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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 556

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 556 The Wicked Getting Picked On 


Lysanne hadn’t even had time for a meal, let alone a sip of hot water. When she finally managed to get up, she saw a jar of cold water in the kitchen. Without any hesitation or disgust, she drank it all, not leaving a single drop behind

Perhaps due to the fear that had shattered her courage, she didn’t dare to show herself after drinking the water. She endured the pain and hid for a long time before she dared to venture out

Those kids were typical bullies, preying on the weak and fearing the strong. Seeing Lysanne merely putting on a show of strength, they completely dismissed her, not taking her seriously. After snatching the dinner she had prepared, they simply went back to sleep

In front of Howard and Molly, Lysanne had once dared to throw around threats of life and death. But then, after truly being bullied, she didn’t dare to let out a peep. Even when she cautiously made her way back to that dilapidated room in the dark, she was careful not to wake the children or the nuns in the courtyard

As she passed by the stairwell, an idea suddenly popped into her mind. She remembered there was a landline phone in Alisha’s office, which might have international roaming capabilities

With that in mind, Lysanne clung to a faint glimmer of hope and cautiously climbed upward

The lights in Alisha’s office were not on

Upon realizing that no one was there, Lysanne quickly closed the door behind her. In the sporadic moonlight, she picked up the phone receiver. However, she hesitated just as she was about to dial

She had fallen so low that even the children in the orphanage could step on her. She truly wondered who would come to rescue her then

Those fairweather friends who ceased their association with her after her status changed were utterly unreliable

Lysanne sadly realized that, after much thought, all the people she could think of who might have been. able to help her had been those she had manipulated and hurt in the past. If only these people had treated me a little better, how could I have ended up in such a dire situation

With resentment, she dialed Howard’s number, and only when the call connected did she adopt a voice choked with sobs. Dad, you need to send someone to save me. Josiah has lost his mind. He actually wants me to take care of a bunch of crazy kids in an orphanage… 

A long sigh echoed from the other end of the line

The next moment, the call was ended


Upon learning that Josiah was true to his word, only providing Lysanne a place for selfreflection, Howard. lost every last shred of sympathy for her

Lysanne hadn’t expected Howard to be so heartless. Despite her disappointment, she dialed his number again. This time, he didn’t bother picking up

Howard had truly severed all ties with this adopted daughter of his

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07:43 Wed, 19 Jun 

Chapter 556 The Wicked Getting Picked On 


her despair, she had no choice but to dial another number that she could still remember. It was Tiffany’s 


The phone was promptly answered

Tiffany, in her usual cheerful and innocent tone, answered the call from an unknown number. May I ask 

She had barely started speaking when Lysanne eagerly interrupted, It’s me! I’m Lyss! Tiffany, listen to me. I’m in trouble. You have to come save mel” 

Huh?Tiffany sounded utterly bewildered. Lyss, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” 

Lysanne had truly had enough of Tiffany’s naive and slowwitted demeanor. However, in order to escape, she had no choice but to endure it. Using the condescending tone she previously thought was effective in manipulating Tiffany, she choked back her emotions and began to recount the day’s events


I see,” Tiffany responded, her voice sounding somewhat peculiar after understanding the situation

Lysanne didn’t have the time to consider all these factors. Choking back tears, she said, This place is simply unlivable. Those kids are terribly vicious. I wouldn’t even survive here until I’m thirty, let alone the fact that I have to endure cold water, leftover food, and beatings every day. I can’t stand another day of 


Tiffany’s tone suddenly turned indifferent. In fact, she sounded like a naive little girl that had lost interest. She asked, So? What do you want me to do? I don’t even know where you are.” 

Tiffany, listen to me. You need to go and find Josiah right now and plead with him! If he doesn’t budge, then go find Carol. Shower her with money. She’s Josiah’s secretary. She’s seen the world, so a few hundred thousand won’t move her. You should be prepared to offer three to five million. Everyone loves money. You just keep throwing money at her until she gives in! Once she tells you where I am, immediately send someone to rescue me!Lysanne said

With a puzzled expression. Tiffany asked again However, Lyss, wouldn’t this potentially upset Jose? I really don’t dare to.” 

This statement successfully left Lysanne speechless

Lysanne was solely focused on whether she could escape, completely indifferent to the fate of others. However, in order to reassure Tiffany, she patiently said to her, Don’t worry. Josiah treats you like a little sister. Even if he scolds you, it’s just a few words. He won’t harm you. Come on, Tiffany. Haven’t you always listened to my advice? Don’t waste time now. Go directly to Carol. Remember to bring more money” 


A crisp laughter echoed from the other end of the line

Lysanne stood in Alisha’s pitchblack office, her body prickling with fear as she clutched the receiver, her voice trembling as she asked, Tiffany, why are you laughing

I’m laughing at you.” 

At last, Tiffany revealed her true colors, hidden beneath the facade of an innocent and naive girl

Lysanne was taken aback. Wh

Chapter 556 The Wicked Getting Picked On 

To me, you now hold no value whatsoever. Lyss, you’re so foolish it’s laughable.” 


A sense of foreboding welled up in Lysanne’s heart. She attempted to feign ignorance and uttered, What do you mean by that? I don’t understand- 


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