

Lysander took several quick breaths. Yes.” 

Zachary hadn’t planned on actually choking her to death. He had held back a bit. However, she was already feeling queasy, and then, being somewhat deprived of oxygen, all her discomfort exploded all at once. She crouched on the ground for quite some time, unable to vomit anything, but she was so uncomfortable that she was drenched in cold sweat

Josiah dared not touch her. Hang in there. I’ll get someone to call the doctor.” 

Lysander waved her hand dismissively. No. If my parents see this, they’ll just worry more. They’re already concerned enough about Michelle.” 

Are you okay, then?” 

Zachary didn’t go all out on me. It’s just my old ailment acting up again, making me want to vomit. A little rest should help me recover.” 

In that case, I’ll accompany you.” 

After being exposed to the cold wind outside for a while, Lysander began to feel much better

She slowly rose to her feet, her gaze falling on Zachary as he struggled to get up

In the throes of his fury, Josiah had no control over his strength. All she saw was Zachary lying motionless on the ground, a pool of blood and several teeth scattered near his head

Two individuals clad in black attire noticed the commotion from not too far away. Swiftly, they rushed over and took firm control of Zachary

These two were bodyguards assigned by Josiah himself. Upon realizing they had almost caused an 


Chapter 543 Threaten Me 

Josiah, on the other hand, didn’t say anything to them

Their original assignment had been merely to keep an eye on Zachary. Their responsibility was fulfilled when they alerted others upon noticing his unusual behavior. However, his risky attempt to kidnap Lysander was completely unexpected

Lysander was worried that Josiah might fire them, so she quickly added, They’ve been nearby all along. They never left.” 

I know.Josiah’s face was impassive, but his eyes were filled with an unmistakable rage. The way he looked at Zachary was as if he was staring at a dead man

The bodyguards checked over Zachary and reported, He seems to have fainted, but he’s still breathing. Mr. Guerra, how should we proceed?” 

Josiah, supporting Lysander, commanded in a cold voice, There’s no need to keep this person around.” 

The men in black, who were holding Zachary, gave a slight nod before attempting to drag him out directly

Astonished, Lysander quickly stepped forward, exclaiming, Wait a moment!” 

Josiah’s voice dropped as he retorted, Are you really going to go soft at this point? Or do you think his threats aren’t enough? I, for one, have had enough.” 

I have no intention of pleading for him.” Lysander’s expression was filled with nothing but disgust. She cautioned, But we’re in a hospital, surrounded by surveillance cameras. You could hand him over to the security guards or call the police.” 

Josiah dismissed it lightly and said, I can handle this small matter myself. There’s no need to waste police 


Take him away,he ordered the two clad in black who had halted

Just at that moment, Zachary coughed heavily, stirring awake slowly

The moment he saw Josiah, he completely lost it. Mr. Guerra, give me a chance,he pleaded. Give me a chance to prove my worth! I promise to make more money for Guerra Group in the future. Just give me another opportunity” 

From his elevated position, Josiah looked down at him, his brows furrowed as he urged his bodyguards, Think there aren’t enough people here already? Hurry up!” 

The bodyguards instantly covered Zachary’s mouth, dragging him toward the nearby car

A long trail of blood stained the ground

Then, he was swiftly ushered into the back seat of a black car

One bodyguard drove off, leaving a trail of dust behind him, while the other stayed. He quickly reassured, Don’t worry, Mr. Guerra. I’ll immediately take care of any traces left here.” 

Josiah gave a nonchalant hum. His attention remained fixated on Lysander. Still feeling unwell?he asked

Lysander felt a heavy unease in her heart, an inexplicable discomfort. She asked, Where do you plan on 



Chapter 543 Threaten Me 

taking him?” 

Josiah answered in a low voice, Take care of yourself first.” 

Lysander’s voice was still very weak. His obsession is deep, and he won’t stop until he achieves his goal. I’m afraid that if he ever gets a chance in the future, he might harm my family again.” 

Josiah gave her a reassuring gesture. He won’t get a chance.” 

With a mix of doubt and curiosity, Lysander uttered, You have to at least let me know what you plan to do with him, right? Mdm. Camila is still in the ward. She knows I left with Zachary, If I return alone, I need to have an explanation.” 

Out of the blue, Josiah asked, So, you just followed him downstairs without any caution? Do you realize how dangerous that was?” 

Lysander recalled the recent scene, and she couldn’t help but express her shock. This is a hospital. He wouldn’t dare to actually harm me. He merely wants to force you into meeting him. His target has always been you, not me.” 

But you could definitely pose a threat to me.” 

Lysander fell silent

If he were truly serious, I would have given him what he wanted.” 

Lysander’s eyes flickered, and she avoided his intense gaze. I’m much better now. I need to return.” 


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